
"What did Logan Carter say to you just now?" Ava Bennett glanced at Ethan Park and asked.

"Nothing much. He wants to take me out to dinner," Ethan Park replied.

"Him? Taking you out?" Ava Bennett looked at Ethan Park in disbelief and then said, "Oh, come on, really? What did he actually say? Tell me!"

"...," Ethan Park was speechless. It's so hard to be honest these days. So, he said, "He told me to stay away from you!"

"Now that makes more sense! No more lying in the future!" Ava Bennett nodded. "So what did you say?"

Ethan Park sighed. The truth wasn't believable, but lies were more easily accepted!

"I told him to stay away from me!" Ethan Park continued to fabricate.

"Heh..." Ava Bennett chuckled and didn't say anything else. For some reason, lately, she had been occasionally dreaming about Ethan Park at night. During the day, she often thought of him. Now, helping him with his studies during evening self-study had become a habit. If he didn't come one day, Ava Bennett would feel a bit empty inside.

Just now, she had waited for a long time without seeing Ethan Park, so she turned around unconsciously and saw Logan Carter talking to him.

Somehow, she started comparing Logan Carter and Ethan Park in her mind. The once-prince-like Logan Carter's image suddenly dimmed, leaving only his pettiness and narrow-mindedness. On the other hand, Ethan Park, whom she used to think was good-for-nothing, now seemed genuine and kind.

Although Ethan Park could be domineering and liked to fight sometimes, he had good qualities and was friendly to people, which was why Ava Bennett didn't dislike him.

Ethan Park had no idea what Ava Bennett was thinking. He casually handed over the test paper that Amelia had specially prepared for him.

In the evening, Ethan Park arrived at Amelia's office as usual. These days, he hadn't encountered that pesky King Kong, and King Kong hadn't caused him any trouble either.

Ethan Park's philosophy was: if people don't mess with me, I won't mess with them. If they do, I usually ignore it unless it's unforgivable. Like with Logan Carter, those thugs didn't do much to him, so Ethan Park didn't retaliate.

Even when King Kong smashed his bicycle, Ethan Park didn't think of asking him to pay for it.

"Well done, Ethan Park. You've been making great progress lately. If you keep this up, you'll catch up with the current review pace in two weeks!" Amelia said, looking pleased after reviewing the test paper Ethan handed her.

"That's all thanks to you, Amelia!" Ethan Park flattered her.

Amelia gave him a stern look and said, "Don't credit it all to me. If Ava Bennett heard that, she'd say you were ungrateful!"

"Oh? Amelia, you know about that?" Ethan Park said awkwardly with his mouth wide open.

"Is there anything you can hide from me!" Amelia snorted. "Ethan Park, we're about the same age, and there's nothing to hide between us. But let me tell you, with the college entrance exams coming up, don't get distracted!"

"Got it, Amelia!" Ethan Park promised, patting his chest. "I'll focus all my attention on you!"

Amelia thought, this kid isn't serious, right? But seeing Ethan Park's mischievous smile, Amelia knew he was joking.

"Yes, I'm reminding you. You already have a beautiful older sister like me who agreed to be your wife in the future, so don't focus on other women!" Amelia said teasingly.

"Uh... Amelia... I was joking... hehe..." Ethan Park felt a chill run down his spine.

After packing up their things, they left the office. Over these days of tutoring, Ethan Park and Amelia had become very familiar with each other and developed a good rapport. Just like earlier, when they left the office, Ethan Park turned off the lights while Amelia locked the door, as if they had done it many times before.

"Amelia, it's still early. How about we get some late-night snacks?" Ethan Park suggested, checking his watch and feeling the money in his pocket.

"Alright, you've made great progress lately. As your sister, I'll treat you to something nice!" Amelia said with a smile.

"That's not right. You're giving me free tutoring and now treating me to food? I'd feel bad!" Ethan Park shook his head.

"Nonsense. If you don't see me as your sister, then you can treat me. Not only treat me but also compensate me for the overtime tutoring!" Amelia said, slightly angry.

Seeing Amelia genuinely upset and knowing she was truly looking out for him, Ethan Park realized it would be pretentious to insist otherwise. So, he nodded in agreement.

They left the school and headed towards the nearby night market. Although it was early spring and still a bit chilly, the night market was bustling.

This was Songjiang City's famous snack street, a favorite spot for many students and workers who had just finished their shifts. They would order some small dishes and a few beers, enjoying the leisurely atmosphere.

Ethan Park loved coming here in middle school with Mason Black and Nathan Drake, drinking draft beer and chatting away until late at night.

After starting high school, Mason Black opened a billiards hall, so Ethan Park stopped frequenting the place as much.

"Is it clean here?" Amelia initially wanted to find a more decent snack shop, but Ethan Park insisted on coming here.

"You don't get it, Amelia. This is Songjiang City's famous snack street. You're new here, so it's normal you don't know. Many stalls here have been open for over ten years, with some being family businesses passed down. The food is not only cheap and hygienic but also incredibly authentic!" Ethan Park explained while leading Amelia to a popular food stall.

"He's right! Our stall is a well-established one, handed down from my grandfather. We've been serving the same dishes for decades. Our specialty is Anhui beef noodles. Would you like to try some?" The stall owner overheard Ethan Park.

"Is it really that good?" Amelia looked at Ethan Park skeptically.

"Yes, their beef noodles are delicious. I used to come here often in middle school!" Ethan Park nodded.

"You can tell the lady isn't local, but your boyfriend seems to be from Songjiang!" the stall owner said with a smile.

"Boyfriend?" Amelia was stunned.