
The two thugs standing just outside the room door, after being hit in their right knee caps by bullets, screamed in agony and collapsed to the ground.


The rest of the thugs, like startled birds, instantly retreated beyond the area of the room door, their faces showing profound fear that refused to dissipate.


Just moments ago, they hadn't even managed to push open the door to this room!


The door wasn't even opened, yet they had already lost two comrades.


They hadn't even realized yet where the bullets had come from!




Suddenly, some of the other thugs swallowed nervously, clearly gaining a deeper understanding of Lu Ting's combat capabilities!


According to the information their boss had shown them before, this guy was just an ordinary mercenary, who hadn't even been on a real battlefield, let alone killed anyone!


So, initially, these thugs had been fearless, gathering from all directions and constantly trying to overwhelm Lu Ting.


But as time passed, they gradually realized that something seemed amiss!


Ever since they discovered Lu Ting inside this room, the thugs had been launching fierce attacks against him, but they had yet to succeed!


Not only had they failed to succeed, they had also lost quite a few brothers!


Part of the reason was due to the layout of the room where Lu Ting was hiding. To enter, the thugs had to pass through an area flanked by windows on both sides of the room.


Initially, the thugs hadn't noticed that many of their comrades were shot in the head by Lu Ting from these windows!


His swift and precise marksmanship, as clean and accurate as that of seasoned mercenaries who frequented battlefields, surpassed them in craftiness!


As time passed, the thugs couldn't help but question whether such precise marksmanship, resembling that of someone using an aimbot, could really come from a mercenary who had never killed anyone before!


They didn't believe it!


The thugs had every reason to suspect that this kid's identity as a mercenary might have been falsified!


Acting like a tiger in sheep's clothing!


After attacking this room for a long time, causing anxiety in Zakka nearby, seeing that a few of his dumb underlings had been scared off by Lu Ting's few shots, he couldn't help but curse inwardly for a moment.


Immediately after that, he spoke up to advise them: "You bunch of brainless idiots! Besides guns, you don't know how to use any other weapons, do you?!"


"Use grenades to blow him out!"


"Like hiding in the room playing defense, huh?!"


"Then use grenades to blast in and see if this kid will come out or not!"


When Zakka said this, those few thugs hiding under the wall next to Lu Ting's room door instantly looked as if they had just seen the light.


Then, after exchanging glances, the two thugs holding the Negev light machine guns and the RPK light machine guns suddenly stood up without warning!


At the same time,


Lu Ting, concealed behind the partition wall in the room, was the first to observe their movements through the window on the left, which he had pulled the curtains aside to look through.


But this time, before he could even shoot, the two thugs outside the window had already seized the initiative!


*Bam bam bam bam bam bam!*


In an instant,


From the left window about ten meters away from him, there was a sudden burst of indiscriminate gunfire.


Lu Ting reacted swiftly as soon as the first rounds were fired, quickly retracting behind the partition wall.


He had no intention of lingering behind this partition wall because it wasn't made of reinforced concrete but rather a simple structure of wooden boards with a surface coated in white plaster. Therefore, this partition wall was not as sturdy as the adjacent walls, making it vulnerable to powerful firearms like light machine guns easily penetrating through!


Lu Ting didn't want to be caught in a crossfire by the thugs, with their bullets flying haphazardly and potentially hitting his body.


The next moment,


He swiftly rolled forward in a half-kneeling position, tumbling several times until he reached behind the open kitchen cabinet units.


Clatter clatter clatter——!!!


At this moment, in the living room on the other side of the partition wall directly in front of Lu Ting, there was chaos from the random spray of gunfire from the light machine gun.


Lu Ting was well aware that his exact position hadn't been exposed to the thugs outside, so their current behavior was probably not just an attempt to attack him with random gunfire.


Just as he thought this,


The successive bursts of gunfire from the light machine gun, sounding like firecrackers, and the crackling of objects being hit by bullets in the living room space suddenly ceased!


An eerie silence pervaded the room.


Lu Ting certainly wasn't naive enough to believe that this sudden calm meant the thugs outside had given up attacking him. After all, before a storm, there was always a brief period of calm!


Immediately after, he cautiously peeked out from behind the kitchen cabinet units, exposing only his right eye to maintain an unobstructed view, and quickly scanned the door and window at the far end of the living room.


The row of windows on the left side of the room, now in a state of disrepair from the light machine gun's spray, bore traces of bullet impacts throughout the living room space. However, after a thorough observation, Lu Ting did not spot any thug.


Just as he was about to check the situation at the other window, two faint sounds came from outside the left window of the room.






Anyone experienced with various weapons could recognize that these two sounds, resembling the release of compressed air, were the sounds of grenade pins being pulled!


Upon hearing these two sounds, Lu Ting's pupils immediately contracted involuntarily, and he thought to himself, "Not good!"


Before he could finish his thought, he saw two black grenades being thrown into the room from the left window.




Upon landing, the two grenades even rolled forward a short distance!


(End of the Chapter)