The Journalist’s True Identity, New Mission!


Under Lu Ting's persistent questioning, the female journalist finally spoke, her voice faint, "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I did hide some things from you."


Hearing this, Lu Ting's tightly furrowed brow did not relax in the slightest due to her apology. He quickly walked over to the sofa, took out some first aid supplies from his backpack, and returned to the journalist's side, preparing to treat her wounds while listening to her explanation.


However, Just as Lu Ting was about to press the gauze onto her bleeding gunshot wound, she grabbed his hand weakly and said, "Don't... don't waste your time, it's useless... cough, cough!"


"I won't survive, but... Mr. Lu... I hope you can take on one more task for me."


As she spoke,


The Chinese female journalist handed a blood-stained memory card to Lu Ting, her face showing a pleading expression. She continued, "Help me get this to the Chinese International Police!"


"Mr. Lu, don't worry."


"Once it's done... Chinese International Police will... definitely reward you... handsomely!"


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting felt his eyelids twitch violently. The memory card in his hand, which was originally devoid of any warmth, suddenly felt extremely 'hot'!


International police?!


You must be joking, right?!


How did this suddenly involve the Chinese International Police?!




Is she actually a Chinese International Police officer herself?!


Thinking this through, many things started to make sense!


No wonder, she dared to venture alone into the most chaotic slum of Dakar!


No wonder, she specifically noted in the mission that she didn't need a bodyguard's constant presence!


When they were in the car, the calluses on her palms and the base of her thumbs weren't from holding a camera for long periods, but from handling firearms, just like him!


She wasn't a naive rookie, but someone well-prepared and with solid backing!


Instantly, Lu Ting's already furrowed brow tightened further!


The reason was simple: if this matter involved the International Police, it meant that the content on this memory card was far from simple!


It could very well be a deadly troublemaker!


With this in mind,


Lu Ting didn't hesitate for a second. He immediately shoved the 'hot potato' back into the woman's hand and coldly refused, "Sorry, I can't accept this task. You know, my team consists of just me, and with my abilities, I can't help you."


Faced with the woman's desperate pleading, Lu Ting remained unmoved, not showing an ounce of compassion. He knew clearly that this situation was far from simple, and he couldn't get involved, or he'd be in serious danger!


After hearing Lu Ting's refusal, the woman's pale face showed even more desperation.


She kept glancing towards the door, her eyes filled with panic, and pleaded again with Lu Ting, "Please, Mr. Lu, no matter how much commission you want, we will pay it!"


"Just... just please take this to the Chinese International Police! The contents are really important to all of us!!"


Hearing this, Lu Ting's gaze remained emotionless as he looked at the severely injured, barely conscious woman before him. He believed that if she had any strength left, she would kneel and beg without hesitation.


However, given the obvious trouble at hand, how could Lu Ting possibly involve himself?


After a brief pause, he firmly refused again, "Sorry, it's not about the money!"


"I understand that this item is crucial to you... to all of you, but to me, my life is the most important thing!"


Lu Ting did want to make big money and rebuild his armed group, but the premise was that he had to stay alive to spend that money, right?!


Immediately, Lu Ting didn't want to waste any more time or words with her. He decisively concluded, "I'm sorry, but from this moment on, our employment relationship is over!"


Unless absolutely necessary, he didn't like to end a contract prematurely.


Losing the last third of the commission was a minor issue. What bothered Lu Ting more was missing out on the system task reward that was almost within his grasp!


But given the current situation, he had no choice but to make this decision.


After all, If he left now, he would only lose the commission and a system task reward. But if he stayed, he might lose much more than just the commission and the reward!


Then, Lu Ting turned around, ready to leave.


At this point, it was clear that staying in this place was no longer safe. If she had indeed stirred up serious trouble, then her enemies would not rest until she was dead!


While Lu Ting couldn't pinpoint exactly what kind of trouble the woman had gotten into, he suspected it was drug-related.


In Mont Jalada Dakar, provoking local drug lords and dealers was akin to stirring up a hornet's nest!


Within an hour...




Within half an hour, someone would definitely come hunting for the 'scent'!


Not wanting to get caught up in this mess, Lu Ting's first instinct was to leave as soon as he made things clear to her—leave this room, this hotel!


And perhaps, even leave Mont Jalada altogether!


The local drug lords and dealers had countless minions at their disposal. At a single command, they would swarm like madmen, surrounding and besieging their enemies!


That experience would be absolutely dreadful!


It's well known that drug lords and dealers in every country are the type that even elite special forces prefer not to mess with!


This goes to show just how persistent they can be!


"No! Mr. Lu, please, please don't leave!!"


At this moment, the woman, who had been barely conscious and leaning against the wall, saw Lu Ting's cold and indifferent face as he turned to leave. Somehow, she mustered the strength to lunge forward, grabbing the corner of Lu Ting's pants with her blood-soaked hands.


"Mr. Lu, I know I was wrong to deceive and offend you. I brought this upon myself, and I was prepared for the consequences."


"So, last night, I pre-scheduled the remaining commission payment to be transferred to your account at 8 a.m. today!"


As she spoke,


The woman, clutching the corner of Lu Ting's pant leg, suddenly grimaced in pain, coughing up a large mouthful of thick, red blood. She looked as if she were suffering immense agony.


After spitting out that mouthful of blood, Lu Ting could clearly see the woman's aura weakening again.




At the same time,


Just after she finished speaking, the system notification sounded.




A system panel, visible only to Lu Ting, appeared before his eyes.


[Strongest Mercenary System]


[Host: Lu Ting]


[Reputation: 0]


[Task: Protect the Chinese female journalist who wants to film a documentary on drug addicts. (Completed)]


[Reward being calculated]


Clearly, because of her words and the act of processing the remaining commission payment, the system determined that Lu Ting had completed this employment task.


Looking at the last line on the system panel, showing the reward being calculated, Lu Ting's calm and rational eyes showed no change in expression.


At this moment, the woman lying on the ground, using her last bit of strength, looked up at Lu Ting and made her final request: "Mr. Lu, please help, take this to the Chinese International Police."


Seeing the large amount of blood around her mouth, her tear-filled red eyes, and the deep pleading in her dark pupils, she appeared extremely pitiful.


If it were an ordinary person witnessing this scene, they would likely find it hard to refuse the desperate plea of a woman clearly on the brink of death.


But Lu Ting was not an ordinary person. He felt no empathy or pity simply because this woman had processed his commission payment.


The remaining third of the commission and the system task reward were things Lu Ting felt he rightfully deserved!




At this moment, the woman, lying on the ground and clutching the corner of Lu Ting's pants, whispered her final plea. Her head then drooped forward, face down.


Her hand, which had been gripping Lu Ting, slowly released.


Lu Ting clearly saw the woman lying on the ground, her body no longer showing any signs of breathing or movement. She had exhausted her strength and died!


(End of the Chapter)