Logan Carter's Enthusiasm

Ethan Parker checked his watch. It was exactly five minutes to six, so he swaggered towards the Heaven on Earth restaurant.

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to dine?" The hostess at the entrance of Heaven on Earth looked at Ethan Parker with curiosity. At this moment, Ethan Parker was dressed as a student and was alone, which understandably raised the hostess's question.

"Of course, what else would I be here for!" Ethan Parker was annoyed by the question, feeling as if he was being treated like a beggar.

"Oh, I see. Please follow me…" The hostess noticed Ethan Parker's simple attire, mostly consisting of street market clothes, not something one would typically wear to dine at such an upscale place. After all, a meal here, even without ordering anything particularly expensive, would still cost several hundred to a thousand yuan.

At the service desk, Ethan Parker suddenly remembered that he hadn't arranged a specific room with Logan Carter, and he didn't have a mobile phone. This could be bad! Could it be that Logan Carter was playing a trick on him?

The hostess, seeing Ethan Parker's changing expressions, thought he was intimidated by the luxury and didn't have the money to dine here, chuckled to herself.

"Sir, are you dining or not? If you are, I can have the front desk arrange a table for you. If not, please leave; I have work to do!" The hostess, assuming Ethan Parker was a penniless student, spoke rather curtly.

Ethan Parker was angry at the hostess's sharp words. Is this how they treat customers? He wanted to lash out but worried that if Logan Carter was indeed tricking him, losing his temper and not dining here would make him look even more foolish.

With no other choice, Ethan Parker decided to try his luck and asked the hostess, "Is there a reservation under the name Logan Carter?"

"What? You're Logan Carter's guest?" The hostess was taken aback, her disdainful expression instantly turning into one of flattery. "Oh, Mr. Yang, why didn't you say so earlier? I apologize for the poor service just now, please forgive me…"

Ethan Parker, though confused about why mentioning Logan Carter changed the hostess's attitude so drastically, understood that Logan Carter must have informed them in advance, so he huffed, "Well, why don't you hurry up and take me there?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yang, please follow me!" The hostess bowed slightly, gesturing respectfully for Ethan Parker to follow, as if she were welcoming a VIP.

It seemed Logan Carter wasn't playing a trick on him after all. Was he really having a change of heart? Ethan Parker couldn't figure it out.

"Mr. Yang, Logan Carter is waiting for you in the Purple Pavilion ahead." Taking the elevator to the third floor, the hostess pointed to a private room.

"Got it, you can go now." Ethan Parker waved dismissively, putting on an air of importance.

"Yes, yes, I apologize for the poor service earlier. Please don't mention this to Logan Carter…" The hostess bowed repeatedly.

"Alright, alright, just this once." Ethan Parker wondered why everyone here seemed so afraid of Logan Carter. What kind of background did he have? He seemed to have considerable influence.

Ethan Parker pushed open the door to the private room and saw Logan Carter sitting on the sofa, smoking.

Damn, he's just as bad as me, also a smoker. Ethan Parker swaggered in, "Hey, class rep, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Logan Carter, seeing Ethan Parker, beamed and stood up, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the coffee table and handing it to Ethan Parker. "Ethan Parker, you're here! Haha, I just arrived myself. Here, have a smoke. I'll go get the waiter to bring the food." He then stubbed out his cigarette and left the room.

Ethan Parker glanced at the cigarette pack. Wow, it's Zhonghua! So generous. He usually only bought cheap two-yuan packs.

Ethan Parker took out a cigarette and lit it. While Logan Carter was out ordering the food, he pocketed the remaining cigarettes. It's silly not to take advantage, especially of Logan Carter's. He looked at the Zippo lighter, thought for a moment, and pocketed it too. After all, taking one or two wouldn't make a difference.

Soon, Logan Carter returned to the room, saying, "The dishes are all prepared and will be served soon. Just wait a bit!" Then he looked around for the pack of cigarettes.

"Uh…are you looking for the cigarettes?" Ethan Parker cursed inwardly, smoking will kill you, don't you know? But he reached into his pocket, pretending to search.

"No need, no need, you smoke, I'll get another pack." Logan Carter called a waiter.

"Bring me two packs of Zhonghua…and another lighter," Logan Carter instructed the waiter.

Logan Carter shot a contemptuous glance at Ethan Parker. He thought, poor people are just poor. You think you can pursue Ava Bennett like this? Dream on.

Soon, the food arrived, dazzling Ethan Parker. Logan Carter really spared no expense; abalone, sea cucumber, crab, and prawns were served in abundance.

"Ethan Parker, come on, dig in. It's just the two of us, no need for formalities. I'm starving!" Logan Carter invited Ethan Parker to the table.

Ethan Parker had been drooling over the food, but as a guest, he waited for Logan Carter's invitation.

"Haha, I'm hungry too. I won't hold back then!" Ethan Parker grabbed a large crab and started eating.

Logan Carter, despite claiming to be hungry, barely touched his food, letting Ethan Parker eat most of it.

"Got any drinks?" After a while, Ethan Parker felt thirsty.

"Oh!" Logan Carter slapped his forehead. "I forgot. What do you want to drink? Beer or soda?" Secretly, he thought, I was waiting for you to ask!

"Beer," Ethan Parker said, feeling that such a good meal would be wasted without beer.

"Alright, wait here, I'll get it." Logan Carter left the room.

Why is this guy so attentive? Going out personally for beer? What's his game? Could it be…oh no, maybe he's planning to ditch and leave me with the bill? Ethan Parker slapped his thigh, hoping Logan Carter wouldn't run away.