The Brutal Battlefield


On the other side, not far from the room where Lu Ting was hiding, in the living room space, the M57 grenade that Lu Ting had timed for detonation exploded among a dozen thugs!


In an instant, the fifty solid steel balls hidden within the M57 grenade exploded into motion, shooting in all directions across the living room space!


Propelled by the tremendous force of the explosion, these fifty solid steel balls were as lethal as bullets!


Within the blast radius of the M57 grenade, not a single thug could escape unscathed!


At that moment, the blast shockwave, the fifty solid steel balls, and the fragments of the grenade shell itself became the "scythe of death" harvesting the lives of these thugs!


Those closest to the M57 Hand Cannon grenade had their legs directly blasted into pieces! Under the shockwave of the explosion, their severed limbs flew alongside flesh and blood!


The scene was gruesome beyond measure!


As for those thugs slightly farther from the explosion center, their situation wasn't any better. Their bodies were pierced through by the grenade fragments, blood gushing from their wounds!


Their mouths, eyes, noses, and ears were no exception, all bleeding from the blast impact!


Once the sound of the M57 Hand Cannon grenade's explosion gradually faded away, what filled this room was the agonizing cries of these thugs!


"My legs! My legs!!"


"Damn it! My fingers... Ahhh!!!"


"Fuck! I can't see anything! My eyes!!"


"Help! Help me!"




When the aftermath of the explosion settled, what was once a team of over a dozen thugs now only had a few survivors who hadn't been obliterated by the M57 Hand Cannon grenade!


At this moment, the scene of this room was horrific to the extreme!


If anyone walked in and saw this scene, they would probably shit their pants!


The bodies laid across the floor dying the ground in red


Some of them had their bodies blasted into pieces, some were charred black by explosives and grenade sharpnel, covered in blood—whether their own or their companions'—and some of them had their organ fragments hanging from their bodies!


The thick smell of blood mixed with smoke hung in the air.


At this moment, Zakka, who had been sent by Arthur to lead the capture, also survived among the few remaining in the room!


During the explosion of the M57 Hand Cannon grenade just now, although he quickly pulled a subordinate in front of himself as a shield, he still ended up riddled with holes!


Though Zakka was still alive now, he was clearly on the verge of death, struggling for breath.


Warm crimson blood oozed from Zakka's mouth where the grenade sharpnel had pierced through. His gaze could only see corpses, body parts, organ fragments, and blood flowing everywhere.


Although Zakka had never seen an M57 grenade before, he now only knew one thing—the power of this grenade was far greater than any ordinary grenade they had encountered before!


Otherwise, how could the other side use just this one grenade to directly wipe out over a dozen of them, and each death more gruesome than the last?


Up until now, Zakka finally realized they had vastly underestimated Lu Ting's strength! His combat prowess and the weapons he carried were far beyond what they had imagined!


Now understanding the consequences of underestimating the enemy's strength, Zakka was in deep regret.


At this moment, a series of footsteps approached Zakka from behind!


Step. Step.


The continuous sound of footsteps closing in filled Zakka's heart with immense fear. His body, which was on the brink of collapse, began to tremble uncontrollably!


Not only Zakka but the remaining one or two thugs also felt the same! They knew these footsteps must be from Lu Ting, who had been hiding in this room earlier. His purpose in approaching now was clear—to see if anyone among them still clung to life and then finish them off!


Their assumptions were correct!


After the aftermath of the M57 Hand Cannon grenade's explosion subsided somewhat, Lu Ting stood up from behind the open kitchen cabinets.


Compared to before, he looked somewhat disheveled.


Although the grenades thrown in by the thugs hadn't caused any substantial harm to Lu Ting, the shockwaves from three consecutive grenade explosions had stirred up a lot of dust, making him look like he had just crawled out of the ground.


But these were trivial matters.


Soon, Lu Ting drew the Glock 17 pistol tucked into his waist without hesitation and stepped into the living room.


As he approached the partition wall connecting the living room to the open kitchen, the first thing he smelled was the overpowering scent of blood and the thick smoke of explosives.


What immediately caught Lu Ting's eye was the horrific and bloody battlefield scene he had created!


Even though Lu Ting knew full well what the aftermath of an M57 grenade explosion would look like and had mentally prepared himself, seeing this scene with his own eyes made his dark pupils tremble involuntarily.


On the floor of this living room, over a dozen thugs lay scattered in disarray. Their bodies were torn apart, their intestines and various-sized body parts strewn everywhere, and the crimson blood formed puddles on the floor!


A gruesome scene like this undoubtedly delivered a massive shock to him.


Lu Ting had never witnessed such carnage before. His ability to hold back the urge to vomit on the spot showed his remarkable composure!


Nevertheless, he paused for just half a second before continuing to stride forward into the living room.


Though Lu Ting knew these thugs were undoubtedly doomed under the power of the M57 grenade explosion, he still wanted to swiftly clear the battlefield. If anyone miraculously clung to life, he could still "do a good deed" and put them out of their misery!


(End of the Chapter)