**Spring Dream**

"How did that thing go?" Logan Carter asked, feeling an incredible relief as he released the last drop of urine. His whole body shivered with pleasure, his bladder finally relieved.

"It's done, the person has been captured and drugged. She's in an upstairs room," Zhang Biao replied.

"Did you figure out who she is? Even though my dad has some influence in Songjiang, we don't want to get into trouble over this," Logan Carter asked, somewhat worried.

"Don't worry, young master. The person was taken by Monkey and the others at the city hospital entrance. Seems she was delivering food to a hospitalized family member," Zhang Biao explained. "Think about it, if she were someone with money or power, she'd be in a VIP ward with meals provided. Who would bring their own food?"

"Bullshit! When I had my circumcision, my mom personally brought me soup!" Logan Carter cursed. It was clear that Logan Carter was different from other rich heirs; he had more brains.

"Young master, I'm not that stupid. Of course, I checked it out! The girl got off a bus and was dressed in shabby clothes. Clearly a poor person," Zhang Biao said.

"Hmm, that sounds better. Let's go, help me carry this guy up. He looks pretty sturdy; I can't lift him alone," Logan Carter pointed at Ethan Parker.

"With me here, there's no need for you to lift a finger, young master," Zhang Biao hoisted Ethan Parker onto his back, thinking to himself, "I'm not any stronger than you, but you're the young master."

The hotel staff seemed to know Logan Carter well, greeting him with "Logan Carter, Logan Carter," to which he responded with slight nods.

"Is this her?" Logan Carter pointed at the girl on the bed. "She's quite pretty. Ethan Parker's really lucky," Logan Carter sniffed the girl. "Seems like she's still a virgin, and she has a natural fragrance."

"Why don't you enjoy her first, young master? We can pin it all on that guy later," Zhang Biao suggested with a lewd smile.

"Shut up! Do you think the police are idiots?" Logan Carter snapped, annoyed. Zhang Biao was loyal but not very smart.

Realizing his mistake, Zhang Biao quickly shut his mouth.

"Get a maid to undress her. Let's get out of here," Logan Carter said as he walked towards the door. "By the way, Zhang Biao, will the drug still work even though he's drunk?"

"Young master, don't worry. This drug was brought back from Japan by Monkey's friend. It can make even a corpse rise to the occasion," Zhang Biao assured him.

Logan Carter nodded in satisfaction.

Ethan Parker felt his whole body burning, with an erection as hard as steel. What was going on? He had never felt such intense desire after drinking before!

Although a virgin, Ethan Parker had experienced sexual arousal while watching porn, but it was never this overwhelming.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a naked woman's body in what appeared to be a hotel room.

How could this be? Ethan Parker was incredulous. Wasn't he just drinking with Logan Carter? How did he end up here? It must be a dream, a damned wet dream!

But his eyes remained fixed on the girl's body. He had seen naked women in porn, but this real-life sight was incomparable. The strong sensory stimulation made his already engorged penis swell even more.

Such a perfect body, with a faint fragrance, and a face so pure it took his breath away. Ethan Parker's criminal thoughts started to rise.

Since it's a dream, might as well enjoy it, Ethan Parker thought. But why did this face look so familiar? Dreams often have familiar elements, so he didn't think much of it.

This was a temptation no man could resist. Like a wolf, Ethan Parker pounced and penetrated the girl's body forcefully.

The girl seemed to sense something, furrowing her brows in pain.

The warm embrace made Ethan Parker feel like he was in heaven. This dream was too real! But aroused people rarely think rationally. At this moment, Ethan Parker was completely lost in the girl, squeezing her smooth breasts into various shapes.

"Alright, it's about time. Let's call the police!" Logan Carter stubbed out his cigarette and told Zhang Biao. "Get the digital camera ready. When Ethan Parker is taken away by the police, I want pictures. Let's see if Eva Bennett will still date a rapist!"

"Young master, wouldn't it be better to take pictures in the room?" Zhang Biao suggested another bad idea.

"Use your brain!" Logan Carter tapped his head. "Come on, think before you speak. If we take pictures inside, it will be obvious we set this up. If the photos are of him being arrested, it can be seen as a coincidence. But inside the room, it's clearly premeditated!"

Zhang Biao quickly nodded in agreement. "You're right, young master. That's why you're the master, and I'm just a driver."

Logan Carter shook his head with a smile at Zhang Biao's ridiculous comment and inserted a new SIM card into his phone.

"Hello, this is the 110 emergency line."

"Hello, I'd like to report a crime. I'm a guest at Paradise on Earth. As I passed room 315, I heard a woman struggling and calling for help, mixed with sounds of intercourse," Logan Carter said.

"Sir, are you sure someone is calling for help?" The dispatcher asked, noting the location. Paradise on Earth was a known entertainment venue, and sounds from the rooms didn't usually warrant immediate concern.

"Yes, and my friend told me that the guest in 315 returned drunk, dragging an unconscious female student," Logan Carter added.

"Thank you for the information." The dispatcher immediately informed the officers on duty. Hearing that a female student was involved, the officers realized it might be serious and rushed to Paradise on Earth.