A Sudden Emergency


Sure enough,


As soon as Lu Ting roughly glanced at the mercenary information, he caught the key details: the task was to rescue the son of an international crime syndicate leader in Mont Jalada.


This international crime syndicate leader had recently been caught by the Narcotics Bureau and imprisoned, leaving an opening for his enemies and rivals in the business world to seize his beloved son and bring him to Mont Jalada.


The person who had captured his son was identified in the hiring information as the local mob boss in Mont Jalada, named Arthur.


Seeing this, Lu Ting understood the situation. Simply put, he was supposed to rescue the son of one drug lord from another.


Although he was somewhat tempted by the five million US dollar reward, it was clear that this was not a task Lu Ting could currently undertake!


It's said that a strong dragon does not crush a local snake. A local drug lord like Arthur in Mont Jalada meant that challenging him would be akin to taking on half of Mont Jalada's police and military forces. Even though Mont Jalada wasn't large, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of officers stationed there. You couldn't begin to imagine how many of them might have been bought off by someone like Arthur!


If Lu Ting had a well-equipped, formidable team of mercenaries, he might consider the task. But for now, with only himself and his single gun, he could only browse through these task postings.


Thinking of this, a hint of bitterness crept into Lu Ting's heart. There was a time when his Immortal Arms Group could effortlessly handle such tasks.


However, as soon as he remembered he had bound the "Ultimate Mercenary System," Lu Ting's gloomy mood vanished instantly. He believed that with the system's powerful assistance and his own efforts, his Immortal Arms Group would surely return to its former glory, and perhaps even surpass it!


Immediately, Lu Ting was filled with renewed determination. He lowered his head again to look at the phone screen, only to find that the task that had been at the top just moments ago had disappeared.


Clearly, that task with a reward of five million US dollars had been taken by another professional team!


Next, Lu Ting's gaze shifted downward to look at the following tasks, but he didn't express any intention to actively contact them. He simply read through the information on these tasks.


It wouldn't hurt to consider other tasks after completing the current one.


Afterwards, Lu Ting spent a few moments browsing the dark web before feeling tired and putting down his phone to rest, closing his eyes.


Although the escort mercenary task from the past two days had not been particularly difficult, it had kept him awake for two nights. Coupled with the recent experience of enhancing his body with the Super Soldier Serum, sleepiness swept over him, and Lu Ting soon entered a light sleep.


However, he kept the phone he used to contact the employer by his pillow, with the ringer on, ready to respond immediately if the employer needed him.


But this night passed quietly.


When Lu Ting was gradually awakened by the noisy streets of the waking city, it was already past 7:05 in the morning. His first reaction upon opening his eyes was to reach for the phone by his pillow.


Just like last night, the screen showed no missed calls or messages. There was still an hour and fifty-five minutes left until the agreed departure time.


As Lu Ting rolled out of bed, preparing to freshen up and grab a quick breakfast before returning to his room to await the Chinese female journalist, the quiet of the room was suddenly shattered by a loud knocking on his door!


"Bang! Bang! Bang—!!!"


The urgent and heavy knocking made it clear that whoever was outside had something incredibly urgent to convey!


In fact, while Lu Ting was still sitting on his bed after enhancing his body with the Super Serum, his peak human senses had already detected the chaotic and heavy footsteps in the corridor outside.


"Bang! Bang! Bang—!!!"


The knocking echoed again, urging Lu Ting to open the door.


Staring at the door, Lu Ting's eyes flickered with a hint of contemplation. Besides the Chinese female journalist, he couldn't think of anyone else who would be knocking at this hour.


Immediately, Lu Ting moved to bed, passing by the couch, he reached into his backpack and drew out the holster containing his Colt 10mm pistol, pulling it out silently.


Though he had a strong suspicion of who was at the door, Lu Ting chose to arm himself to be cautious and prevent any unforeseen circumstances!


After all, if it was indeed the chinese female journalist standing outside, her appearance was indeed sudden and even illogical!


Because before he left yesterday, Lu Ting had instructed her to inform him before making any decisions. Yet, from yesterday until now, she had not contacted him at all!


The room wasn't large, and the distance from the bed to the door wasn't far. Lu Ting took just a few quick steps to reach behind the door.


At that moment, even before he looked through the peephole, Lu Ting caught a strong whiff of blood!


Upon smelling this blood, alarm bells rang instantly in his mind, realizing that something bad had definitely happened!


Sure enough, as Lu Ting peered through the peephole, he saw his employer—the Chinese female journalist who claimed she was only filming a documentary about the lives of low-level drug addicts, now leaned heavily against the door, covered in wounds!


Seeing this, Lu Ting's already serious expression tightened even more.


Swiftly, he removed the safety mechanism from the handgun, swiftly opened the door, and pulled the Chinese female journalist inside the room.


After securely closing the door, Lu Ting turned to glance at the journalist, who was now half-sitting on the floor. Between his furrowed brows, anger began to gather, giving off an aura of impending storm.


But at that moment, Lu Ting restrained his anger, lowering his voice as he questioned her, "What did you do last night?!"


The journalist, lying against the wall, made no immediate attempt to answer after Lu Ting's question.


Seeing this, Lu Ting listened carefully for any movements outside the door while patiently maintaining his last bits of composure. He spoke again, his voice low but firm, "You must tell me what happened. Only then can I think of a solution."


In fact, since yesterday when they were still in the car, Lu Ting had already sensed that the Chinese female journalist was hiding something from him. At that time, Lu Ting hadn't intended to expose her, only hoping to complete the hiring mission peacefully.


But now, peacefully completing this hiring mission was clearly no longer possible!




Lu Ting was not without professional ethics. Since he had taken on this mission, he would adhere to its contents and ensure the safety of the journalist!


Though she was injured now, it was a consequence of her own actions. In the time to come, Lu Ting would do his best to protect her life.


Finally, under Lu Ting's repeated questioning, the female journalist finally spoke, her voice weak, "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry I did hide some things from you."


(End of the Chapter)