Trap of Deception

As Team Alpha and Team Bravo of the Special Police entered the residential building and began searching for Lu Ting starting from the first floor, simultaneously,


Team Charlie, tasked with guarding all exits of this residential building, also sprang into action. The team leader gathered the members together and issued orders, "Pair up, each team guards the front and rear door exits, secure escape routes. If manpower is insufficient, call in those police officers as well."


Although these officers' combat capabilities might be slightly weaker, having them was better than nothing in this manpower shortage!


Upon hearing their team leader's orders, the remaining Special Police officers immediately nodded in understanding. They dispersed instantly, jogging towards various exit positions of the residential building.


"Wait a moment."


Unexpectedly, the trio led by the team leader was stopped in their tracks when they passed by Colonel.




After saluting in unison to the Colonel, they awaited his command.


The Colonel glanced at Lu Ting's off-road pickup parked downstairs, carefully considering before instructing, "Search his car and see if there are any valuable clues."


"Yes, sir!"


Respecting their superior's command, these Special Police officers dared not show any defiance. As soon as the Colonel finished speaking, the three of them immediately responded and walked towards Lu Ting's off-road pickup.


At this moment,


From an external observation, besides its slight bulletproof capabilities, Lu Ting's off-road pickup did not have any other significant features. Moreover, at this moment, the entire body of Lu Ting's off-road pickup was riddled with bullet holes of various calibers. Originally a second-hand vehicle, it now looked even more worn-out.


Approaching Lu Ting's off-road pickup, the three Special Police officers first observed inside through the broken windows for a few seconds. When they didn't notice anything unusual, one of them reached out and forcefully pulled open the driver's side door.




In that instant!


Alpha cylindrical object, entirely deep forest green in color, fell out from the previously closed car door and onto the ground!


Sensing something falling, the eyes of this Special Police officer instinctively followed the movement downward to the ground.


When he saw what had just dropped from the car door and rolled to his feet—a hand grenade with its pin pulled, specifically an SOHG grenade—this Special Police officer's expression instantly turned as if he had seen a ghost!


As qualified Special Police officers, they had encountered various firearms and weapons. Although the SOHG grenade was equipment from the Army that they had never had the chance to encounter before, hadn't they heard of the capabilities of such grenades?


Therefore, these Special Police officers were all too aware of the destructive power of the SOHG grenade!


The amount of explosive inside an SOHG grenade is four times that of a standard hand grenade!


Furthermore, the explosives filled in the SOHG grenade also contain a temperature-pressure agent, which allows its power to instantly surpass TNT explosives!


The blast radius can extend up to several dozen meters!


And at this very moment, this Special Police officer found himself with the immensely powerful SOHG grenade rolling at his feet!


For a moment, his mind went blank.


But quickly, his subconscious body reactions were much faster than his brain!


He immediately shouted desperately to the other team members at different positions on the vehicle, "Grenade! Get back!"


After uttering these words, the Special Police officer retracted his gun and, with all his might, ran towards a safer distance.


The other two Special Police officers, upon hearing his shout, also paled in an instant. The next second, they too exerted themselves to move as far away as possible from the blast range of the grenade.


Meanwhile, all surrounding officers, including the Colonel, without exception, heard the shout of this Special Police officer.


In an instant, chaos erupted around the location of Lu Ting's off-road pickup truck!


The power of a grenade explosion should never be underestimated, especially when it's about to explode near a vehicle. In such cases, a chain reaction of explosions is highly likely!


Just three seconds later, the SOHG grenade that had fallen to the ground suddenly exploded!




The tremendous fireball from the SOHG grenade explosion instantly engulfed and submerged the nearby off-road pickup truck. As expected, the fuel tank inside the pickup truck was also ignited!


Although Lu Ting had driven the off-road pickup for quite some time and the gasoline in the tank wasn't full, there was still probably around a third or so left!


The next moment, the explosion was indirectly intensified by the fuel-filled tank!


Boom! Boom! Boom!


Within a radius of two to three kilometers, the deafening roar echoed through the area. Flames and a massive amount of black smoke shot up into the sky. The wreckage of the off-road pickup truck was blasted into the air, reaching heights of seven to eight meters. Countless steel and iron fragments, scattered by the shockwave, indiscriminately struck everything within the explosion range!


For a moment,


In the open space in front of this residential building, where police cars, officers, and Special Police had temporarily gathered, a crater with a radius of five to six meters was directly blown open by the SOHG grenade. The air was filled with the smell of burnt earth and countless burning vehicle fragments!


At this moment, any officer who was slightly closer to the center of the explosion, even if they were wearing bulletproof vests and helmets, couldn't escape the tremendous shockwave and towering flames. It tore them apart and charred their remains!


Those officers and Special Police who were a bit farther away didn't fare any better. Most were deafened and disoriented by the tremendous sound of the explosion. Some were pierced by steel fragments, or hit on the head by flying vehicle parts, causing severe bleeding!


Simultaneously, all the small vendors within this market area also suffered from the impact of this SOHG grenade explosion. The entire scene descended into chaos, filled with the cries of civilians who were shocked or injured!


(End of the Chapter)