**Entering the Police Station**

"Ethan Parker, while the urine test results confirm you were drugged with an aphrodisiac, all evidence against Logan Carter has been eliminated. Legally, we can't convict Logan Carter," Ava Bennett shook her head. "You must understand, with a lawyer advising him, Logan Carter will completely distance himself from any blame."

"Captain Bennett, you said I was drugged. At the time, I thought I was dreaming..." Ethan Parker was stunned when Captain Bennett said he was charged with rape. Rape is a serious crime, with sentences of ten years or more being quite common.

"Ethan Parker, though I sympathize with you, you must understand that under Article 236 of our country's Criminal Law, rape is defined as using violence, threats, or other means to forcibly have sexual relations with a woman against her will," Ava Bennett paused and continued, "Legally, there is no such thing as accidental rape. So, regardless of the circumstances, having sexual relations against the victim's will is considered rape. Moreover, you were aware of having relations with the victim, and the aphrodisiac is not an excuse. Thinking you were dreaming is just what you thought, not a valid reason! Therefore, the final outcome is up to the court's judgment."

Ethan Parker took a deep breath. He had calmed down significantly. Yes, no matter the reason, he was at fault. The girl was innocent, and he shouldn't have trusted Logan Carter so easily for a meal! Ethan Parker finally understood what it meant to suffer a great loss from a small gain—this was the perfect example.

"Captain Bennett, how long do you think the court will sentence me?" Ethan Parker had accepted his fate and knew he had to face it. He felt deep remorse, feeling he had let his parents and Amelia down. But most of all, he felt he had wronged the girl, who was an innocent victim of his and Logan Carter's feud.

"I can't say for sure. Based on experience, the victim's testimony is the main factor in the court's sentencing. The key is how the victim describes your actions, as a single sentence can be crucial. The court will ultimately base its judgment on the extent of the victim's harm," Ava Bennett explained.

"Can I see... the girl?" Ethan Parker didn't seek her forgiveness but hoped she would understand he was framed.

"That's not possible. There's no precedent for suspects meeting victims, but I will explain your situation to her and try to gain her understanding. Hopefully, she'll speak favorably for you in her testimony," Ava Bennett said. "That's all I can do. Don't lose heart; life is long, and there are many paths to success. Many people have reformed in prison and become valuable members of society."

Ethan Parker nodded and softly said thank you.

Although Charlotte disliked Ethan Parker, she knew this was about his future, so she carefully explained how he was framed to Eleanor.

However, Eleanor was very emotional and agitated, demanding that Ethan Parker be brought to justice.

When Charlotte relayed this to Ethan Parker, he merely gave a bitter smile. He had expected this result; why would she sympathize with him?

Charlotte suddenly felt pity for Ethan Parker. Looking at his somewhat dejected face, she felt sympathy for him. He could have had a bright future, but this incident would change his life completely.

The case concluded quickly. Ethan Parker cooperated fully and admitted all his crimes. He was then transferred to the police station, awaiting his court date.

In an isolated room at the police station, Ethan Parker met his parents.

Ethan's father had aged considerably after learning about the incident, with his temples now flecked with gray.

"Ethan, your mother and I don't want to blame you. You've chosen your own path. Let this be a lesson. We'll be waiting for you at home," his father said calmly.

"Ethan, I believe you didn't do it on purpose, but the law is the law. Don't blame anyone else!" his mother said tearfully.

"Dad, Mom, I don't blame anyone. I caused this, so I must bear the responsibility. I've let you down," Ethan shook his head. He had come to terms with it. It was just prison. Besides, he had his abilities. Why worry about the future?

"Good, Ethan. As long as you understand, we're relieved. Be a man about it. No matter what the court decides, just focus on reforming yourself. When you get out, you can work at the factory with me," his father said.

Ethan didn't want his parents to tell the school and teachers. He didn't want to upset Amelia or let Logan Carter feel smug. Better to keep it quiet as long as possible.

Ethan was then taken to the police station, awaiting his trial.

"Get in!" Ethan was shoved into a damp, dark room, and the iron door clanged shut behind him.

The police station's poor conditions were well-known. Many preferred prison over the police station due to the terrible conditions, chaotic management, and mix of people, leading to frequent fights.

"Kid, where the hell are you from?" As soon as the officer left, a towering man glared at Ethan and asked coldly.

Ethan glanced at him but ignored him. He didn't want to get involved with anyone here.

"Damn it, did you not hear Leopard talking to you?" A skinny man, as thin as a bamboo pole, jumped up and grabbed Ethan's collar.

"Let go. Try touching me again," Ethan said disdainfully. This guy looked like he was made to be a punching bag.

As soon as Ethan spoke, three other men stood up, staring menacingly at him. Only an old man, squatting on his bunk, seemed indifferent to the scene.

"Wait!" The towering man signaled to the skinny man. "Let him go first."

"Hmph!" The skinny man snorted and released Ethan.