**Big Brother**

"Kid, what did you do to end up here? You better explain clearly. I don't care what your status is outside, but in here, you follow the rules. And in here, I make the rules!" The towering man, known as Leopard, cracked his neck and his knuckles loudly.

At that moment, someone who knew the details whispered in Leopard's ear. Ethan Parker recognized the guy from the interrogation room; he was in for robbery.

"Rape? Haha, kid, I didn't see that coming. You've got guts, don't you?" Leopard sneered and walked towards Ethan, aiming a punch at his crotch.

Ethan Parker was experienced in fights. There was no way he'd let Leopard hit him so easily. Leopard expected to hear Ethan screaming in pain but was shocked when Ethan firmly grabbed his wrist, rendering him immobile.

"Son of a bitch!" Leopard roared and kicked at Ethan.

Ethan smirked, leaped up, and kneed Leopard hard in the groin. "Trying to hit my balls? You're despicable. Let me give you a taste of your own medicine."

"Aaah!" Leopard screamed, his body curling up like a shrimp, sweating profusely, eyes bulging, and gasping for breath.

"Boys, get him!" Leopard's top henchman, the skinny guy, immediately rallied for a group assault.

"Nobody move!" Ethan grabbed Leopard's throat, glaring menacingly. "Anyone moves, and I'll strangle him! I've already killed one person; I don't mind killing another!"

Ethan knew most people in the police station were thugs. If he didn't assert dominance, he'd be in serious trouble. So, he decided to use his killing to intimidate them.

"K-killed someone?" Leopard struggled to speak. "Aren't you in for rape?"

"Ever heard of Ji Shuisheng?" Ethan tightened his grip. "I'm the one who killed him!"

Leopard, being a gangster, had heard of Ji Shuisheng. Ji was a top enforcer in the province's underworld, known for his fighting skills but also his womanizing. He fell from grace after offending the gang leader's woman and resorted to robbery.

"Ji Shuisheng?" Leopard looked at Ethan in disbelief. This was the man who killed Ji Shuisheng! No wonder he overpowered him. Realizing this, Leopard lost his bravado, fearing Ethan might really kill him. Deaths from fights in the police station weren't uncommon.

"Sorry, brother. I didn't know who you were. I apologize for offending you..." Leopard gritted his teeth and finally gave in, though he silently cursed the informer.

"Hmph!" Ethan snorted and released his grip. He didn't want to cause trouble, but avoiding it seemed impossible. Knowing the police station was chaotic, he assumed prison would be similar. Although prisons had stricter rules, there would still be bullies. He had to be ruthless to survive. "I'm not in a good mood. Anyone wanting to be my punching bag, step up."

"Uh, brother, I was impulsive earlier. We're all in the same boat here. The city's only so big; we'll cross paths outside too. Let's call it even," Leopard, known as Bao Sanli on the streets, tried to make amends after seeing Ethan's prowess. "I'm called Bao Sanli, friends call me Leopard. What's your name?"

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's leave it at that," Ethan didn't know how long he'd be in the police station, but having a friend was better than an enemy. So, he extended his hand, "I'm Ethan Parker."

"Great, Ethan Parker," Bao Sanli clapped his hands and suddenly glared at the informer, kicking him hard. "Dazi, apologize to Ethan Parker! You dared to frame him as a rapist; are you tired of living?"

Dazi, trembling, shuffled over to Ethan. He hadn't expected Ethan to be so tough, regretting his loose tongue. He remembered Ethan being accused of rape, but he dared not say more. He quickly groveled, "Ethan Parker, please forgive me. I spoke without thinking."

"Damn right you did!" Bao Sanli slapped the back of Dazi's head.

"Forget it, Leopard," Ethan grabbed Bao Sanli's hand. "No need to hit him; he wasn't entirely wrong."

Bao Sanli, surprised by Ethan's strength, pretended to relent. "Since Ethan Parker said so, I'll let you off this time. Thank him!"

"Thank you, Ethan Parker!" Dazi quickly nodded.

"Brother, you said Dazi wasn't wrong. What do you mean? Were you really in for… that?" Bao Sanli asked curiously.

"Sort of," Ethan nodded. With nothing to do and liking Bao Sanli's straightforwardness, Ethan told him about being framed.

"Damn it!" Bao Sanli jumped up, furious. "I hate people like that the most! If he can't get a woman, he frames someone else! Don't worry, brother. When I get out, I'll deal with him!"