The 5 Million Dollar Mission


Feeling the powerful warm energy flowing through his body, the excitement in his eyes grew even stronger.


He couldn't help but clench his fists tightly. This violent power was something Lu Ting had never possessed before.


Moreover, Lu Ting's senses, including his hearing and vision, peaked at this moment.


He could clearly see the small insects fluttering their wings in the corner of the room, and he could hear people whispering conversations from different directions outside the room!


The distance between them and Lu Ting was probably tens to hundreds of meters!


You see, for a person's basic hearing, hearing clearly at about ten to twenty meters is already quite difficult, and someone with slightly better hearing might still catch a general idea.


Let alone an ordinary person, even a special forces soldier trained systematically would absolutely not be able to hear every single word as clearly as Lu Ting could at this moment!


Therefore, Lu Ting couldn't help but once again marvel at the power of the system in his heart!


At the same time, he also had some hidden expectations. After each subsequent mercenary mission, what kind of rewards would the system provide?


After all, this first mercenary task was just a simple security mission, yet the system provided such a good thing as the Super Soldier Serum. If the difficulty of future mercenary tasks increases, the rewards given by the system will surely become more impressive!


Of course, Lu Ting was not the kind of person who would take on tasks without thinking. Before accepting each mercenary task, he would evaluate it based on his own strength and the level of danger involved.


He wouldn't take on a mercenary task that his own abilities couldn't handle just to get the system's mission rewards. Doing so would likely result in gaining nothing, or even worse, losing his own life!


In short, haste makes waste!


To live long as a qualified mercenary, one must always keep a clear head!


No matter what temptations one faces, they must consider their own well-being first and foremost!


Stay grounded and move forward steadily!


Therefore, even the generous rewards from the system's missions absolutely cannot make Lu Ting make reckless decisions!


Soon, after carefully experiencing the tremendous changes brought to his body by the Super Soldier Serum once again, Lu Ting gradually calmed down, suppressing the excitement in his heart.


Then, collecting his thoughts, Lu Ting put away the syringe he had injected back into his backpack. Even if it's used up, such things can't be thrown away casually. For safety reasons, it's better to handle it properly later!


After completing these tasks, Lu Ting took out clean clothes from his backpack and headed towards the bathroom in the room. The Super Soldier Serum from earlier had caused him to sweat profusely, soaking his entire body uncomfortably.


Although as a mercenary, Lu Ting was accustomed to going without bathing for three to five days during missions, given the current circumstances, he preferred to wash up before resting.


Once Lu Ting had thoroughly washed up and emerged from the bathroom, the room's door was conveniently knocked. He used a towel to dry his dripping hair while peeking through the peephole on the door.


Seeing the hotel owner standing outside with food, Lu Ting unlocked the door latch and opened it just enough for the owner to pass in the meal.


Having escorted the Chinese female journalist to her designated location earlier and arrived at the hotel in the evening, Lu Ting noticed there were dining tables in the hotel lobby. Thus, he had arranged with the restaurant owner for a dinner to fill his stomach.


"Thank you."


Lu Ting's sturdy figure blocked the hotel owner's fleeting gaze towards the room. After a brief thank you in English, he quickly closed the door without giving the owner a chance for further inquiry.


In a place like Mont Jalada, where intrigue abounded nationwide, one had to remain extremely vigilant at all times to guard against betrayal. After a simple dinner of two steaks, tomato ramen, and a glass of water, Lu Ting didn't feel more than seventy percent full, perhaps due to the enhanced body effects of the Super Soldier Serum.


After dinner, Lu Ting absentmindedly opened the curtains to look outside. By then, night had completely fallen, and the dim lights on the empty streets created a somewhat desolate atmosphere.


After a brief scan of the surroundings, Lu Ting drew the curtains closed again and laid down on the bed.


He took out his phone from the jacket pocket to check for any missed calls or messages from the employer. Considering the chinese female journalist's documentary should have gone smoothly?


Thinking about it, Lu Ting didn't dwell on it further. Completing a mission smoothly and receiving his commission without incident was what he most preferred.


Immediately, Lu Ting opened the dark web specialized for mercenaries. He wanted to see if there were any other mercenary tasks available in the local Mont Jalada area.


In reality, this dark web for mercenaries had two main modes. The first mode provided basic information for employers looking to hire mercenaries, including details on various mercenary rates.


The other mode was for mercenaries to view, where tasks from all over the world were posted. Mercenaries could proactively seek out tasks, though whether the employer agreed or not was another matter.


Once a mercenary task was accepted on the dark web, its information would disappear. The system wouldn't reveal who had taken it.


Lu Ting's finger tapped the screen, adjusting the dark web page to focus on the Mont Jalada region. Soon, several mercenary task postings popped up.


However, his gaze fixed on the top-listed task and couldn't move away!


The reason was simple:


Lu Ting immediately noticed that this task offered a reward with a string of zeros behind it!


The commission for this task was a whopping five million US dollars!


Compared to the rewards of the following tasks, which were mere tens of thousands, this task seemed trivial!


Intrigued by this Lu Ting clicked to view the details of the mercenary task.


Of course, at this moment, he was merely curious to see what kind of task in a place like Mont Jalada could command such a price of five million US dollars!


After all someone willing to offer five million dollars in Mont Jalada was definitely not an ordinary player!


(End of the Chapter)