Another Robbery

**Boyfriend?** Amelia was stunned... They were actually mistaken for a couple! But it was understandable. Amelia and Ethan were close in age, and Ethan was tall and sturdy, standing a head above Amelia. From any angle, Amelia didn't look like Ethan's teacher!

"We're not..."

"We're not..."

Both of them simultaneously shook their heads and denied it.

"I get it, I get it!" The shop owner, assuming he understood, nodded knowingly and said ambiguously, "No need to explain."

Amelia shot Ethan a look, as if to say, "See? We've been misunderstood!"

Ethan gave a helpless smile, meaning, "What can I do?"

But Amelia misinterpreted it, thinking he was saying, "You already agreed to be my wife, so let them misunderstand."

Amelia felt frustrated, but there was nothing she could do. Sometimes, the more you explain, the more unclear it becomes. Things that were originally innocent start to seem ambiguous.

"Two bowls of beef noodles, with eggs!" Ethan said to the shop owner. Initially, he wanted to find a barbecue stall and have a few drinks, but drinking in front of his beautiful teacher, who was also like an older sister, was like courting death. Besides, Ethan was really hungry. Eating noodles seemed more practical, and he didn't want Amelia to spend too much.

"Coming right up! It'll be ready in a jiffy!" The shop owner responded, muttering to himself, "Couples who come here usually share a big bowl. That's the romantic way!"

Ethan looked at Amelia's blushing cheeks and felt exasperated. The shop owner was not helping. Their relationship, which had developed into something more than just teacher-student, more than just friends, and more than just siblings, was progressing smoothly. This guy's comments were making it awkward!

Sure enough, Amelia awkwardly moved a bit further away, putting some distance between her and Ethan.

Thanks to the shop owner's comments, they both fell silent, focused on eating their noodles. After quickly finishing their meal, Amelia took out her wallet to pay. Ethan left hastily under the shop owner's puzzled gaze.

Apparently, the shop owner thought Ethan was a freeloader!

The two of them left the stall and started walking back...

"Amelia, don't mind what that guy said. Small business owners are like that, smooth-talking and insincere!" Ethan broke the awkward silence.

"Did you run off so quickly because you were embarrassed to have me as your girlfriend?" Amelia laughed and then asked.

"What? No, Amelia, I thought you were angry. I was afraid you'd be mad!" Ethan scratched his head sheepishly. "When you paid for the meal, the shop owner probably thought I was a freeloader. How could I not run?"

Amelia wasn't really angry, just a bit embarrassed. Now that she had calmed down, she didn't want Ethan to be distracted and affect his studies, so she started joking with him again.

Seeing that Amelia was okay, Ethan felt relieved and started chatting with her about everything under the sun.

"Stop!" A sudden shout startled Ethan and Amelia. Ethan looked up to see two men standing in front of them, one of them holding a knife.

They had walked far from the night market, so it wasn't a busy area. The shops on either side of the street were closed, and there were few pedestrians, so no one noticed what was happening.

"Hand over your valuables. Don't try anything funny, or I'll kill you!" said the man with the knife.

Ethan's first thought was that Kong had sent people to get revenge on him! But after looking around and not seeing Kong, he started to assess the two muggers in front of him.

"What are you waiting for? Don't make me do it, my patience is limited!" the other skinny man said impatiently.

Ethan glanced at the two men in front of him. If it were a one-on-one fight, Ethan believed he could easily handle them. Even if they both came at him, he was 80% confident he could win. But with Amelia by his side, he wasn't afraid for himself, but Amelia was a different story!

So Ethan hesitated for a moment, then reached into his pocket. He had 200 yuan, which his father had given him that afternoon, and he felt a bit reluctant. But there was no time to think about that now. Ethan obediently threw the money on the ground.

Amelia simply threw her handbag on the ground. The skinny man nodded in satisfaction, walked over, and picked up the money and the bag. Suddenly, he noticed how exceptionally beautiful this woman was, and a greedy look appeared in his eyes...

The man with the knife noticed it too. The two exchanged a glance and nodded slightly.

"Kid, you can go!" said the man with the knife.

"Let's go!" Ethan instinctively grabbed Amelia's hand.

"Wait! I only told you to go. The woman stays!" The man with the knife gestured for Ethan to stop.

"What do you want?" Ethan's eyes flashed with anger. He hated greed and people who didn't keep their word.

"What do I want? I already told you. You can leave, but the girl stays!" the skinny man said impatiently.

"We've given you the money. Hope you follow some rules and don't push it too far. Doing so won't benefit anyone!" Ethan said coldly.

"Oh? Talking to me about rules? Who do you think you are? Letting you go is already generous. Kid, stop pretending. Otherwise, neither of you will leave!" the man with the knife sneered.

Ethan looked at the man with the knife, a hint of disdain in his smile.

"Don't worry, kid. We'll let her go after we've had our fun. She'll just be a bit cut up, but she won't die!" the skinny man said lecherously.

"Run!" Ethan gritted his teeth, pushed Amelia back, and charged at the skinny man.

"Ethan!" Amelia almost stumbled, looking at Ethan in fear.

"Run! Don't worry about me, just run!" Ethan shouted urgently, seeing Amelia still standing there.

"Ah!" Ethan got distracted and took a punch from the skinny man.

"Little punk, playing games with me! None of you will leave tonight!" The man with the knife also rushed over.

Ethan, now more alert after the hit, saw the man with the knife coming and kicked at his wrist.

Ethan was truly angry now and didn't hold back. With a "crack" and a scream, the man's wrist broke, and the knife flew out of his hand.

This was exactly what Ethan wanted. Because the man had a weapon, Ethan was worried about Amelia getting hurt, so he struck hard, disarming and disabling him.

Amelia was initially worried about Ethan. Seeing him get hit, she realized she couldn't help and would only cause more trouble. But now, seeing Ethan's bravery and remembering how he fought off the thugs last time, she started running quickly.

Seeing Amelia running away, Ethan felt slightly relieved. Taking advantage of the disarmed man's scream, Ethan punched his temple.

Taking advantage of your enemy's weakness, the man fell silent before he could scream and was knocked out.