Chaotic Slums – Using the Serum


Translator: Cinder Translations




Having already seen the photos of the other party, Lu Ting quickly recognized the Chinese woman in front of him as his employer for this hiring task. Immediately, he nodded in response, "It's me, please get in the car."


As he finished speaking, Lu Ting casually started the car.


Upon hearing this, the journalist promptly sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seatbelt, and half-jokingly remarked, "Mr. Lu, you really should wash this car. If it weren't for the license plate, I wouldn't recognize it. It's supposed to be a gray car."


Upon hearing her initiate conversation with him, Lu Ting glanced sideways at the journalist.


Most ordinary people facing a mercenary like him would usually feel intimidated, perhaps too nervous to even breathe properly, let alone initiate such casual conversation.


Just like the couple Lu Ting had seen off earlier, apart from exchanging a few words confirming their identities, there had been practically no communication between them and Lu Ting during the past two days.


This Chinese female journalist, however, not only spoke to Lu Ting as soon as she got into the car, but also used this half-joking tone.


It seemed her courage was indeed greater than that of ordinary people, which might explain why she dared to venture alone into the gathering places of drug addicts in the lower levels, to film and interview them.


Lu Ting briefly glanced at her, but quickly averted his gaze, not following up on her words. Instead, as he drove out, he reminded her, "Since you've decided to come here to film a documentary, you should be well aware that where we're heading isn't a safe place."


"This isn't China. There are some things I need to make clear to you in advance. As long as we're together, you must follow my arrangements for everything. Additionally, if you decide to go for interviews or filming alone, you must consult with me before making any other decisions. You cannot act on your own, understood?"


Lu Ting is indeed a mercenary, but if the employer doesn't obey, in such a dangerous place where dangers are hidden everywhere, stirring up any trouble that might then affect him, this hiring task could end up being not worth the risk!


Therefore, before formally beginning the hiring task, Lu Ting needed to clarify some points with the other party.


If they couldn't come to an agreement, they should part ways early.


The Chinese female journalist sitting in the passenger seat, upon hearing Lu Ting's serious and solemn words, didn't lose her smile at all. She said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I understand all of this."


"The most important thing."


Lu Ting ignored the Chinese female journalist and prepared to continue speaking to himself.


At this moment, the car happened to reach a traffic light. After Lu Ting pressed the brake and stopped the car, he turned his head to stare at the side profile of the Chinese female journalist, saying, "Regarding everything related to this hiring task, there must be absolutely no concealment or deception from me. Otherwise, I have the right to unilaterally terminate this hiring task."


As he finished speaking,


The Chinese female journalist stared out of the car window, her eyes freezing for a moment.


But soon, this unnatural expression in her eyes was swiftly concealed by her, and she turned her head back towards Lu Ting with a smile, saying, "Mr. Lu, I'm just a journalist filming a documentary. What could I possibly hide from you?"


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting looked deeply at her but didn't say much, just warning in a tone tinged with caution, "You better."


Everyone has secrets.


Although Lu Ting could sense something amiss, there was no need to expose it directly.


As long as they could peacefully complete the hiring task.


After saying this, the green light in front of him lit up. Lu Ting pressed the accelerator, and the off-road pickup under him roared, kicking up a cloud of dust. He headed straight towards the location specified by the female journalist.


Apart from their brief conversation when she first got into the car, they remained silent throughout the journey.


Mercenaries shouldn't engage in too much conversation with their employers.


This was a lesson Lu Ting had learned over the past six months.


Because only by doing so could he make more objective judgments when trouble arose!


As Lu Ting drove the off-road pickup through the bustling central business district of Dakar, the surrounding buildings visibly began to lower and deteriorate. The streetsides became increasingly dirty and chaotic, and a pungent odor wafted into the car through the windows.


Here was the most chaotic slum area of Dakar, breeding and harboring all sorts of dark activities.


After Lu Ting turned the off-road vehicle from the main road into a narrower street, he could clearly see people dining, shopping, or even police officers patrolling on guard, deliberately or unconsciously observing his new vehicle!


This vigilant and distrustful gaze was easy for Lu Ting to recognize as surveillance.


As for what they were watching, it was self-evident!


Once they turned from the main road into this area, the female journalist sitting in the passenger seat also became noticeably nervous.


Although she appeared calm on the surface, her eyes constantly darted to and fro outside the car window, betraying her true emotions.


