Lu Ting's Decisive Kill!

Soon, Lu Ting arrived beside the first surviving thug. He lowered his head to look into the thug's eyes, devoid of any emotional fluctuation.


After all, just minutes ago, this person had a weapon in hand and was shouting to kill one of Lu Ting's enemies!


Lu Ting wasn't some Bodhisattva who could muster any compassion for his enemies. Seeing these thugs blown apart, missing limbs, he felt nothing but satisfaction!


Without hesitation, Lu Ting raised his Glock 17 pistol and aimed it at the thug's head. With a pull of the trigger, a silenced gunshot rang out. A bloody bullet hole appeared in the center of the thug's forehead, crimson blood spurted out. The thug's face froze in an expression of intense fear and terror.


Lu Ting proceeded to eliminate the next one or two thugs in the same manner.


Until he stood before the last thug. As Lu Ting glimpsed his face, he paused for half a second.


He remembered this person from earlier, commanding the group of thugs to capture him!


He was the leader of this group of thugs, likely some sort of minor gang boss.


But to Lu Ting, there was no difference between them—they were all enemies!


Since they were all enemies, whether one or two, they all had to die!


Lu Ting prepared to pull the trigger and end his life.


Unexpectedly, the man spoke at this moment!


In broken English, he stammered, "You!... dare kill us... Arthur... cough... won't... won't let you go!"


Hearing this, Lu Ting's brow furrowed slightly. There was no change in his serious expression. A dying man still had the strength to threaten him?


Hmph. Seems like the power of the M57 grenade wasn't enough!


Moreover, if Lu Ting didn't kill these thugs now, would they spare him?


That was clearly impossible!


With this in mind, Lu Ting's eyes grew colder. He didn't respond to the thug's threat but succinctly said, "Your time's up."


With that said, Lu Ting pulled the trigger of his Glock 17 pistol directly.




After the gunshot echoed, the last thug died at Lu Ting's hands.


After temporarily dealing with this group of thugs, Lu Ting surveyed the extremely bloody living room space. Then, he lifted his foot and prepared to leave the place.


He didn't need to think twice; he knew that more thugs would definitely rush here next, to once again encircle and pursue him!


Therefore, the top priority now was to quickly leave this place and relocate! It would be best to completely conceal his whereabouts, avoiding another confrontation with these thugs!


Last night, Lu Ting had parked his off-road pickup truck in the parking lot to the right of this building. Now, evading relentless pursuit by these thugs, he had moved from the original right-side building to the central residential building.


In other words, if he wanted to reach the parking lot as quickly as possible without being discovered by more thugs, he would need to return to the far-right building of this interconnected building complex, and then proceed from there to the parking lot!




This evacuation route made Lu Ting click his tongue, clearly finding it troublesome.


But from the current situation, it seemed there was no other way.


After making his decision, Lu Ting lifted his foot and prepared to leave for the parking lot.


But just then, a sudden realization struck Lu Ting's mind, as if he had remembered something. He abruptly turned to look back at the nearest body, that of Zakka.


He... what did he just say?


'Arthur won't let you off!'




Recalling this name, Lu Ting felt it was somewhat familiar. He seemed to have encountered it somewhere.




Last night, when he was browsing the dark web out of boredom, he had seen a local hiring task in Mont Jalada. The employer had mentioned a kidnapper who tied hostages to Zakka, and the leader of the kidnappers was named this?


The local kingpin of drugs in Dakar, Arthur!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting's steps suddenly paused.


Although the Arthur he saw on the dark web last night and the Arthur mentioned by the thug just now might be two different people, Lu Ting felt that this possibility was unlikely!




After all, in this world, how could there be so many coincidences?! Lu Ting drew a sharp breath. Before, he thought that the Chinese Interpol officer, had only provoked a small drug dealer in Mont Jalada.


Because the local drug dealers in Mont Jalada are as numerous as hair on a cow!


But what Lu Ting didn't expect was that she had provoked the local big boss in Mont Jalada!


You know, most of the small drug dealers only trade drugs in a small area of ​​Mont Jalada, but big drug dealers like Arthur manage drug trade in the entire Mont Jalada, and these small drug dealers and thugs, were also under his control!


Even most of the local police stations in Dakar, those policemen and special police officers, were all under his control!


You could imagine, what kind of existence did that female officer provoke!


However, now because of her, Lu Ting was forced into these muddy waters and became a thorn in the flesh of this big boss!


The only good news for Lu Ting now was that it seems that the other party had not yet taken him seriously, not deploying a large force or police to deal with him together!


But once Arthur's men underlings fail to catch him,


'I'm afraid I will have to deal with more than just these small fries'


(End of the Chapter)