**I’ll Be Your Wife**

The thin, emaciated man was momentarily taken aback, seeing his accomplice being taken down so easily. Anger flared in his heart, "Kid, which gang are you from, ruining my plans like this!"

Ethan Parker had already knocked one down and was now feeling confident. He glanced at the thin man and said, "You broke the rules first. Initially, you could have taken the money and left, and we would have had nothing to do with each other. But you forced my hand."

"Kid, you're quite bold. Let's see what you've got!" The thin man swiftly kicked towards Ethan.

Ethan was surprised. This guy looked weak, but his moves were not bad! He was much more agile than the knife-wielding guy. No wonder he managed to land a punch earlier; it wasn't by chance.

Despite the thin man's speed, Ethan was no amateur. He had fought in numerous gang fights, enduring battles against dozens of thugs. He easily dodged the kick and countered with one of his own.

The thin man quickly retreated, avoiding Ethan's kick. But Ethan wasn't worried. Missing the first kick was part of the plan; the real move was the second kick!

This was a move Ethan had used countless times, even during the fight with King Kong's men. The thin man, unaware of this tactic, relaxed after seeing the first kick miss. He didn't expect the second kick to follow so closely!

With a loud thud, Ethan's kick landed squarely on the thin man's chest. The man fell to the ground, gasping in pain, feeling like his lungs were about to explode.

Ethan didn't even look at him. He knew from experience that once hit by his kick, they wouldn't get up. He picked up Amelia's handbag from the ground and then walked over to the thin man, searching his pockets until he found a wad of cash, including his own 200 yuan.

Estimating the amount, it looked like there were three to four thousand yuan. Ethan initially thought of just taking back his 200 yuan, but then he realized this money was probably stolen from others too. So, he pocketed the entire amount.

Ethan thought about just leaving, but seeing the thin man coughing up blood, he reconsidered. He had kicked the guy with full force, and internal injuries were likely. Not wanting to be responsible for a death, Ethan went to a nearby public phone and anonymously called the police, reporting two injured men lying on the street.

Soon, he heard the sound of sirens in the distance. Relieved by the quick response, Ethan started to leave.

Looking down the deserted street, it seemed Amelia had run far away. Ethan shook his head, thinking how being with a beautiful woman had led to being robbed twice in one night. Although the first time was orchestrated by King Kong, it was ultimately Amelia's beauty that attracted trouble.

While scanning the area for Amelia, Ethan noticed someone hiding behind a trash can. Could it be another mugger? He walked over cautiously, only to realize it was Amelia peeking out, looking for him.

Seeing her, Ethan waved the handbag to signal that everything was okay. Confirming the coast was clear, Amelia came out from behind the trash can and ran to Ethan, gasping for breath. "You scared me to death, Ethan! Are you okay?" she asked, grabbing his arm in concern.

Ethan, staring at Amelia's chest, mumbled, "I wish I could pat them."

Amelia, unable to hear clearly, asked, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, Amelia. Look at my face; it's ruined. How will I find a wife now?" Ethan pointed to his bruised face, half-joking. Though the injury looked bad, he knew it would heal quickly. In his middle school days, he had endured much worse.

"Ah!" Amelia exclaimed, seeing Ethan's swollen face. "It's so swollen! How can you joke at a time like this?"

"I'm not joking. I'm worried about my future. Without my face, life loses its meaning!" Ethan exaggerated. Despite the injury, he was still teasing Amelia.

"Ethan! Be serious! I already said, if you can't find a wife, I'll be your wife! But we need to get you to a hospital now!" Amelia, in her anxiety, blurted out her earlier promise. Realizing what she said, she blushed but decided against retracting it, fearing it might seem insincere.

Ethan, though not great in literature, had a knack for understanding context. He wished he had a recorder to capture Amelia's words as proof for his future. However, he also knew that promises made in the heat of the moment often faded with time.

"So, it's settled?" Ethan asked, seeing Amelia's sincerity.

"Yes, it's settled. Now, let's get to the hospital," Amelia replied, anxious about his injuries.

"Why go to the hospital? Let's go to your place," Ethan suggested.

"My place? For what?" Amelia was startled, thinking Ethan might want to take her promise literally. She blushed at the thought.