**Suspected of Murder**

"Dad, I really did take Amelia out for dinner!" Ethan Parker finally stopped covering his face. At this moment, his face had mostly healed, though there were still some bruises. In the dim lighting, it wasn't noticeable, and Eleanor hadn't noticed earlier. However, in the bright lights of the living room, it was clear to see if one looked closely.

"You dare lie again? This is infuriating! Then how did you get those bruises on your face?" Ethan's father asked angrily. "Making mistakes is one thing, but you need to admit them. Instead, you're trying to argue with me!"

"Honey, don't get so worked up. Maybe there's been a misunderstanding!" Ethan's mother quickly intervened.

"What misunderstanding? Are you telling me that those bruises on his face were caused by a car?" Ethan's father sneered. "You little rascal, don't think I don't know. Last time I found it suspicious. I had your bike checked by a repairman, and he said it wasn't hit by a car but smashed by someone. I didn't expose you because you seemed to be studying hard. But now, you lie to me again?"

Ethan finally understood why his father was so angry; the truth about the last incident had come out. So, he stopped hiding and told his parents about the robbers he had encountered on the way.

"You're telling the truth? So, you were robbed both times? That's quite a coincidence. Your odds are like winning the lottery!" Ethan's father was clearly skeptical.

Ethan knew it would be hard to explain the differences between the two groups of robbers, so he just nodded, "That's exactly what happened."

"You think I'll believe that? You lied to me once, and now you've come up with another lame excuse?" Ethan's father was furious.

"Wait, I have Amelia's phone number. Dad, if you don't believe me, you can call her!" Ethan suddenly remembered that Amelia could vouch for him.

Ethan's father looked at his mother, who nodded. He then turned to Ethan and said, "Fine, make the call."

Ethan found Amelia's number in his phone book and dialed. After a few rings, a sleepy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Hi, Amelia, it's Ethan Parker." Ethan almost slipped and used her nickname in front of his parents.

"Ethan? Why are you calling so late? Don't you know I'm sleeping?" Amelia's annoyed voice came through the phone.

"Amelia, my face is bruised, and my dad thinks I was in a fight. He doesn't believe I was robbed. Could you explain to him…" Ethan's father took the phone before he could finish.

"Ms. Amelia, I'm Ethan's father. Here's the situation…" After explaining, Ethan's father hung up the phone, his expression much calmer. "Son, I apologize. I didn't realize. You did the right thing. Standing up for your teacher is commendable. I'm proud of you."

Ethan's father was now beaming, having finally understood the situation. He told Ethan to rest and promised a special meal the next day.

The next morning, Ethan arrived at school only to see a few policemen standing near the entrance, talking to Amelia.

"Amelia, what's going on?" Ethan asked, puzzled by the police presence.

"Ethan, you're here just in time. These officers are looking for you," Amelia replied.

"You're Ethan Parker?" the lead policeman asked.

"Yes, what's this about?" Ethan responded.

The lead policeman exchanged glances with his colleagues, then said, "I'm Ava Fay, the lead detective. We need you to come to the station with us."

"To the station? Why?" Ethan was puzzled.

"Officer, you said you just needed to ask some questions. Why are you taking him? He has classes!" Amelia protested.

"Ethan Parker, you are a suspect in a murder investigation. You need to come with us for questioning!" Ava Fay flashed her badge.

"Me? Murder? This must be a mistake. Who do you think I killed?" Ethan was stunned.

"You'll find out when we get there. Protesting now is useless," Ava Fay signaled, and two officers grabbed Ethan's arms.

"What are you doing? He's my student. I can't let you take him!" Amelia objected.

"Sorry, Ms. Amelia, but we're just doing our job. Please don't interfere," Ava Fay said.

"Amelia, it's okay. I'll go with them. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon," Ethan reassured her.

"Be careful, I'll inform the principal," Amelia nodded.

Ethan turned to Ava Fay, "Let me go. I'll come with you willingly."

Ava Fay nodded to her officers, "Release him."

They did, and Ethan followed Ava Fay to the police car.

At the station, Ethan was taken to an interrogation room. A policeman moved to handcuff him, but Ava Fay stopped him.

She sat across from Ethan, with a female officer ready to take notes.