Power of the Serum!

The woman's willingness to sacrifice her life and the thugs' determined pursuit indicated that the contents of this storage card were extremely important to both sides.


Lu Ting didn't believe that if the card fell into the hands of the drug lords, they would show any mercy. Compared to the cunning drug lords, negotiating with Chinese Interpol would be more feasible.


As long as he had the storage card, Lu Ting knew he could gain maximum benefit once he escaped and handed it over to Chinese Interpol.


Simultaneously, as Lu Ting picked up the storage card and decided to take on this mission, the system's notification sound rang in his mind again.




Following this, the system interface appeared before his eyes.


[Strongest Mercenary System]


[Host: Lu Ting]


[Mission: Deliver the employer's item to the Chinese International Police. (In Progress)]


Glancing briefly at the system's task interface, Lu Ting quickly dismissed it and turned to leave the room.


However, before leaving, Lu Ting left the door wide open. The woman's corpse was lying near the doorway, and when the thugs came looking, they would undoubtedly stop to check, buying him some time.


After this, Lu Ting didn't linger. He quickly moved toward the other staircase, pressing his body against the solid wall. Before he could check the situation on the stairs, he heard approaching footsteps.


Click-clack, click-clack


With his sharp hearing, Lu Ting easily discerned that only two thugs were coming his way.








As the footsteps grew closer, Lu Ting, holding his Colt 10mm pistol, silently hid behind the corner of the wall, softly counting down.






When Lu Ting's countdown reached one, the footsteps were almost upon him!


Without hesitation, Lu Ting darted out from the corner of the wall!


At that moment, the two thugs coming up the left-side staircase had no idea Lu Ting was hiding. Just as Lu Ting's countdown ended, they stepped onto the last stair.


The two thugs were startled by Lu Ting's sudden appearance. Their faces turned pale, and their pupils contracted sharply. They opened their mouths, ready to scream.




Lu Ting would never give them the chance to make a bigger commotion!


One of the thugs, who was a bit further away, had only just opened his mouth to utter a syllable when Lu Ting raised his Colt 10mm pistol and mercilessly pulled the trigger.




The sound of the silenced shot echoed as the thug fell backward.


Immediately after, Lu Ting kicked the thug in front of him, who was still too shocked to react.


Thud! Crash!


The thug tumbled down the stairs like a bowling ball, finally landing on the platform below.


The force of Lu Ting's kick was immense, leaving the thug writhing in pain on the ground.


However, before he could even cry out, Lu Ting followed him down and grabbed his throat with iron-like hands. The thug couldn't even breathe, let alone make a sound.


Under the intense pressure of suffocation, the thug tried to pry Lu Ting's hands away.


But Lu Ting, strengthened by the super serum, had an incredible amount of power in his arms, far beyond what a normal person could handle.


No matter how the thug struggled, it was futile.


Lu Ting didn't want to waste time. He pressed down hard on the thug's throat with all his strength.


With a clear crack, the thug's neck was snapped.


With his neck broken, the thug's body went limp, losing all signs of life.


"Such strength?!"


Even Lu Ting was slightly surprised at his own power after snapping the thug's neck.


This was the first time he had truly felt the changes in his body after using the super serum.


When he had grabbed the thug's throat, Lu Ting felt an overwhelming surge of power in his arms!


In fact, he hadn't even used a quarter of his full strength when he snapped the thug's neck!


It was clear that his physical strength had reached an inhuman level!


Before, after long-term training, Lu Ting was already quite strong, but compared to his current self, it was like difference between heaven and earth; they were on completely different levels!


"Where is he? Where did he go?!"


"Hurry up and find him! If you can't, you're all dead!"


"Boss, I heard something over there!"


"Let's check it out!"


At this moment, more voices and footsteps from the thugs nearby brought Lu Ting back to reality.


After a quick glance behind him, he continued down the stairs.


Meanwhile, the thug leader, Zakka, led his men to the floor where Lu Ting's room was located.


"Boss, there's blood on the floor!"


A thug pointed to the obvious and large bloodstains on the floor, signaling Zakka to look.


Zakka could clearly see the fresh blood scattered on the hallway floor.


He followed the blood trail to Lu Ting's wide-open room and immediately saw the dead woman inside.


Zakka frowned and signaled his men to check the situation.


Quickly, three thugs with AK rifles cautiously entered the room. After confirming no one else was there, they inspected the body.


After flipping the body over and seeing the woman's face, one thug reported to Zakka, "Boss, it's her, that bitch, but she's dead."


Hearing this, Zakka frowned even more and ordered, "Forget her, look for the item!"


At this moment, two other thugs brought the terrified hotel owner over, "Boss, we brought him."


Looking at the trembling hotel owner, Zakka wasted no time. He showed a photo of Lu Ting and asked, "Did he book this room?!"


"Look closely!"


Despite his fear, the hotel owner, who had served dinner to the room's guest last night, recognized the man in the photo.


He nodded frantically, confirming, "Yes, it's him! It's him!"


(End of the Chapter)