Using a Pistol to Snipe!?




The AK rifle, its safety already released, erupted fiercely, unleashing a series of immensely powerful bullets, accompanied by flames spewing from the muzzle.


Meanwhile, the thugs standing on the opposite corridor from Lu Ting had never expected their 'comrade' to open fire towards them!


Caught completely unprepared, several of the front-running thugs were instantly riddled with bullets from the AK assault rifle, each hit bursting bloody holes in their bodies, leaving them lifeless in the blink of an eye!


As for the others positioned a bit farther back, luck was on their side as their comrades absorbed the initial barrage, allowing them to narrowly escape.


Quickly, they retreated in panic, scrambling back behind the corner at the end of the corridor.


However, Lu Ting wasn't about to give them a chance to catch their breath. With his left hand free, he pulled out a grenade from the side pocket of his pants, swiftly bit off the safety pin, and threw the grenade towards the corner where the fleeing thugs were hiding.


This time, Lu Ting didn't throw another M57 grenade like before; it was just a common, ordinary grenade.


Nevertheless, even the most ordinary grenade was more than enough to deal with these few thugs who were fleeing in panic!




The grenade exploded with a thunderous sound, causing the building underfoot to tremble violently from the shockwave of the explosion.


Lu Ting had already positioned himself behind the wall of the door frame when he threw the grenade. Unfortunately, the thugs at the end of the corridor, within the blast radius of the grenade, weren't as lucky!


Though just an ordinary grenade, it maimed the fleeing thugs, turning their desperate scramble into a scene of dismemberment and carnage!


Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!


As the aftermath of the grenade blast gradually dissipated, the only sounds filling the corridor were the screams of the heavily injured thugs who had lost all ability to resist.


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting swiftly emerged, clearing the battlefield with his AK assault rifle.


Compared to the carnage caused by the earlier M57 grenade, the sight of these thugs maimed by the grenade didn't seem as bloody.


Immediately after reloading his rifle, Lu Ting didn't linger. After glancing under the railing of the corridor and confirming there were no other thugs on the first floor for now, he immediately stepped forward and headed downstairs.


From this staircase's first-floor area to the path leading to the parking lot, Lu Ting chose a more discreet route and didn't encounter any more thugs.


Naturally, this was exactly what he hoped for. However, it didn't mean he could let his guard down. On the contrary, in such moments, he needed to be even more cautious and alert!


The reason was simple:


Even though he had left this surrounded cruciform building, he was still within Mont Jalada's jurisdiction!


As long as he remained within Mont Jalada, it meant Lu Ting remained within the authority's notification zone. It also meant he hadn't escaped danger in the first place.


Therefore, he could never afford to let his guard down, no matter the circumstances!


Just as Lu Ting thought this, he was getting closer to his off-road pickup truck.


However, even from a distance of twenty or thirty meters, Lu Ting immediately spotted three thugs standing at the front and rear of his off-road pickup.


Each of them held a Thompson submachine gun, each one focused on a different direction, clearly on lookout duty.


Seeing this scene, Lu Ting immediately halted his steps. He leaned against the side of a van, hiding his own figure, and carefully observed the surroundings of the parking lot.


At this moment, aside from the three individuals near his vehicle, he didn't spot any other thugs in the vicinity.


After a brief pause of one or two seconds, Lu Ting set down his AK assault rifle and instead drew a Glock 17 handgun equipped with a silencer from his waist.


With the distance between him and the three thugs, using the AK assault rifle in single-shot mode would certainly have easily resolved the situation.




Inside this not-too-small parking lot, while Lu Ting's line of sight confirmed no other thugs were present, it didn't mean there weren't others in different positions.


Moreover, outdoors, the sound of an AK assault rifle firing could carry quite far!


The noise generated by an AK assault rifle was too loud; it was nearing the point of no return. Lu Ting didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention.


While the Glock 17 was only a handgun, its effective range still reached 40-50 meters, more than sufficient to eliminate the three thugs.


Most importantly, paired with a silencer, the Glock 17 allowed Lu Ting to silently take them out!


At this moment, the three thugs around Lu Ting's off-road pickup naturally had no awareness of the imminent danger approaching them!


During their lookout duty, they could clearly hear the sounds of battle from the cruciform building, but under orders, they didn't dare move from their positions.


"The activity at the building, why has it stopped?!"


The thug standing guard at the rear of the vehicle glanced at the H shaped building and said to his companion, "Could it be that the boss and the others have succeeded?"




Another thug responded with absolute certainty. Clearly, he was confident that their leader would capture Lu Ting.


In their eyes—no, in the eyes of all the thugs—Lu Ting, the mercenary, was just a fledgling, nothing more than a minor annoyance!


But unexpectedly,


Before he finished speaking, a silenced gunshot rang out in his ears!






Following this gunshot was the sound of his companion falling to the ground from the front of the vehicle!


This shot instantly prompted the remaining two to raise their Thompson submachine guns, but without knowing where the enemy was, they were like headless flies, spinning in place.


Simultaneously, their eyes scanned the surroundings incessantly, searching for the hidden shooter!


However, Lu Ting concealed in the shadows clearly wouldn't allow them to find him so easily!


After firing the first shot with precision to eliminate one thug, Lu Ting swiftly changed positions.


By now, he had quietly approached within fifteen meters of his off-road pickup.


At this distance, taking out the last two thugs was simply child's play for Lu Ting!


Immediately, he raised the Glock 17 in his hands again. Quickly aligning the red dot sight onto the head of one of the thugs, Lu Ting immediately pulled the trigger!


Phew! Phew!


Following two consecutive silenced shots, the two thugs still searching for Lu Ting's figure were efficiently taken down!


(End of the Chapter)