The Arrival of Special Police Force!


Lu Ting saw the meetup through his binoculars.


After a brief exchange lasting several tens of seconds, the subordinate who had nodded and bowed in front of others respectfully nodded towards the person in front of him, as if agreeing to something.


Immediately after, this subordinate turned and left.


Lu Ting, through the binoculars, also unconsciously followed the movement of that person's gaze towards that direction. Any abnormality in the situation inside the port at this moment was crucial for him.


After all, if there was any wrong judgment at this moment, the consequences could be unimaginable!


Although this small port was not under Arthur's control, it didn't mean there was no communication between him and the owner of this port.


Since Lu Ting chose this port as the only way to leave Dakar, he had conducted some investigation before coming here.


And based on some information found on the dark web, Arthur's relationship with the owner of this small port was not good, to say the least — it was even strained.


However, Lu Ting still had concerns in his mind at this moment. After all, what he had in his hands was so important to Arthur!


He felt that Arthur might actively engage in some form of transaction with the owner of this small port in order to capture him, perhaps even persuading the owner to agree to block the port.


This wasn't just Lu Ting overthinking; it was a realistic possibility!


Since Arthur could reach the position of a drug lord, it was enough to prove that he possessed some extraordinary means.


Therefore, dealing with such a character, Lu Ting had to be a hundred percent serious and he absolutely could not underestimate him!




Just as Lu Ting was continuously considering the situation in his mind, the situation inside the port suddenly changed!


Shortly after the supposed subordinate entered a small house inside the port, Lu Ting saw that the previously busy port suddenly had many guys with weapons emerging from various positions!


They were clearly divided and quickly heading towards various entrances and exits of the port.




At the entrance closest to Lu Ting's current position, these armed port personnel began to guard it, starting to inspect vehicles and personnel entering the port!


Seeing this scene, Lu Ting immediately realized that his worst fears had come true.


Originally, he had planned to leave by boat before Arthur took action. But he hadn't expected Arthur to act so quickly, actually using his means to blockade the port within such short time.


From the current situation, it seemed like even this last port had to be abandoned!


And if this port was sealed off, not to mention the other ports under his control, they must have already been heavily guarded. If he dared to show himself, he would be caught immediately!


Immediately after, Lu Ting put down the binoculars, restarted the car, and prepared to leave this port. Since this place was already blocked, it was definitely not safe to stay nearby for long.




Just as Lu Ting drove his off-road pickup onto an unpaved path, his hearing, which was tens of times sharper than normal, suddenly caught the continuous siren coming from the distant end of this path that seemed to have no end in sight.


Upon hearing this disturbance, Lu Ting instinctively eased off the gas pedal slightly. He admitted that he was indeed as timid as a startled bird at this moment, where any abnormal situation would arouse his vigilance.


The continuous siren was gradually becoming clearer, and Lu Ting stopped the car from moving forward. After a brief thought for two seconds, he decisively turned the steering wheel sharply, preparing to turn around and leave this unpaved path.


Because Lu Ting believed there was a high probability that Arthur had teamed up with the local police in Dakar to come after him together, he absolutely did not want to take this risk.


Squeal ————!!


However, unexpectedly,


Just as Lu Ting's off-road pickup had turned only halfway around the bend, there suddenly came the sound of two urgent brakes from behind, catching him off guard!


Lu Ting, whose attention had been entirely drawn to the sirens ahead, immediately looked up and glanced in the rearview mirror.


Only to see, that two police cars, one deep blue and the other white, adorned with red, blue, and white flashing lights on the roof, firmly parked on the road behind him.


On this unpaved path, there were quite a few vehicles passing by, and since these two police cars had not used their sirens while approaching, Lu Ting did not immediately notice the two police cars sneaking up behind him!


After these two police cars came to a stop, four policemen got out of them. The moment they saw Lu Ting sitting in the driver's seat, they did not hesitate to pull out their handguns!


They aimed their guns squarely at Lu Ting, and one of the policemen shouted loudly in accented English, "Person in front, stop the car immediately!"


"Get out of the car! Now!"


Realizing clearly that they were after him, how could Lu Ting possibly obediently comply?


Get out of the car?


Unless he had lost his mind!


The next second,


Lu Ting suddenly straightened the steering wheel, slammed his foot on the accelerator, and dashed forward once again on the unpaved road ahead!


Now he was very aware that the sirens heard from afar on this road were likely also coming for him. However, it sounded like they still had some distance to cover, so for now, he needed to shake off these two police cars behind him!


Meanwhile, the four policemen who had gotten out of the car and were standing next to the doors, using them as cover, saw Lu Ting not only fail to stop the car but even accelerate away. They chose to open fire immediately.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Clang! Clang! Clang!


However, apart from a few metallic clinks as the bullets hit Lu Ting's off-road pickup, there was not the slightest slowing effect on him.


"Chase! Chase! Chase!"


Seeing Lu Ting's off-road pickup kicking up dust as it sped away, how could these four policemen dare to delay?


They immediately got into their cars and hastily chased after him!


One of the policemen, while driving the police car in pursuit, also picked up the police radio installed in the car and called out to his colleagues on all channels, "We've spotted the target! Inside Hazza Avenue, the target is driving northward, requesting backup!"


(End of the Chapter)