Hunting Down the Thugs!

Along Lu Ting's retreat path, he had to carefully find cover to avoid being hit by stray bullets if suddenly encountering these thugs and their indiscriminate gunfire.


Unlike typical standalone buildings, Dakar was dominated by interconnected buildings in a maze-like layout, with stairs, corridors crisscrossing between each building, and rooms arranged in a complex pattern.


The hotel where Lu Ting had previously stayed was one such interconnected building.


After abandoning the route down to the kitchen's back door from the right-side stairs, Lu Ting descended the left-side stairs to the fourth floor.


He had no intention of going straight down to the first floor; for sure, it was swarming with thugs inside and out. Would it not be waiting to be caught if he rushed down like that?!


"Where is he?! Fuck!"


"Search room by room! Hurry up!"


"Bam! Bam Bam—!!!"


"Quick! Bastard! He definitely hasn't escaped yet!"


"Bring a few more people! Search from this side!!"




Just as Lu Ting quietly treaded around a side corridor and entered a residential building on the right side of this interconnected structure, a group of thugs with headscarves, masked faces, and AK rifles were cursing and searching their way up.


Gunshots and residents' screams echoed continuously!


At the same time, Lu Ting also heard the insults hurled at him by those thugs, apparently greatly resentful of him.


As he heard the approaching sounds grow closer, Lu Ting quickly scanned his surroundings and, finding no suitable hiding place to conceal himself, hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door to a room on his left side, swiftly slipping inside and deftly closing the door behind him.


However, just as Lu Ting entered the room, the thugs had climbed the stairs and arrived on this floor.




The slight, crisp sound of the closing door came from the left side. Although quiet, it was caught by one of the thugs!


He immediately halted, glanced toward the left, and swiftly turned his AK rifle's muzzle in that direction.


However, at first glance, he saw nothing unusual. Compared to other floors, this place was eerily quiet.


But sometimes, silence could attract more attention and vigilance!


Since he had indeed heard the closing door clearly just now, this thug exchanged glances with his companions and promptly raised their weapons, heading toward the direction from which the door-closing sound had come.


These drug dealers moved cautiously and quietly, but the noise of their approach toward this room was clearly heard by Lu Ting inside.


Lu Ting was not staying in a spacious living room with adequate cover but had sneaked into a small room inside. He leaned against the wall next to the door, quietly listening to the sounds outside.


As the slightly chaotic footsteps grew closer to the room where he was, Lu Ting's eyes filled with cold intent!




The outermost door of the room was gently pushed open by the leading thug.


Upon entering the room, the thugs quickly spread out, their eyes scanning the room's furnishings.


They cautiously surveyed the room, their guns held ready, but found no trace of anyone having intruded into the room. On the surface, it seemed like no one had broken in.


But the sound of the closing door just now had indeed been real.


"There's another room here."


At that moment, one of the thugs spotted another door behind a wooden screen and immediately called over his companions.


And behind that door was where Lu Ting was hiding!


As he heard the voices of the drug dealers outside the door, Lu Ting tightened his grip on the AK assault rifle in his hands involuntarily.


Immediately, the sounds of footsteps approaching the door echoed in his ears.


Seeing this, Lu Ting couldn't help but glance down at the changing shadows on the ground coming through the door crack.


At this moment, it was clear that one of the thugs was already standing near this door!


The next second, Lu Ting saw the door handle being gently turned from outside.


Without hesitation, he switched his AK assault rifle to burst mode, raised the muzzle towards the door in front of him, and quickly squeezed the trigger twice in succession!






The powerful gunshot of the AK assault rifle rang out. The two 7.62mm bullets, with immense force, effortlessly pierced through the wooden door panel in front of him and accurately shot into the chest of the thug standing in front of the door!






The sound of bullets hitting flesh resounded. Instantly, two splashes of blood bloomed on the thug's chest, as the terrifying force of the bullets created two bloody holes in his chest cavity!


The thug immediately collapsed!


The other thugs, clearly unprepared for this situation, faced with the sudden gunfire and their fallen comrade, their first instinct was to turn around and find cover!


However, Lu Ting wasn't about to give them that chance!


The next moment,




The tightly closed door was forcefully kicked open by Lu Ting from inside the room.


The thug standing on the side where the door opened had no time to dodge. He was directly hit hard by the door panel, smashing him against the wall behind, leaving him dizzy for a while.


As Lu Ting kicked open the door, he also stepped out of the room. His shooting speed was incredibly fast and precise!


Bam. Bam!


Two more shots were fired cleanly. One shot pierced through the thug attempting to hide behind the sofa, and the other shot hit the two thugs who had just peeked out from behind the load-bearing wall, preparing to shoot at him.


In Lu Ting's hands, the AK assault rifle, originally known for its strong recoil, was handled with ease, almost like a toy gun.




One of the thugs, who was slightly closer to Lu Ting, inexplicably decided to attack him from behind with a Nepalese army knife.


Facing such a blatantly suicidal act, Lu Ting naturally responded without hesitation!


Before the thug could bring down the knife, Lu Ting swiftly turned around and intercepted his hand holding the knife in mid-air.


Immediately, while restraining the thug with one hand, Lu Ting used his other hand, holding the AK assault rifle, to swiftly shoot at another thug inside the room!




A shot directly hit the head with extreme precision. A mix of crimson blood and yellow-white matter gushed out from the bullet hole, and the thug's body instantly collapsed!


At the same time, while still holding the thug with one hand, Lu Ting effortlessly disarmed him of the military knife.


Then, in a fluid motion, Lu Ting lifted his foot and fiercely kicked the thug in the chest!


In an instant, a tremendously violent and terrifying force surged through him!




The thug was thrown backward as if hit by artillery fire, flying through the air and slamming hard into a wooden wardrobe, completely motionless.


If anyone had approached to look at that moment, they would have seen that the thug's chest had deeply caved in!


This horrifying power was solely unleashed by Lu Ting's single kick!


By this point, all the thugs who had intruded into this room were cleanly dealt with by Lu Ting in less than a minute, without a single survivor!


However, although Lu Ting had neutralized all the thugs in this room, there were still more thugs outside!


In fact, their numbers were now much greater than at the beginning!


Naturally, the intense sounds of this fight in the room were heard clearly by them!


(End of the Chapter)