Seeing this, leaning with one hand on the edge of the car window, Lu Ting, who was driving, looked straight ahead and calmly reminded her, "I advise you not to make too much eye contact with the crowd around here."


Those who were hiding and surveilling among the crowd were all professionally trained, with a keen 'sense' for abnormal situations!


Any slight anomaly would quickly be noticed by them.


Lu Ting spoke up to warn the female journalist because he didn't want any trouble to arise unnecessarily. Even though he was hired as a bodyguard, it was always better to avoid trouble than to deal with it.


Upon hearing Lu Ting's words, the female journalist was momentarily taken aback, then adjusted her posture and relaxed her facial expression. Her gaze also stopped wandering.


Ten minutes later,


Lu Ting drove the off-road pickup smoothly to the location specified by the female journalist in advance.


After parking the car, he looked at the female journalist beside him and asked again, "Are you sure you want to go in alone for the interview and filming at this time? Don't you need me to accompany you?"


Lu Ting said these words without any concern for the other party. His only worry was if this person didn't return, who should he demand his remaining commission from?!


Moreover, the system would definitely mark his mission as a failure and withhold his reward.


"Don't worry, Mr. Lu."


This Chinese female journalist was not foolish and naturally heard the unspoken meaning behind Lu Ting's words. She slung her black canvas bag back over her shoulder, opened the car door, and smiled, "Even if I don't come back, the remaining commission will still be deposited into your account on time."


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting didn't say much more. Saying more would cross a line. He nodded to the female journalist and said, "I'll find a hotel nearby to stay. I'll send you the specific address later. If there's any problem, feel free to come find me. If the mission becomes more dangerous, additional payment will be considered."


"No unexpected incidents occur. We depart at nine sharp tomorrow morning."


After quickly going over the remaining details, Lu Ting, who had already exited the car, received a 'OK' gesture from the journalist who was still in the car, saying, "No problem, Mr. Lu."


With that said, she waved to Lu Ting and turned towards the depths of the small alley ahead.


Sitting in the car, Lu Ting lit a cigarette. He watched the journalist's figure disappear around the corner ahead before slowly driving the off-road pickup away from there.


Mercenaries always acted according to their employer's requests. As long as it wasn't beyond the scope of the contract, Lu Ting naturally wouldn't be foolish enough to actively solicit.


After all, those who worked as mercenaries were truly risking their lives to make money!


Lu Ting wouldn't let his compassion be influenced just because the other party was a woman or Chinese. He wouldn't unconditionally help her.


After dropping off the Chinese female journalist at the designated location, Lu Ting soon found a nearby hotel, booked a room, and sent the specific location and room number to her.


In the hotel room,


Lu Ting locked the door, drew the curtains, and checked the room to ensure there were no issues. After confirming everything was fine, he sat on the edge of the bed with a vial of the recently obtained reward from the system—the Super Soldier Serum!




Now he decided to use this Super Serum and inject it into his own body!


Thinking that soon all his body's functions would surpass their limits, reaching the peak of human potential, Lu Ting couldn't suppress his excitement.


But regardless of his excitement, he needed to clarify the method of using the Super Serum. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes!


With a thought, Lu Ting communicated with the system, "System, can I inject this Super Serum directly into my body?"




"Will there be any adverse reactions?"


[During serum enhancement, there may be minor discomfort.]


Upon hearing this,


Lu Ting felt relieved. After taking a deep breath, he removed the cap from the long tube, revealing the sharp needle. He directly pierced it into his arm!


A tube of Super Serum was quickly injected into Lu Ting's body. As soon as he removed the needle from his arm, a severe, cramping pain swept through his entire body!!




Lu Ting, who was not prepared at all, shouted in surprise. This intense pain was unbearable, forcing him to draw cold air and suppress his voice to avoid screaming like a wild beast.


Soon, Lu Ting's wheat-colored skin visibly reddened at a rapid pace. Profuse sweat poured out from every cell of his body. Veins bulged not only on his forehead and neck, but throughout his entire body, making him look extremely ferocious!




if you come out,


I promise.... not to kill you!


Fuck, this is your so called minor discomfort?!!


Fortunately, the time taken by the Super Serum to enhance his body was not long. Just three minutes later, Lu Ting could clearly feel the intense pain washing away gradually from every part of his body. In its place surged a raging and powerful warm energy flow!


This energy flow seemed endless and overflowed throughout his entire body!


And what had been enhanced to the extreme at this moment wasn't just his muscles and bones, but even his five senses were hundreds of times more acute than before!


(End of the Chapter)