Roads Blocked, Deep in Mire!

Upon hearing this, Zakka pursuing the Chinese policewoman and her companion, immediately understood that she hadn't come to this hotel to find an ally.


Or perhaps she had no companion at all and had hired this man through the dark web to assist her in completing her mission.


To ensure that her actions weren't detected by their informants, the Chinese international policewoman had even risked entering the stronghold alone!


In other words, she had been prepared to sacrifice herself, and once she got hold of the item, she planned to hand it over to the mercenary, allowing him to leave Mont Jalada!


As Zakka quickly pieced this together, the subordinate who had searched the dead Chinese international policewoman in the room came over and reported, "Boss, the item isn't on her."


Immediately, Zakka's cold, snake-like eyes swept across the room before he took out his phone and directly dialed Arthur, the biggest drug lord in Dakar and his own boss.


Ring, ring, ring…




The call was quickly answered, and Arthur's cold, oppressive voice came through the receiver.


Facing his boss, Zakka didn't dare delay. He reported respectfully with some fear, "We found the woman in the hotel room, but she's dead, and the item isn't on her!"


After he finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the line, not a single sound!


The quiet atmosphere made Zakka feel suffocated, and within a few seconds, sweat began to bead on his forehead. He was evidently afraid that Arthur would blame him for not handling the situation well.


A few seconds felt like an eternity to Zakka, extremely hard to endure!


Finally, just as Zakka was about to buckle under the pressure, Arthur's voice came through again, emotionless, "What about her companion? Have you found him?"


Upon hearing this, Zakka immediately replied, "We haven't seen her companion in the hotel, but we found the room of the mercenary she hired!"


"When we arrived, he must have noticed us. He killed a few of our brothers and hasn't gotten far. The others are chasing him now."


Hearing Zakka's swift and clear report, Arthur directly issued an order, "I'll have all roads in Dakar sealed off. Your job is to bring the man and the item back to me!"


"If you fail to bring them back, or if either the man or my item is missing, don't bother coming back yourselves. Understand?"




Arthur's final words made Zakka's hair stand on end. After respectfully hanging up the phone, his expression immediately turned vicious.


Next, as if venting the sudden surge of pressure and fear, Zakka slapped the back of a nearby subordinate's head and snarled through gritted teeth, "Get everyone over here to go after him. I want to see him in front of me before sunset!"


"Yes, boss!"


The thug quickly nodded and turned to run downstairs, ready to notify more brothers from other areas to come over and join the roundup!


In the chaotic slums of Mont Jalada Dakar, the drug lords had no shortage of henchmen willing to die for them, and Arthur, the biggest drug lord, had even more than one could count!


It's not just the thugs who obey Arthur's commands; even police officers and special forces under legitimate authority are entangled in his web of power!


At this moment, under the orders of Arthur, they mobilized almost recklessly. While chasing after Lu Ting, they also aimed to retrieve the storage card containing critical information!


Meanwhile, Lu Ting, already deep in the mire, remained oblivious to this situation.


However, one thing was clear to him: if he didn't shake off these thugs in front of him soon, more would undoubtedly arrive, surrounding him completely!




In that narrow space on the stairs, after dealing with the two thugs who had come face-to-face with him, Lu Ting casually picked up the AK assault rifles they had dropped on the ground.


At this moment, the battle between him and the thugs was fully underway. Whether it was the Colt 10mm pistol or the Glock 17 pistol holstered at his waist, the bullets in their magazines were clearly insufficient.


Because within this structurally complex hotel building, upstairs, downstairs, left, right, inside, and out, were all filled with thugs coming to besiege and hunt him down!


Initially, Lu Ting had opted to use a silenced pistol, hoping not to attract widespread attention from the thugs. But now, noise was no longer a concern!


To be honest, facing such a difficult situation right now, if Lu Ting's heart remained calm and devoid of any nervousness, that would be a lie!


After all, regardless of how you put it, this was the first time since his time travel that he faced such a perilous and outnumbered battle alone!


Although he had followed his old man and others on several hired missions while in his own armed group, those missions were mostly devoid of any major risks.


Moreover, even if there were dangers back then, his experienced combatants, including his old man, were always by his side. It never came down to Lu Ting facing such a perilous, outnumbered, and dangerous battle alone!


Nevertheless, despite the urgency of Lu Ting's current situation, what he didn't feel was fear or any desire to retreat!


Though numerous, these thugs were notorious for their low military combat skills. At most, they could handle firearms.


After all, as henchmen of drug lords, they ranged widely in age, from robust middle-aged men in their forties and fifties to child soldiers aged ten or twelve.


To train all of these people into top-notch combatants would require an immeasurable amount of time and money!


Forget about drug lords in Dakar; even drug lords worldwide would not engage in such a futile endeavor!


And the only combat skill these thugs knew was to overwhelm with numbers and fierce firepower.


To deal with these thugs and break out of their encirclement, Lu Ting believed he needed to employ guerrilla warfare tactics.


As long as he prevented these thugs from massing together, he would surely still have room to maneuver against them.


Confident in his current combat capabilities, Lu Ting had just experienced brief, swift encounters with several thugs on both sides of the stairs. Though they had ended swiftly, he had felt his body's abilities peak!


At this moment, whether in terms of physical strength, speed, reflexes, or sensory acuity, not to mention these thugs who lacked systematic training, even the elite special forces of various countries would fall short compared to him!


Therefore, if these thugs were dispersed, there was no way they could match Lu Ting!


Just like those thugs he encountered on the stairs, they were swiftly dispatched within a brief moment of contact.


But despite this, Lu Ting remained on high alert, and facing the slightly larger group of thugs, he entered into a state of serious combat readiness.


After all, a stray bullet could even kill a master; although these thugs had low combat skills, the firearms in their hands were undoubtedly lethal!


(End of the Chapter)