Even the Colonel Must Obey!


With that, Arthur turned and picked up the tablet from the table, which contained information about Lu Ting's identity, and handed it over to the colonel. He continued, "Take a look at this."


Upon hearing Arthur's command, the colonel, obedient to him, did not dare to delay. He immediately reached out and took the tablet from Arthur, lowered his head to carefully examine Lu Ting's identity information, and after observing Arthur's expression, tentatively asked, "Is he the accomplice of that woman from yesterday?"


After such a major incident yesterday, upon seeing the identity information handed to him by Arthur, the colonel's mind could only think of this possibility.


At this, Arthur's expression remained unchanged. He nodded silently, indicating his answer to the colonel.


Shortly after, he stood up from the wicker chair, poured himself some wine and walked to the edge of the villa's rooftop, staring silently at the poverty-stricken district of Dakar.


After a while, Arthur drained the wine from the glass in his hand, turned to look at the colonel behind him waiting for him to speak, and said, "I need you to mobilize your men and be ready to capture him at any moment."


As his words fell, the colonel's face showed a hint of astonishment, as if he had heard something incredible. After a while, he confirmed with Arthur, "Send my men to capture him?!"


Just now, after reviewing Lu Ting's identity information, the colonel immediately had a rough understanding of his strength and abilities.


His view of Lu Ting was actually quite simple: he was just a fledgling, not fearing the tiger!


Did they really need to dispatch his special police force in such a grand manner to chase and arrest a mercenary who hadn't even killed anyone?


Isn't that a bit too much of an overkill?!


In the colonel's eyes, dealing with a mercenary like Lu Ting, who lacked strength and background, could easily be handled by the scum and criminals under Arthur's command, even if they lacked professional military training. They could rely solely on their numerical advantage to wear down Lu Ting!


This method was crude but effective!


Even though Lu Ting did possess some strength, ultimately, he was just one person.


The colonel thought very simply. After all, the weapons and ammunition carried by one person were very limited. Therefore, as long as they exhausted his weapons and ammunition, even if Lu Ting had great skills, he would still be unable to escape!


Arthur understood this point very well in his heart.


The reason he was so cautious was simply because of the enormity of the situation. He didn't want any more unexpected incidents. After all, if Lu Ting managed to escape, the situation he would face would be extremely dire!


Therefore, faced with the colonel's suggestion, Arthur did not respond verbally. Instead, he stared coldly at the colonel without changing his icy expression.


One or two seconds later, a cold smile finally appeared on Arthur's face. He spoke, asking, "Colonel, who gave you the courage to question or deny my decision?"


"What I said, you obey. Any other questions?"


Upon hearing this, the colonel's facial expression froze for a moment. The gaze exchanged between him and Arthur was murky and indecipherable.


However, it was only for half a second. The colonel nodded in compliance, politely responding, "No problem. I will arrange my men and await your orders."


The colonel did not dare to disobey Arthur's command any further. If he continued to speak out and displeased Arthur, he might even risk losing his position!


Seeing the colonel comply, Arthur's demeanor relaxed slightly. He returned to the shade of the umbrella, refilled his glass of red wine, and poured another for the colonel beside him. Then he continued, "By the way, I also need you to immediately enforce a city-wide lockdown from now on!"


"Block all routes out of Dakar—bridges, trains, airports, any possible way to leave this city—completely!"


If earlier the colonel felt somewhat surprised by Arthur's words, now he found Arthur's request simply unbelievable!


He truly couldn't understand: was it necessary to go to such lengths just to deal with a mercenary like that?!


However, the next moment, the colonel shook his head without hesitation and reluctantly refused, "It's not possible, Arthur, please don't make things difficult for me."


Once the order to lock down the entire city was given, all traffic connecting Dakar with the outside world would immediately grind to a halt. Not to mention the substantial loss of interests involved, even with his authority, he couldn't unilaterally make such a significant decision!


Arthur's authority in Dakar was indeed substantial, but his reach didn't extend everywhere within the city. If he issued such an order without a proper reason or excuse, he would definitely be summoned for a 'chat' afterwards!


However, seeing the colonel directly reject him without any consideration, Arthur's expression instantly turned cold. His gaze stared straight at the colonel, and he said firmly, "Make it possible, Colonel."


"I don't care how you do it, but you must make what I've told you possible. Otherwise..."


Arthur didn't continue his sentence. He just raised an eyebrow slightly towards the colonel, the threat implicit and clear.


For the capture of Lu Ting and the retrieval of what he held, Arthur only wanted to ensure flawless execution. Any unforeseen circumstances were not to be tolerated!


As for Arthur's words, the colonel had no doubts. As a drug lord with immense power and influence, he was capable of anything!


The colonel was well aware that if he didn't agree to Arthur now and didn't do everything possible to accomplish what he was ordered, tomorrow his wife, children, and family would meet a terribly violent end on the streets!


After weighing the pros and cons repeatedly, the colonel nodded and agreed, "As you wish, I will find a way."


With that,


The colonel drained the wine from his glass, then he turned and left the rooftop of the villa, ready to carry out Arthur's orders.


After the colonel left, Arthur's expression visibly relaxed and became somewhat pleased. He picked up the tablet from the table again, looked at Lu Ting's identity information, and a cold smile filled with murderous intent appeared on his face.


Now Arthur was one hundred percent confident that Lu Ting wouldn't leave Dakar!


Furthermore, he wanted Lu Ting to deeply understand at the cost of his life what it meant to defy him!


Immediately after, Arthur took out his phone from his pocket, pressed a few buttons quickly, and dialed Zakka's number.


*Ring, ring, ring...*


After a brief series of rings, someone answered the phone, and Zakka's voice came through, filled with the background sound of constant gunfire. "Hello, boss!"


Listening to the continuous gunfire in the background through the phone, Arthur raised an eyebrow. He asked, "Have you found him?"


"We've found him!"


Zakka's voice sounded confident, as if he already had everything under control. He continued, "Don't worry, boss. We've surrounded him inside the building. Even if he sprouts wings, he won't be able to fly out of our brothers' encirclement!"




Although Arthur was satisfied with Zakka's current report, he changed the subject and said, "I'm giving you only one hour. If you haven't captured him and found the items within this time frame, I'll find someone else to handle this!"


(End of the Chapter)