Ultimatum, Lu Ting's Change of Plan


After delivering the ultimatum to Zakka on the phone, Arthur didn't give him a chance to say anything further, simply hanging up decisively.


Arthur knew well that the longer this dragged on, the more likely something unexpected could happen. If his men couldn't succeed soon, he might as well bring in the police's special forces for a swift resolution.


On the other side,


In the opposite direction from where Arthur's standalone villa was located, inside the H-shaped building.


At the stairwell between the third and fourth floors, Zakka listened to the urgent 'beep' sounds from his phone repeatedly being disconnected, his expression growing darker by the moment.


Arthur's meaning just now had been clear: it was the final hour!


If within this final hour they couldn't capture this mercenary, then he and his men wouldn't need to bother going back either!


Glancing down at the time displayed on his phone, Zakka looked up at his men cautiously advancing ahead. Suddenly, an unnamed rage exploded from his chest. He angrily shouted, "What are you hiding for?! He's just one person, and you're scared like this?!"


With their cautious tactics, even if they were given another hour, it would be difficult to capture Lu Ting hidden inside the house!


Immediately, Zakka instructed the men beside him, "You, and you, follow behind. Once that bastard shows himself, spray him fiercely with the light machine guns! The rest, move up and shoot at any sign of movement!"


He didn't believe that under such intense and chaotic attack, the other side could hold out!


Hearing Zakka's orders, the two named thugs each took a Negev light machine gun and an RPK light machine gun, following behind several companions armed with AK assault rifles, quickly advancing towards Lu Ting's location.


At the same time,


In a room, tens of meters away from where the thugs were gathering their hands at the stairwell.


Inside a living room devoid of any furniture or decorations, numerous dead bodies of thugs lay in pools of blood. Most had blood pouring from single, fatal bullet holes.


There were also one or two bodies with necks twisted 180 degrees by force, clearly killed by tremendous and terrifying strength.


Several had shattered foreheads, their faces a mess of blood and flesh. On the wall nearby, a mixture of blood and yellow-white substances indicated where heads had been forcibly smashed against it, resulting in death!


The one responsible for this gruesome scene was none other than Lu Ting inside the room!


At the moment, Lu Ting was concealed behind a partition wall in the living room, covered in bloodstains. However, none of this blood belonged to him; it had all inadvertently stained him during the fight against the thugs outside.


Lu Ting glanced sideways, his resolute eyes gazing beyond the edge of the wall towards the living room littered with corpses. A faint look of astonishment appeared involuntarily in his previously determined eyes.


Smelling the strong scent of blood in the air, he raised his hand to wipe the blood from his face and leaned against the wall, taking a brief moment to catch his breath.


In reality, what Lu Ting needed rest from wasn't physical fatigue. After all, his body had reached a nigh-invincible state after being enhanced by the super serum. This brief period of fighting naturally didn't tire him out.


He needed to stop and regroup mentally and spiritually!


Before being forced into this mess, Lu Ting had only received two mercenary tasks: the two bodyguard missions before this.


Today, Lu Ting, in his two lifetimes, he killed for the first time and killed so many at once!


Whether in the earlier fight on the two staircases against those thugs or just now, consecutively killing them, Lu Ting's mind had been in a state of high tension, focused entirely on how to handle these thugs.


Now, after dealing with the first wave of thugs who attacked him, Lu Ting's mind slowly began to settle.


Although he knew that if he didn't kill them, these thugs would conduct a brutal and inhumane siege against him, Lu Ting still felt a complex mix of emotions that he couldn't quite describe.


The thick, overpowering smell of blood in the air and the stark red pooling on the ground gave him a dizzying discomfort. But quickly, Lu Ting shook his head to steady his thoughts.


Since he had decided to continue in the mercenary business, he had to quickly adapt to killing and seeing blood. After all, in the days to come, he would surely encounter even bloodier and more terrifying battle scenes!


If he couldn't adapt, how would he continue to make a living as a mercenary in the future?!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting's originally unfocused eyes instantly became as determined as they were a moment ago. After quickly affirming his beliefs, Lu Ting didn't look at the miserable corpses again but instead listened carefully to the movement in the corridor outside.


Just then, the sound of footsteps, gradually approaching from afar, had already reached the front door of his room. Lu Ting leaned his head out from behind the edge of the wall and glimpsed legs exposed in his line of attack through the door, which had nearly been riddled with bullets.


The next moment,


Without any hesitation, Lu Ting raised his AK assault rifle without a scope and aimed the small reticle through the bullet holes in the door at the right leg of one of the thugs outside.


At times like this, Lu Ting naturally couldn't let the initiative to attack fall into the hands of those thugs; he had to seize the advantage in the fight!


Lu Ting's finger which was already resting on the trigger of the AK assault rifle, decisively pressed it down!


Bang! Bang!


With two consecutive gunshots, bullets flew through the bullet holes in the door panel at speeds invisible to the naked eye, accurately hitting the right kneecaps of two thugs behind the door.




In the next instant,


As blood splattered from their legs, a heart-wrenching scream followed immediately!


(End of the Chapter)