
After his body was enhanced by the super serum, Lu Ting's marksmanship became terrifyingly precise. Even in the recent encounter with the three thugs, he was confident that he could take them out with a single shot, even blindfolded, relying on sound alone to locate them.


Not to mention, in these surprise attack scenarios, shooting them was no different than hitting stationary targets.


After swiftly and cleanly dealing with the three thugs guarding his off-road pickup, Lu Ting had no intention of lingering in this parking lot.


After all, situations where sentries were killed were typically quickly discovered. The longer he stayed on this parking lot, the higher the chance he would be noticed by other thugs.


Quickly, Lu Ting stealthily moved to the side of his off-road pickup. He first opened the rear door, violently lifted the rear seat cushion, and retrieved a bulletproof tactical vest from underneath.


In addition to the bulletproof vest, beneath this rear seat cushion, Lu Ting also stored an HK416 assault rifle, two spare 5.56mm magazines, two M57 hand grenades, one RG-60TB thermobaric grenade, and three standard hand grenades.


Normally, Lu Ting would only carry one or two handguns on his person. These sophisticated and powerful weapons were backup weapons he kept in the car for missions he deemed potentially dangerous.


In other words, when you're on a mercenary mission, these weapons might not seem necessary, but you absolutely must be prepared!


Because you never know when unexpected things might happen, so you must always be ready for intense combat!


Like the current situation, before arriving at Mont Jalada Dakar, Lu Ting had never imagined that a simple bodyguard mission would force him into this mess, provoking the local drug lord.


Immediately after, Lu Ting swiftly donned the tactical bulletproof vest onto himself. As for the spare magazines and various grenades, he loaded them all onto the tactical vest in one go.


Because at this moment, he had a strong premonition that the upcoming battle with these enemies would be far from simple!


So, Lu Ting had to prepare all his equipment in advance. Otherwise, there might not be another chance to grab them later!


The AK assault rifle taken from one of the thugs was also not discarded by Lu Ting; he simply placed it on the rear seat.


After quickly completing all these actions, Lu Ting opened the driver's door and sat down firmly in the driver's seat. He casually threw his backpack onto the passenger seat.


Ignition, start, and throttle—Lu Ting didn't want to waste a single second. Immediately, he drove the off-road pickup roaring towards the exit of the parking lot.


At the same time, his gaze was fixed tightly on the front window. If nothing unexpected happened, there would definitely be thugs at the exit of this parking lot!


Sure enough,


As Lu Ting's off-road pickup raced closer to the exit of the parking lot, his field of vision suddenly widened. He saw two sedan-style cars parked on both sides of the parking lot exit!


The positioning of these two cars directly blocked the exit of the parking lot!


For Lu Ting's current size of off-road pickup, other than crashing straight through to create an opening, there was no other way!


And at this moment, sitting in those two cars, the thugs stationed here also saw the off-road pickup rushing towards them!




"Stop! Stop, do you hear me!"


"Fuck! Open fire!"




The thugs in the car directly pulled out various firearms in their hands. They shouted fiercely, intending to intimidate Lu Ting with words, while also aiming their guns directly at the rapidly approaching off-road pickup!


Seeing a large off-road pickup rushing towards them as if it had no regard for life, fear and dread appeared on the faces of these thugs.


After all, at the current speed of that off-road pickup, if it really crashed into them, the feeling would definitely be unbearable!


Therefore, after their shouting and intimidation proved ineffective, these thugs hesitated no longer. They immediately opened fire at Lu Ting's driving off-road pickup!




Bang bang bang bang!


Different types of firearms simultaneously fired countless powerful bullets, as these thugs attempted to use a fierce onslaught to force Lu Ting, inside the car, to stop.


Bullets struck Lu Ting's off-road pickup, creating sparks as they scraped against the metal body.


As for the bullets hitting the car window, they only shattered the glass, leaving behind layers of spider-web-like cracks. However, these bullets ultimately failed to penetrate the bulletproof glass.


Clearly, the car windows used on Lu Ting's off-road pickup were not ordinary; they were exceptionally strong and bulletproof!


A few days ago, when Lu Ting arrived in Dakar and rented vehicles and equipment, he deliberately rented a bulletproof vehicle. This was, of course, part of his preparation as a mercenary, always prepared for any sudden situation.


After all, caution is the ship that sails for a thousand years!


Seeing that their frenzied gunfire failed to slow down Lu Ting's off-road pickup by even a fraction, the thugs who had leaned out of the car windows to shoot were suddenly completely panicked!


They quickly withdrew their guns and dove back into the cars, intending to escape from inside. At this point, it was definitely too late to move the cars aside; their priority was now self-preservation!


However, Lu Ting would not give them such an opportunity!


Seeing these thugs in a state of panic, Lu Ting's eyes hardened with determination. He stomped hard on the accelerator, pushing it down fiercely. The off-road pickup under him immediately accelerated again, charging fiercely forward!




With a loud bang, Lu Ting's off-road pickup effortlessly rammed the two cars blocking the intersection to both sides.


The tremendous impact from the collision caused Lu Ting inside the off-road pickup to also slam forward, but fortunately, his body was strong enough. It was only a brief moment of one or two seconds before he recovered from the force.


Immediately afterward, without pausing for a moment, Lu Ting continued to drive the off-road pickup, kicking up dust as he sped away!


Compared to Lu Ting, the thugs in the other two cars were not so lucky!


They were left with stars in their eyes from the impact, each of them looking extremely battered, bloodied and in disarray.


It wasn't until Lu Ting's roaring off-road pickup gradually faded away that these thugs managed to catch their breath. The next moment, one of them grimaced and pulled out a phone, dialing a number.


At this moment, he was clearly dialing the number of the big boss, Arthur.


Just a second before Lu Ting drove his off-road pickup over, these thugs had seen his face up close. Having previously reviewed Lu Ting's personal information, they naturally recognized him.


Lu Ting's escape now meant that their boss, Zakka's operation, had failed!


As for whether Lu Ting had wiped them all out or merely shaken them off, that was still unknown. But the urgent matter at hand was to inform the big boss, Arthur, of the situation.


"Boss... Boss, that guy escaped!"


"Zakka's Team Charlieouldn't catch him!"


"He drove out of the parking lot!"


(End of the Chapter)