Playing Dead

Several tens of minutes ago,


Under Arthur's orders, all police stations in Dakar received a dossier on Lu Ting's personal information. Furthermore, the chief listed him as a wanted criminal and ordered all available police officers to launch a city-wide manhunt!


The squad that had just spotted Lu Ting had coincidentally resolved a domestic dispute in this area moments ago. Just as they were leaving the residential area, they saw Lu Ting preparing to leave!


As police officers, their eyes were sharp. With just a glance or two, they recognized Lu Ting, who had been listed as a wanted criminal! This was a golden opportunity for promotion and recognition, and none of the police officers would easily let it slip. Therefore, upon identifying Lu Ting, they immediately took action.


Woo-woo-woo————!!! To ensure that their colleagues rushing to support knew the exact location of the wanted criminal, the two police cars closely tailing Lu Ting's off-road pickup opened their loud sirens.




Meanwhile, the police cars chasing closely behind caused Lu Ting to curse irritably under his breath. He glanced at the navigation on his phone placed on the passenger seat, furrowed his brow, and forcefully turned the steering wheel to the right. The well-performing off-road pickup elegantly swerved into another, narrower and more uneven unpaved path.


As Lu Ting's off-road pickup entered this smaller road, pedestrians and other small vehicles on both sides of the road were instantly frightened by his speeding, falling and stumbling along the roadside.


Glancing at the rearview mirror, although the two police cars had also turned into this unpaved path behind Lu Ting, they were forced to slow down due to the pedestrians who fell on the roadside.


Although these two police cars were gradually getting further away from him, Lu Ting's serious and solemn expression did not diminish in the slightest. The sirens blaring from all directions into his ears were becoming more numerous and closer!


Sure enough,


In the very next second after Lu Ting had just sped past this small road, two police cars filled with policemen entered from both the front and the back sides of the road, turning into the same narrow path where Lu Ting was. Without wasting a second, they immediately pursued.


In just a few short minutes, behind Lu Ting's off-road pickup, there were five or six police cars blaring sirens.


Lu Ting continued to drive the off-road pickup at the fastest speed possible, shuttling back and forth on the complex network of unpaved roads.


However, compared to Lu Ting's first arrival in Dakar, where he still relied on map navigation, the local police in Dakar were undoubtedly more familiar with these roads.




No matter how Lu Ting maneuvered in this vast expanse of unpaved roads, he was unable to shake off these relentless pursuers!


While Lu Ting and the police were engaged in a thrilling car chase,


On the other side, Arthur, who had rushed over from his residence, also arrived at the first battlefield where Lu Ting had clashed with his men, the interior courtyard of the H-shaped building.


Just as they arrived,


Follow-up men rushed over and began loading the bodies of all their deceased comrades-in-arms from the building onto the vehicles, preparing to take them away.


Arthur cast a casual glance at these fallen henchmen, his expression unchanged.


Obviously, he did not care about these thugs and criminals who sacrificed themselves for him.


At this moment, the Colonel, who had arrived here a step earlier than Arthur, walked briskly towards him after carefully inspecting all the bodies at the scene.


Then, with a slightly grave tone, he spoke to Arthur, "Your earlier consideration was not wrong. This kid is indeed not simple!"


When the Colonel had just obtained Lu Ting's personal information, he couldn't understand why a mere mercenary without much power would be treated so seriously and cautiously by Arthur.


The items he took were indeed very important, and Arthur did not want to make mistakes in this matter, but there was no need to make such a big fuss and mobilize everyone.


It wasn't until the Colonel arrived at the first scene of intense combat based on the location information provided by his men that he understood the wisdom behind Arthur's preemptive decision!


In front of him,


Without exception, all the fatal wounds on these thugs and criminals were extremely precise! Their combat prowess and military skills were indeed poor, but when confronted by a group, only someone with precise marksmanship and seasoned combat experience could calmly target and eliminate each one of these thugs and criminals!


But what about Lu Ting?!


Regardless of which aspect of his identity you looked at, this man was definitely not a mercenary with rich combat experience and precise marksmanship! The Colonel could only think of one possibility for such a stark difference between his real combat capabilities and the information gathered: the information about Lu Ting released on the dark web was likely fake!


After hearing the Colonel's explanation and personally inspecting some of the bodies of his men, Arthur showed a pensive expression and muttered to himself, "No wonder he dared to take on such a contract. He must have been prepared long ago."




Listening to Arthur's final conclusion, the Colonel also nodded in agreement, "Given the current situation, this is the only explanation for why he would choose to confront you."


"Confront me?"


At these words, Arthur's expression revealed a disdainful smile, as if he had heard something particularly amusing. At the same time, his eyes gleamed with cold killing intent.


"He is alone, where does he get the confidence to confront me? And with what does he intend to confront me?"


"If he wants to play pig and eat the tiger, I'd like to see whether he eats me or I eat him!"


Arthur's words sounded confident, but the bodies piled up in these pickup trucks were clearly telling them that Lu Ting's strength was not weak; in fact, it was quite formidable!


Realizing this, the Colonel couldn't help but remind, "By the way, he also has highly lethal weapons in his possession, like the Military's M57 hand grenades. Your man, Zakka, and his entire team were killed by these grenades!"


"Some of them also show signs of being shot after they fell, indicating his caution and meticulousness!"


(End of the Chapter)