Arthur Takes Charge!


The thug reporting to Arthur wore a nervous and uneasy expression, fearing Arthur's wrath might turn against him.


At the same time, this thug couldn't fathom how Lu Ting had escaped from Zakka's encirclement! Wasn't he supposed to lack any real strength?!


Wasn't it said that he had never even killed anyone?!


Then how could it be that two squads totaling about thirty people couldn't capture him?!


Not only did they fail to capture him, but just a glance before the crash showed that this kid didn't seem to have a scratch on him?!


This turn of events left the thugs completely bewildered. They didn't understand what was happening. Could it be that there was a mistake in the intelligence about Lu Ting?!


That was impossible!


After all, this was information directly from the big boss Arthur himself!


How could it be wrong?!


At this moment, Arthur, who had just received the call from his subordinate reporting the situation, was equally shocked and dismayed!


Sitting at the table, Arthur's face turned extremely ugly. The sumptuous spread of food before him suddenly lost all appeal as he listened to the latest battle report over the phone.


Despite having considered this possibility beforehand, Arthur couldn't help but feel a surge of anger when it all unfolded before him.


"Useless!" "FUCKING USELESS!!!!"


Immediately, Arthur couldn't hold back his rage and cursed through gritted teeth.


The cold and menacing tone sent shivers down the spine of the thug reporting on the other end of the phone, who was now terrified.


Arthur took a deep breath, calming himself down.


After a brief and suffocating silence,


Arthur's voice came through the phone again.


"Pull up the street surveillance, find out which way he went, and intercept him with all personnel and vehicles!"


Upon hearing this, the thug immediately responded respectfully, "Yes, I'll do it right away!"


As soon as the words fell, he hung up the phone.


How could this thug dare to delay for even a moment?!


He immediately turned to his companions and said, "The boss orders us to chase him down now! Inform others on the way and intercept that kid!"


After saying this, the two cars, with their front ends dented from Lu Ting's off-road pickup, immediately turned around and sped off in the direction Lu Ting had departed.


On the other side,


After hanging up on his subordinate, Arthur immediately dialed the Colonel's number. He succinctly said, "It's time for your people to act. I'm sending you the pictures of his vehicle. Find him for me!"


Upon hearing Arthur's command, the Colonel on the other end of the line was momentarily stunned. Clearly, he hadn't expected Lu Ting to actually escape from such a large group of thugs!


After quickly regaining his composure, the Colonel replied, "Understood."


After a brief exchange with the Colonel, Arthur hung up the phone.


Even though Lu Ting had managed to escape from his encirclement, for Arthur, this was actually something he had anticipated.


As long as Lu Ting remained within Dakar without leaving, Arthur had ten thousand ways to find him!


At present, all the roads leading out of Dakar to the outside world had been completely sealed off by him. Lu Ting had no possibility of leaving the city of Dakar!


So even if Lu Ting had briefly escaped from his encirclement, what could he do?


For Arthur, trying to catch Lu Ting in Dakar was like trying to catch a turtle in a jar!


Not to mention, he had just dispatched the Special Police Force as well!


In this situation, Lu Ting would find it even harder to escape!




At this moment, Arthur had developed a slight interest in Lu Ting. He wanted to see for himself what kind of guy Lu Ting really was!


More importantly, he wanted to witness the pathetic look on Lu Ting's face when he was caught!


After all, this guy had cost him quite a few of his men!


With this in mind, Arthur didn't hesitate anymore. He got up from the dining table and instructed the security guard beside him as he walked out, "Prepare the car."


Clearly, Arthur, who was absolutely confident in capturing Lu Ting, was now in the mindset of a cat playing with its prey, intending to toy with him before ultimately killing him!




Driving his off-road pickup through the streets of Dakar, Lu Ting was completely unaware of Arthur's orders to the Special Police Force to capture him.


But he knew he had to leave Dakar as soon as possible!


After bursting out of the parking lot, Lu Ting didn't choose the main roads with numerous cameras and traffic lights but opted for smaller, less-traveled routes.


You see, the entire city of Dakar was under Arthur's surveillance. If Lu Ting chose to escape conspicuously on the main roads, he might as well have called Arthur to come and capture him!


Lu Ting wasn't that foolish!


Although these intricate smaller roads might take a bit longer and waste some time, they were the best choice for Lu Ting now, who desperately wanted to evade Arthur's pursuit!


Beep beep beep beep beep!


However, the congestion on these smaller roads during this time period far exceeded Lu Ting's expectations. He almost wore out the horn of his car just to get through a short stretch.


Lu Ting's destination at this moment was another small port in Dakar.


If he wanted to leave Dakar, his options for transportation were limited to a few. Methods like trains or planes, which required boarding with identity checks and had slow, complex boarding procedures, were clearly not within Lu Ting's range of options.


Not to mention, Lu Ting was carrying weapons. Hence, the only means of transport he could choose to leave was by water — taking a boat.


Dakar's various ports were chaotic, with no one really caring about what you did or whether you carried weapons.


However, places like these smaller ports were usually controlled by major underworld forces. While in the car earlier, Lu Ting had already investigated that this port, located at the southeastern corner of Dakar adjacent to neighboring Mung Mai, was not under Arthur's control.


And this became the only port where he could leave Dakar!


Therefore, at this moment, while evading Arthur's pursuit, Lu Ting was also striving to reach that small port.


Once he boarded a ship to leave Dakar, even if Arthur came in person, there would be nothing he could do!


Thinking of this,


Lu Ting's already serious expression tightened even more. Watching the crowded small streets, he increased the frequency of honking in his hand.


Soon, the distance between him and the port came closer. Looking at the port already within sight, Lu Ting slowed down slightly. Then, he stopped at a corner position and immediately took out binoculars from his backpack, looking towards the interior of the port.


Although this port was indeed not under Arthur's jurisdiction, Lu Ting still chose to stop and observe the situation. At this moment, caution was paramount!


Through his binoculars, Lu Ting could see that the port was bustling with activity, seemingly without any unusual occurrences.




Just as Lu Ting was about to put down his binoculars and drive into the port, several luxury cars not far away were driving into the port at a moderate speed.


Seeing this scene, Lu Ting's left eyelid twitched slightly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.


Immediately, he shifted his line of sight with the binoculars to focus on the interior of the port, following the movement of those luxury cars.


Shortly after entering the port, these luxury cars stopped. Soon, one by one, men dressed in suits and looking like tough thugs got out of the cars.


And as they got out of the cars, a clearly subordinate figure greeted them from the side.


From the movements and expressions of both sides, it seemed they were discussing something serious!


(End of the Chapter)