Super Serum – Risk Free Version!

Upon hearing this introduction, Lu Ting felt a surge of excitement and blood rush through him uncontrollably!


Wasn't this akin to carrying an unlimited arsenal on his body?


Since binding with the "Strongest Mercenary System," Lu Ting had abandoned any thoughts of closing down the group and retiring, despite knowing that the road ahead wouldn't be easy. He resolutely chose to continue managing his struggling armed group!


However, up until this point, Lu Ting's armed group had been made up solely of him, which was quite depressing.


After all, in the half year following his cheap old man's death, the reputation of the armed group had been completely ruined in the mercenary circle, falling into obscurity. It was evidently not easy to restore its former glory.


Moreover, Lu Ting currently didn't have spare money to recruit mercenaries and purchase weapons. He could only rely on his own abilities to start from scratch with small mercenary tasks and slowly develop!


The beginning is always difficult.


Despite having grand ideas, reality was harsh!


For a long time after binding with the Strongest Mercenary System, Lu Ting tried various channels but couldn't secure any mercenary tasks. This was partly due to the tarnished reputation of his armed group. Consequently, he hadn't met the necessary conditions to activate the system and had no chance to experience firsthand whether the "Strongest Mercenary System" he bound with truly possessed such remarkable capabilities!


However, just two days ago,


After eagerly waiting for months, Lu Ting finally received his first mercenary task on the mercenary dark web: escorting the couple from before to the inland port of Dakar to board a ship.


Although this was Lu Ting's first time going out alone on a mercenary task, he performed exceptionally adeptly throughout, not showing any signs of error.


On one hand, it was because the original owner of this body had received systematic training from a young age, excelling in various abilities.


After taking over this body, Lu Ting had also diligently trained in all aspects. Moreover, during the past year in the mercenary armed group, he had absorbed knowledge of many details regarding executing mercenary tasks.


On the other hand, before deciding to take on this mercenary task, Lu Ting had conducted a comprehensive risk assessment and learned that the task's difficulty and danger levels were not high.


Therefore, even though it was his first time executing a mercenary task alone, Lu Ting didn't show any nervousness or panic, but rather calmly and perfectly completed this mercenary task!


"Ding! First mercenary task completed!"


"The Strongest Mercenary System activated!"


Suddenly, a strange mechanical voice in his mind brought Lu Ting back from his reminiscence. After a two-second delay in response, an expression of extraordinary excitement appeared on Lu Ting's face.


Here it comes!


After months of waiting, the system finally activated upon completing his first mercenary task!


The next moment, Lu Ting felt a flash before his eyes, and a system panel appeared in front of him, visible only to him!


[The Strongest Mercenary System]


[Host: Lu Ting]


[Reputation: 0]


[Mission: Escort the Caucasian couple to Dakar Inland Port (Completed)]


[Reward: Being calculated.]


Seeing the last line on the system panel, "Reward being calculated," Lu Ting's expectant expression intensified.


He wondered what rewards the system would give him for completing this first task?


And the Strongest Mercenary System didn't keep him waiting long. Soon after, it sounded again.


"First task reward calculation completed!"


"Reward obtained: Super Serum *1 (Risk-Free Version)"




Upon hearing about the system's reward, Lu Ting's initial reaction was one of confusion!


"Wait a minute..."


"Super Serum??"


"Could it be the Super Soldier Serum from Captain America?"


"Holy crap!"


Before Lu Ting could gather his thoughts, a syringe container about twenty centimeters long, filled with blue liquid, materialized in his right hand.


Information about the Super Serum also appeared in Lu Ting's mind!


"Super Serum!"


"It really is the Super Soldier Serum from Captain America!"




Looking at the object in his hand, Lu Ting couldn't help but breathe heavily, a look of ecstatic joy spreading across his face.


You see this Super Serum can enhance the user's metabolism and all bodily functions, pushing them to the peak of human potential!


And the vial of Super Serum in his hand is the risk-free version!


In other words,


The major risk associated with Captain America's Super Serum—its potential to affect the user's mind—is completely absent here!


Fuck Yeah!!!


The system really doesn't disappoint!


As expected of my golden finger!


It can even bring things from virtual movies to reality!


After calmly sitting in the car for a minute, Lu Ting finally recovered from the surprise of this first mission reward.


Subsequently he placed the Super Serum and the leather pouch containing cash into his tactical combat backpack on the passenger seat.


Although Lu Ting was eager to test the Super Serum's effects immediately, it was clear that the current environment, bustling with people, was not suitable for immediate use!


In case it caused unnecessary commotion or attention, that wouldn't be good.


Better to wait a bit!


After making up his mind, Lu Ting didn't linger any longer in this place, quickly starting the off-road pickup truck and preparing to leave.


However, he didn't immediately return to his armored group's headquarters in Mont Jalada.


He had already planned to spend a few more days in the city of Dakar to see if he could pick up other freelance missions locally.


Otherwise, making such a long trip just for one freelance mission would truly waste his time and resources.




Just as Lu Ting was turning the car around to leave, his phone in his pants pocket unexpectedly vibrated with an incoming call.


Taking out his phone and looking at the screen, he saw an unfamiliar number.


With a slight furrow of his brow, Lu Ting didn't hesitate much. He immediately pressed the answer button, placed the phone to his ear, and spoke, "Hello."


His phone number was specifically used on the freelance dark web for contacting freelance missions.


Therefore, there was only one possibility for an incoming call at this time—there was a freelance mission knocking on his door!


(End of the Chapter)