Between a Rock and Hard Place



In almost the blink of an eye, the distance of a hundred meters was almost covered. When he reached the intersection leading into the small market, Lu Ting skillfully executed a perfect drift with his off-road pickup, sliding into the bustling market.


Just as Lu Ting had anticipated, the small market was crowded with people, filled with stalls set up by vendors that barely left room for the roads. Lu Ting's off-road pickup, like a behemoth, burst into the scene without slowing down!


Pedestrians on the road and vendors on both sides were startled by Lu Ting's sudden intrusion, hastily dodging to the sides.


According to the road displayed on the navigation map, turning left and driving fifty meters further should lead to the adjacent district.


Quickly, Lu Ting drove his off-road pickup through here. However, halfway through, at the end of the road ahead, a fully black Special Police transport vehicle suddenly burst out from behind the iron gate!


Simultaneously as this Special Police transport vehicle came to a stop, Lu Ting saw the car door being pulled open from inside with a 'swish,' followed well-equipped, heavily armed Special Police officers pouring out of the transport vehicle one after another.


Compared to their equipment, Lu Ting's lone tactical bulletproof vest suddenly seemed inadequate.


Just as he had predicted, Arthur indeed had called in a professional team against him!


The appearance of these Special Police teams added more to Lu Ting's frustration. After all, the combat capabilities of the Special Police far surpassed those ordinary police officers who had been chasing him.


Facing such a large number of Special Police teams coming to block and intercept him head-on, Lu Ting wasn't foolish enough to engage them directly. So, the next second, he immediately shifted the car into reverse, preparing to retreat from this alley.


But at this moment, the police cars chasing from behind had also arrived here!


In an instant,


Lu Ting found himself trapped, blocked from the front and the back!


However, it wasn't yet at the point where he had no way out.


To his right were rows of residential high-rises. If he entered there, even if these Special Police and police wanted to find him quickly, it would still take some time.


Without wasting any more time hesitating, after making a decision in his mind, Lu Ting abruptly pressed down on the accelerator. The off-road pickup, now in reverse gear, roared as it rammed into the first police car behind him.




With a loud crash, the first police car was deeply dented by Lu Ting's off-road pickup. Its front hood flipped up, the windshield shattered and exploded, shards of glass instantly embedding into the faces of the police officers seated in the front row, blood spurting out!


Ah ah ah ah——


Along with the blood, came their cries of agony due to the pain.


But Lu Ting's actions didn't stop. He directly used his elbow to shatter the broken glass of the car window, while his right hand, holding a Glock 17 pistol, reached out and fired several shots at the police cars behind him!


Pew pew pew pew pew!


The suppressed gunshots rang out, immediately forcing those police officers who had just prepared to get out of their cars to retreat back behind the car doors.


Seeing this, Lu Ting seized the opportunity to reach for a smoke grenade from his tactical bulletproof vest on his side, pulled out the pin with his mouth, and threw it towards the direction where the Special Police were!


Clang clang clang—


Hiss hiss hiss hiss——


A large amount of white smoke poured out of the canister, separating Lu Ting from the Special Police team.


Immediately after, Lu Ting didn't waste any time. He swiftly grabbed an HK416 assault rifle placed on the passenger seat and his backpack, among other things, and without hesitation, plunged into the residential building on his left.


By the time the surrounding police and Special Police quickly responded and arrived, Lu Ting's figure had already disappeared without a trace, leaving only the off-road pickup parked in place.


"Captain, what do we do now?"


One of the armed Special Policeman asked. After kicking away the smoke grenade thrown by Lu Ting, he approached the operation Captain and asked, "Should we wait for the boss to come and surround the building, or should we attack directly?!"


Compared to the mindless rush tactics of the previous thugs, these Special Police now blocking the base of the residential building clearly possessed more combat experience and tactical deployment.


At the words, the muscular man referred to as the captain was about to give orders to his men. Suddenly, the sound of a vehicle entering the empty space beside them caught his attention.


The team immediately looked up, and upon seeing their commanding officer's vehicle, they straightened up even more.


Just a second ago, the captain was preparing to speak to his team members, but now he ran over in quick steps. After Colonel came down from the car, he immediately reported, "Reporting, sir, the target has entered the residential building. Please instruct us on our next actions!"


Hearing the captain's somewhat flattering words, the Colonel felt a bit annoyed. He glanced over there and saw an off-road pickup crashed into a police car, with several policemen standing beside it, bloodied and battered.


So many police and Special Police chased him all the way, not only did they fail to cause any harm to Lu Ting, but they also ended up in such a sorry state.


In an instant, the Colonel's expression immediately turned ugly.


"What instructions do you need?"


Turning his head to glance at the captain beside him, his tone was icy and full of dissatisfaction as he said, "Do I need to teach you how to apprehend a wanted criminal?!"


At these words, the captain's expression also immediately became serious and solemn. He knew he had hit a snag in trying to curry favor!


Immediately after, he loudly replied, "No Sir!"


As soon as the words fell, the captain saluted the Colonel, turned around, and walked away quickly. He ran to his team members and issued orders, "Teams Alpha and Bravo, follow me into the building. Team Charlie, block all exits of this building and be ready to support at any time!"


"Yes, sir!"


In response to the captain's orders, these fully armed Special Police officers answered loudly without hesitation, one after another turning to enter the residential building in front of them, immediately launching a carpet search!


(End of the Chapter)