Ethan Parker Gets Drunk

"Did you get the beer he wanted ready?" Logan Carter asked sinisterly to a man standing not far from the private room door.

"Don't worry, young master, it looks just like the real thing!" the man guaranteed.

"Alright, Biao, have the waiter bring it in a bit. Make sure there's no mix-up," Logan Carter nodded and said, "By the way, how are the preparations for the next part?"

"Our guys are already out looking," Zhang Biao replied.

"Heh heh, Ethan Parker, this time I'm going to ruin you!" Logan Carter sneered. "Alright, you go on ahead. I'll head back now, don't want him thinking I ditched him with the bill!"


Ethan Parker peeked out through the private room door and saw Logan Carter talking to that "Brother Biao" he had seen before. Ethan could see them but couldn't hear what they were saying. He regretted not having super hearing to go with his so-called "thousand-mile eyes." But Ethan knew that having one special ability was already a blessing from heaven, he couldn't expect to have it all. He decided that after the college entrance exams, he'd learn lip-reading to indirectly achieve the effect of super hearing.

Is this guy planning to find someone to beat me up? But why go to such lengths and even treat me to such a high-end meal? Ethan Parker thought Logan Carter was a villain, but not a fool. But since Logan Carter hadn't left, Ethan didn't worry about anything else. He decided to eat and drink his fill first.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Logan Carter pushed open the door and walked in. "I ran into a friend outside, had a chat. You know, the guy who tried to teach you a lesson last time? I told him we're good buddies now, so he should respect you in the future!"

Logan Carter was not a fool; he knew Ethan Parker might peek, so he didn't hide the fact that he went to see Zhang Biao. He just twisted the story. He was sure Ethan couldn't hear him from that distance, and indeed, Ethan heard nothing.

Hearing Logan Carter's explanation, half-true and half-false, Ethan Parker's suspicions lessened. He didn't expect Logan to be so frank. The more honest Logan appeared, the more confused Ethan became.

Soon, the waiter brought in a case of beer, each bottle a large glass one. In the North, people drink beer heartily, rarely opting for cans, no matter how upscale the restaurant or wealthy the patrons. The large glass bottles were always the favorite.

"How many should I open, sir?" the waiter asked.

"Open ten, five for each of us," Logan Carter instructed and then said to Ethan, "Let's drink straight from the bottles, no need for glasses, too much hassle!"

Logan Carter's suggestion suited Ethan Parker. He was used to drinking straight from the bottle with Mason Black and the guys at food stalls.

The waiter, having received Zhang Biao's instructions, took beer for Ethan and Logan from different sides of the case. Ethan, with no social experience, didn't notice this small detail. He grabbed a bottle and raised it, "Class rep, here's to you!"

"I should be the one toasting you! Come on, brotherly love, down in one go!" Logan Carter raised his bottle.

Damn, this guy can drink, thought Ethan Parker. But Ethan wasn't afraid. He had once downed over two cases with his buddies at a food stall.

Seeing Logan Carter start chugging, Ethan Parker wouldn't be outdone and gulped down his bottle.

After one bottle, Ethan Parker felt a bit dizzy. This beer was strong! He had drunk the same brand before, but it was like water compared to this. Was it because he hadn't drunk in months and his tolerance had dropped? Ethan shook his head.

Logan Carter was drinking water—carbonated tea water, prepared by Zhang Biao in advance. Ethan's beer was specially brewed to be extra strong.

Having heard of Ethan's high tolerance, Logan Carter had come well-prepared. "Brother, I was wrong last time. This one's to apologize. I'll drink first, you drink as you like!" he said, downing another bottle.

Ethan, already feeling the effects, lifted another bottle and drained it, then raised the empty bottle, "There, I matched you!"

"You're a real pal! Let's eat and drink!" Logan Carter signaled the waiter to open more bottles. The strong beer wasn't enough to knock Ethan out yet. Most people would be drunk after half a bottle of this stuff.

They continued to drink, bottle after bottle. Ethan, now quite drunk, kept drinking without needing encouragement.

Logan Carter, seeing the situation, finally relaxed. He was full of tea water and felt it sloshing inside him. He couldn't understand how Ethan could keep drinking.

Eventually, Ethan Parker couldn't hold his liquor anymore. He felt dizzy and then knew nothing.

Logan Carter staggered to his feet and headed for the door, feeling like he was sloshing with tea water.

"Young master, are you alright? You look awful," Zhang Biao asked with concern.

"Nothing, just drank too much tea. Help me to the restroom. I'm bursting," Logan Carter complained.