**Sudden Spring Light**

"Come on, it's just a small injury. No need for the hospital. Let's just go to your place and put on some ointment. Amelia, you're not thinking something else, are you?" Ethan Parker scratched his head and chuckled.

"I-I'm not thinking anything else, I'm just worried about you!" Amelia's face turned red, her thoughts exposed, but the darkness hid her embarrassment, making it less awkward.

However, Ethan had already noticed Amelia's expression. Seeing in the dark was no problem for him now. This girl was quite shy, Ethan thought, but he didn't say anything.

The place where Amelia rented her apartment was a bit far. While they had joked and laughed on the way there earlier, now, after the recent incident, neither of them felt like walking. Worried about Ethan's injury, Amelia hailed a taxi at the corner of the street, and they both got into the back seat.

"Young man, what happened to your face? Did you run into some trouble?" the driver asked, glancing at Ethan as he started the car.

"Uh, yeah, we ran into a couple of muggers," Ethan nodded.

"This area's always been a bit unsafe. I usually avoid driving here at night. I only came because I was dropping off a passenger. Seeing you two are a couple, I took the risk," the driver shook his head.

A couple? Ethan and Amelia exchanged a glance. Ethan felt a bit proud, being seen with such a beautiful girl as his girlfriend. Amelia, knowing he was hurt, couldn't be bothered to argue and just gave him a stern look.

"Young lady, you can tell this young man really loves you. It's rare to see someone stand up and protect their partner in danger. Just the other day, I read about a couple who were attacked. The guy ran off without a word, leaving his girlfriend behind. She was... well, you can imagine what happened. It's rare to find someone who will stand by you in tough times. Cherish it," the driver sighed, giving Amelia food for thought.

Amelia's face turned even redder, remembering how Ethan had saved her twice. She started to see him in a new light. Having a man who would stand by her side no matter what was something she had always wished for. The thought of being Ethan's wife suddenly didn't seem so far-fetched.

Amelia shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. What was she thinking? He was her student and younger than her. Maybe he'd forget her after graduation, and today's words would just become a joke.

Ethan, though, was still basking in the moment, "Driver, my girlfriend here is too attractive. This is already the second time tonight!"

"Well, with such a beautiful girl, it's not her fault. Just try to stay in at night," the driver said. "Here's my card. I like you guys, so if you need a ride at night, just call me. It's safer than hailing a cab on the street."

Ethan took the card, which read: Songjiang City Shunfa Taxi Company, Driver: Sun Kun.

"Thanks, Brother Sun. Sometimes it's really hard to get a cab at night," Ethan said, pocketing the card.

"My friends call me Brother Kun. Just call me that. Here we are, your place," Sun Kun said, stopping the car at Amelia's apartment complex.

"How much?" Ethan, feeling wealthy from the recent loot, didn't mind paying.

"I'll pay," Amelia said, reaching for her purse.

"No need, it's less than two kilometers. Take care of your young man," Sun Kun lifted the meter.

"Thanks, Brother Kun," Ethan said, feeling the man's generosity. "I'm Ethan Parker, a student at Fourth High School. Come visit sometime."

"I will. You're a good kid, Ethan. Let's have a drink sometime," Sun Kun said.

"Sure, I can drink a lot!" Ethan laughed.

Amelia frowned at the mention of drinking but kept quiet, feeling it wasn't her place to say anything while pretending to be Ethan's girlfriend. She pinched Ethan's side hard.

Ethan winced in pain, waiting until Sun Kun drove away to complain, "Let go, crab! I'm injured, remember?"

Amelia quickly let go but realized Ethan was tricking her. His injury was on his face, not his waist.

Learning from last time, Amelia knocked on the door instead of using her key.

Soon, a sweet voice was heard, belonging to Evelyn, Amelia's housemate. If Ethan hadn't seen Evelyn's tattoos, he might have thought she was an innocent girl just from her voice.

"Amelia, it's you? Why don't you have your key?" Evelyn said, opening the door. She was wearing a tight pink tank top and light yellow panties, yawning and half-asleep. "I was asleep, and you woke me up!"

Seeing Evelyn's scantily clad figure, Ethan felt his blood surge. Her petite body was barely covered by the thin fabric, highlighting her curves.

The most striking part was that Evelyn wasn't wearing a bra, and her nipples were visible under the tank top.

Amelia felt a wave of regret. She should have used her key. Last time, Evelyn had been in the shower, and Ethan couldn't see anything. But now, everything was on full display, and Evelyn hadn't even realized there was a man standing there!