Intense Alleyway Battle

Thinking of this, Lu Ting's already tense face suddenly became even more serious.


Although the military quality of Dakar's local SWAT teams couldn't compare to those of developed countries, they were still soldiers trained through systematic training!


Whether in terms of combat equipment, combat strength, or overall combat awareness, they were far superior to these thugs by many times!


In a situation where he was alone, Lu Ting absolutely did not want to confront them.


Time was of the essence; he had to leave immediately!


After collecting his thoughts, Lu Ting stepped towards the door. As he passed the bodies of the thugs he had shot dead in the hallway, he hesitated for half a second and then took a mask from one of the bodies to cover his face.


Most of these thugs who came to capture him were either using a headscarf to cover half of their faces or tied around their heads. Now, Lu Ting was covered in dirt all over, and after masking his face, at first glance, he didn't look much different from these thugs!


Sometimes, simple disguises were also a tactical deception.


For elite warriors with eagle-eyed observation skills, Lu Ting's simple disguise at this moment wouldn't pass, and it could easily be seen through. However, it was sufficient to deal with these thugs.


After doing this, Lu Ting listened carefully to the surroundings while steadily advancing towards his destination.


Inside this interconnected building complex, each room was intricately interwoven, and the corridors connecting these rooms were naturally winding and twisting, with corners encountered every few steps.


At times like these, Lu Ting always cautiously observed because he didn't want to stage any melodramatic scenes of "meeting love around the corner" with these thugs.


Fortunately, during the short distance he covered, he didn't encounter any thugs. Perhaps it was because news of the squad that had come to chase him had not yet spread after being completely wiped out.


Therefore, for the time being, no other thugs had come to support!


He had to seize this precious opportunity and ideally reach the parking lot in one go!


Thinking of this,


Lu Ting's pace quickened involuntarily.


Meanwhile, In the lobby of the first floor of this interconnected building complex, there was still a team of thugs ordered by Zakka to stand by, waiting for instructions from their boss.


Due to the wrong assessment of Lu Ting's combat strength earlier, the overconfident Zakka had only brought one team with him. Therefore, when they were completely wiped out by Lu Ting in the building, no one else knew!


This team of thugs standing by also did not sense anything wrong. Even when there were successive explosions of grenades in the building just now, they only thought their boss was venting his anger on the mercenary!


After all, this kind of thing was what their boss Zakka was best at.


But as time passed, these thugs gradually felt something was wrong because the walkie-talkie in one of their hands hadn't transmitted any messages for a long time!


Moreover, there were no sounds of intense fighting coming from the building where they were located.


In a situation like this, there were only two possible scenarios: either their boss had succeeded in capturing and killing that mercenary, or...


Their boss and the men he brought had been killed by that mercenary!


Thinking of this, the group of thugs exchanged uneasy glances. Immediately, one of them, holding the walkie-talkie, pressed the talk button and shouted, "Boss? Did you catch him?"


"Boss?! Hello?!"


Several calls echoed through the walkie-talkie, but there was only silence.


The thugs who had gone to besiege Lu Ting had all been blasted to death by him using M57 grenades. How could there be anyone responding on the walkie-talkie?!


With no response from their boss, even the slowest and most obtuse among them should have realized that something was wrong by now.


The thugs standing by also sensed this. Without hesitation, they picked up their weapons and started rushing upstairs!


Meanwhile, Lu Ting had already moved to the side building closest to the first-floor parking lot.


Suddenly, Lu Ting, walking lightly in the corridor, abruptly halted and pressed his body against the nearby wall.


Thump, thump, thump...


Intense footsteps echoed from the lower floor where he stood. Though faint, Lu Ting's keen ears caught every sound.


Upon hearing these sounds, Lu Ting listened carefully for a few seconds. Based on his own experience and integrating the former host's experiences, he estimated that the group coming upstairs wouldn't be fewer than ten people!


Moreover, these footsteps were rapidly approaching his floor!


At this moment, Lu Ting couldn't think of anyone else who would bring such a large group upstairs besides other thugs.


Most likely, news of the previous thugs being wiped out had been discovered, prompting others to come to their aid!




Lu Ting's brow furrowed once more. Despite the thugs coming upstairs directly beneath him, potentially leading to a face-to-face encounter if he went down now, he still didn't want to choose the longer route.


He had already come this far. Retreating and taking a detour would waste too much time!




There were only a few dozen thugs downstairs!


Lu Ting was confident he could handle them.


Thinking of this Lu Ting made up his mind. He quickly checked the remaining ammunition in the AK he had taken from one of the thugs.




Confirming there were enough bullets left, Lu Ting released the safety on the AK and stepped downstairs.


As he descended, the footsteps in his ears grew clearer and clearer!


Lu Ting estimated their distance based on the footsteps he heard.


Twenty meters.


Fifteen meters.


Ten meters!


By now, Lu Ting had descended the two sections of stairs between the third and second floors. The footsteps indicated they were almost within arm's reach!


As expected,


Just as Lu Ting continued forward, preparing to pass through a corridor towards the stairs leading to the first floor, dozens of thugs suddenly appeared around the corner, rushing towards him!


Just as Lu Ting had anticipated, due to the distance and his disguise, these thugs mistook him for a companion, not an enemy!


For a moment,


Not a single one of them noticed anything amiss. In fact, they hurried forward a few steps, asking questions as they ran.


"What's happening upstairs?"


"Why isn't anyone answering the walkie-talkie?"


"What about the mercenary?"


At this moment, Lu Ting didn't understand a word of their local language.


Even if he did, he wouldn't bother answering. He was here to kill them; was there any need for unnecessary chatter?!


The next moment,


Without hesitation, Lu Ting raised his AK assault rifle and aimed at the group of thugs. Then, he began a furious barrage!


(End of the Chapter)