New Mission – Protecting a Journalist


At this moment, there was only one possibility for an incoming call—it had to be a freelance mission knocking on the door! This was exactly what Lu Ting most enjoyed hearing about. Of course, he didn't accept every freelance mission that came his way; he assessed them based on his abilities and the level of danger involved before making a suitable decision.


The next second, a crisp female voice came through the phone's receiver, speaking familiar Mandarin.


"May I ask if this is Mr. Lu?"


Lu Ting turned off the off-road pickup and responded in Mandarin, "Yes. What can I do for you?"


Lu Ting's tone remained distant and indifferent, not showing any closeness just because the caller was Chinese.


Those in their line of work must always maintain an outsider's perspective and not let emotions cloud their judgment.


Here, Lu Ting's query naturally referred to the freelance mission.


Shortly after, the woman on the other end of the phone got straight to the point about her needs.


"It's like this. I am a Chinese female journalist who came to Mont Jalada, Dakar to shoot a documentary about the lives of drug users in the lower levels of the country. I urgently need to hire a bodyguard."


"I saw that you are currently in Dakar on the dark web earlier today, available to take on freelance missions. Mr. Lu, do you have the time to take on my freelance mission?"


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting did not immediately respond but instead narrowed his eyes slightly, his face showing a contemplative expression, clearly considering the level of danger this mission posed.


The woman on the phone didn't speak again, quietly waiting for Lu Ting's reply.


After a few seconds,


Lu Ting spoke, "Alright, please send me the details of your employment information in a text message. I'll give you a reply in two minutes."




The Chinese female journalist responded promptly and then hung up the phone.


Immediately after, a message popped up on Lu Ting's phone. He clicked on it and carefully examined the contents.


The message contained a lot of information: the employer's basic identity information, the purpose of this trip, the destination to be reached, and what Lu Ting would need to do during the employment period.


There was nothing particularly unusual about the job—it was just a very ordinary bodyguard task.


In fact, the Chinese female journalist had also added a note that perhaps Lu Ting wouldn't need to accompany her the entire time; he could stay nearby when nothing was happening.


Seeing this, Lu Ting furrowed his brows slightly, considering whether or not to take on this freelance mission.


Every country has its share of drug users and traffickers, and Mont Jalada is no exception.


As far as Lu Ting knew, the drug traffickers and users here in Mont Jalada Dakar were rampant and dangerous! This was because the local authorities were secretly collaborating with these drug pests!


However, those dangerous and extreme drug traffickers were not within Lu Ting's considered range of risk factors.


This was because the Chinese female journalist had mentioned in the employment information that she was only going to contact some misguided drug users this time, conducting simple filming and interviews with them.


Although Lu Ting didn't know why a Chinese female journalist would risk coming to Mont Jalada to film this documentary, he believed that this hiring task was well within his capabilities and completely acceptable.


After careful consideration, Lu Ting, who had already decided to take on this hiring task, took out his phone to call the Chinese female journalist.


The phone was answered almost instantly, and without delay, Lu Ting said directly, "I can take your hiring task. The commission will follow the price listed on the dark web. First, transfer one-third of the deposit to my account, and settle the remaining balance after the hiring is completed."


The commission for each hiring task varies, with higher danger yielding higher pay.


Of course, the level of commission is also closely related to the mercenary's own strength.


Mercenaries like those on the dark web, who are either strong themselves or backed by powerful hiring groups, generally command terrifyingly high fees!


"No problem,"


The Chinese female journalist on the other end of the phone, upon hearing that Lu Ting had taken her hiring task, also agreed cheerfully, "I'll transfer the deposit to you right away."




Just then, a system notification sounded.


The system panel appeared before Lu Ting's eyes.


[The Ultimate Mercenary System]


[Host: Lu Ting]


[Prestige: 0]


[Mission: Protect the Chinese female journalist who is supposed to film a documentary on drug addicts. (In progress)]




Lu Ting glanced at the system panel, paused for a moment, and continued speaking, confirming the specific meeting time with the other party, "When will you arrive in Dakar?"


"Thirty minutes from now. I'll disembark at Dakar's inland port. Just come directly to pick me up, then take me to the designated location."


Upon hearing this response, Lu Ting raised an eyebrow slightly and then glanced at the watch on his left wrist. It was exactly four o'clock in the afternoon.


According to the information on the hiring task, the location marked by the Chinese female journalist was in the notorious slums of Mont Jalada.


With about another hour to go before dark, setting whether it was dangerous or not for now aside, the main point was, filming a documentary at this hour?


Is it that urgent?


Although feeling somewhat strange in his heart, since this was the requirement put forward by the employer, as a mercenary, Lu Ting naturally wouldn't argue. Immediately, he spoke again, "Alright, I'll wait for you outside Gate No. 1. I'll be driving a gray SUV with license plate 6988."


After finishing the call, Lu Ting parked his car, crossed his arms, leaned back against the driver's seat, narrowed his eyes, and rested quietly, waiting for the employer to arrive.


Time passed second by second, and thirty minutes flew by in the blink of an eye.


Lu Ting, who had been resting with his eyes closed in the driver's seat, heard footsteps approaching from the left side of his SUV.


Realizing this, he immediately opened his eyes.


A Chinese woman, about 1.65 meters tall, dressed in beige overalls and carrying a black canvas bag, her hair tied neatly in a high ponytail, entered Lu Ting's field of vision.


First, she glanced around the side of the car, seeming a bit unsure, then circled to the front, checked the license plate number, and only then opened the passenger's door. She took off her sunglasses and looked at Lu Ting in the driver's seat, confirming his identity, "Are you Mr. Lu?"


(End of the Chapter)