Encountered a Virgin

Ethan Parker's heart immediately began to stir. After all, he was just a teenager going through puberty and hadn't experienced sex. Looking at the pure schoolgirl in front of him, he felt an itch in his heart.

Eleanor saw Ethan Parker hesitating and knew he was tempted. She had never done this before either; today was her first time. Although she was forced into it, what girl would want to give her first time to a detestable old man? She thought Ethan Parker seemed decent and quite handsome. Since she had to sell it to someone, she might as well sell it to Ethan Parker.

If it were an experienced prostitute standing here instead of Eleanor, they would certainly disdain someone like Ethan Parker because he didn't have a single valuable item on him and looked like a poor boy.

"Three thousand bucks, just three thousand bucks..." Eleanor urged.

"What?" Three thousand bucks? And just three thousand? Ethan Parker's eyes widened. This isn't selling yourself; you might as well be robbing! Ethan Parker had never hired a prostitute, but he knew the going rates—usually two hundred bucks, three hundred at most for better quality. This girl was asking for three thousand. No matter how pure she acted, she wasn't worth that much!

"I...it's my first time..." Eleanor saw Ethan Parker's expression and immediately understood why he looked that way. However, she didn't think three thousand was expensive at all. If she weren't desperate, she wouldn't be doing this.

"First time? So, you're saying you're a virgin?" Ethan Parker glanced at Eleanor, asking. In these times, there were plenty of fake virgins out there. Could she be trying to scam me because I'm inexperienced?

Eleanor shyly nodded.

Ethan Parker stared into Eleanor's eyes for a long time before slowly asking, "If it's your first time, why are you selling it?"

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and that saying is true. No matter how good an act someone puts on, their eyes can't lie.

Ethan Parker was a master of deception, lying with ease to everyone but his parents. Yet, after observing Eleanor closely, he didn't think she was lying. From her eyes, he read a mix of clarity, bitterness, and helplessness.

"To save a life." Eleanor didn't want to elaborate on her situation. She had decided this would be her first and only time selling herself, so she didn't want anyone to track her down afterward.

"To save a life?" Ethan Parker looked at her. Although she was thin, she didn't seem sickly. Curiosity got the better of him: "Explain your situation, and I'll buy...you."

Eleanor hesitated. She had already found out that prostitutes usually charged no more than five hundred bucks. Three thousand was astronomical. If she turned him down, she might not find another buyer willing to pay that much. So, she bit her lip and began to tell her story: "My dad was hit by a car, and the driver fled. All our money went to his medical bills, but it's not enough. The hospital said if we don't pay three thousand by tomorrow, they'll stop his treatment..." As she spoke, tears started to flow.

Ethan Parker looked at her. Although he wanted to take the girl to bed, he knew if he did, he would be less than human. He didn't consider himself a good person, but he wasn't someone who took advantage of others in dire situations.

"Sigh!" Ethan Parker sighed. He had thought he made a windfall today, but it seemed his pockets were warm for nothing.

Ethan Parker took out the four thousand bucks he had taken from the skinny guy earlier, pulled out his original two hundred, and stuffed the rest into the girl's hand. "Use it for your dad. Don't come to places like this again."

Now it was Eleanor's turn to be dumbfounded. She watched Ethan Parker's retreating back, feeling it was unbelievable. This person just gave her a lot of money and left? She had seen plenty of cold and indifferent people in the past few days. Her relatives avoided her family after her dad's accident, and the hospital wouldn't budge on the bills. Yet, a stranger gave her all this money without asking for anything in return?

Eleanor quickly checked the money. It was definitely more than three thousand. Why did he give me the money and not want anything? Was I not good enough? But I'm one of the school beauties! Eleanor suddenly felt a bit dejected.

However, with the money in hand, Eleanor had no time to dwell on her feelings. She hurriedly ran towards the hospital.


Ethan Parker returned home to find his parents still awake, watching TV in the living room, waiting for him. Not wanting them to worry, he quickly moved towards his room, keeping his face turned away.

"Damien, did you finish dinner with your teacher?" Ethan Parker's father asked.

"Yes, Dad. Oh, and I didn't spend all the money. I'll give it back tomorrow." Ethan Parker was worried his father would notice his bruised face and wanted to get to his room quickly.

"Keep it for study materials," his father said. "It's rare for you to be this diligent."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm heading to my room now." Ethan Parker tried to slip away.

"Wait, Damien, what happened to your face?" His mother suddenly stood up, walking over in shock.

"Nothing... Mom, I'm just tired. Going to bed now..." Ethan Parker instinctively covered his face with his hand.

"Stop! Turn around!" His father suddenly commanded.

Ethan Parker reluctantly turned around, his heart pounding.

His father's face turned ashen as soon as he saw the bruise: "What happened? Were you fighting again? I thought you were turning over a new leaf! This is infuriating!"

"Dad... I..." Ethan Parker tried to explain, but his father interrupted: "Don't lie to me! Where have you been all night? You lied about taking your teacher to dinner. You must have been with those hoodlum friends of yours!"