Terrifying Power of SOHG Grenade

Translator: Cinder Translations



At the same time,


Several kilometers away from the scene where the Special Police were conducting their arrest operation, Arthur stood on the rooftop of a high-rise building and witnessed the earth-shattering explosion!


Even from this distance, Arthur could tell that the explosion was not small!


Standing on the rooftop, he could feel the shockwave from the explosion sweeping in all directions like a storm!


Moreover, he could now smell a faint scent of gunpowder lingering in the air.


Explosions of this magnitude undoubtedly meant horrific deaths for those at the center of the blast. Even if they didn't die instantly, many would surely suffer severe injuries!


Immediately, Arthur took out his phone from his pocket and dialed the Colonel's number. He hoped that the situation on the ground wasn't as dire as he feared.




The call connected, but no one answered. This silence conveyed to Arthur that the situation on the ground was indeed as bad as he had imagined!


At that moment, a personal bodyguard in a black suit rushed over from the staircase. It seemed he had urgent information to report.


Meanwhile, Arthur's call had gone unanswered for a long time before automatically disconnecting. His expression became increasingly grim.




As the bodyguard reached Arthur's side, he pulled out a phone from his inner jacket pocket and placed it in front of Arthur, showing a video of the explosion at the scene.


The video wasn't long, only a minute or two. As Arthur watched further, his face darkened like the bottom of a pot. He never expected that an obscure mercenary would bring him so many 'surprises'!


It was as if he had predicted that the Special Police would search his car and had set up a trap grenade between the door and the frame. As soon as someone opened the driver's door, the trap grenade would be triggered by the external force pulling out the pin!


From pulling out the pin to the explosion, it only took a few seconds. Even for police officers and Special Police like them, there was no way to completely avoid the devastating blast of the grenade!


Moreover, judging from this video footage extracted from surveillance, the grenade Lu Ting used to set the trap was probably not an ordinary hand grenade. The explosive power of a standard hand grenade would never be this great!


For instance, the grenades commonly used by drug traffickers under his command, while similar in size, could never cause such extensive damage, including triggering multiple vehicle explosions nearby.


The grenade Lu Ting used here seemed to be a special type, as mentioned by the Colonel earlier, a highly lethal weapon!


After watching the video, Arthur handed the phone back to his subordinate and asked, "What's the casualty situation on site?"


In response,


The bodyguard who had rushed back from the explosion site reported in detail to Arthur, "From what I observed, most of the dead were police officers and civilians nearby. Only three Special Police officers were killed. The rest of the Special Police teams had already entered the building to apprehend the target."


Waving his hand to dismiss the bodyguard, Arthur looked up again towards the direction where the explosion had occurred.


The rolling black smoke from the explosion was still billowing up, accompanied by chaotic police sirens and the frequent sound of car horns echoing faintly.


The battle between the Colonel's Special Police Team and Lu Ting had barely begun, yet they had already suffered significant losses.


In fact, they had barely exchanged a few words before Lu Ting decisively showed his strength!


Clearly, this was not the situation Arthur wanted to see!


After pondering for a second or two, Arthur picked up his phone again. After quickly composing a text message and sending it, he turned and left the rooftop.


Meanwhile, at the scene of the explosion,


Several minutes had passed since the explosion in the small market area. The people inside had just begun to recover from the shock. The relatively lucky ones, police officers who had suffered only minor injuries, had already started assisting their colleagues and the civilians at the scene.


Other than the three Special Police officers who were sent to search Lu Ting's off-road vehicle, those who were slightly further away, only suffered minor injuries due to their armour.


At this moment,


The expression on the Colonel's face had reached the peak of unpleasantness. Clearly, he had never imagined that Lu Ting would play such a trick on him in this place!




The phone in his pocket vibrated. The Colonel picked it up and saw that it was a message from Arthur.


"I will be waiting at your home with your family to celebrate your triumphant return, Colonel!"




Arthur had seen the earlier explosion from within the Market, and it seemed he already understood the situation on the ground.


The Colonel also understood that Arthur was using his family as leverage by sending such a message!


If he failed to take down Lu Ting in time, it wouldn't just be him facing Arthur's wrath alone!


Immediately, the Colonel pressed the screen to turn off the phone. He then took out a walkie-talkie from his nearby vehicle, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely, "Now! Immediately! Get everyone out of the building!"


"Yes, sir!"


As soon as the words fell,


The walkie-talkie echoed with the solemn and serious responses from the assembled Special Police officers.


Inside the residential building,


Teams Alpha and Bravo, who had entered the building at the same time, were now divided into two teams. Team Alpha was responsible for searching the left area, while Team Bravo took charge of the right area.


These Special Police officers, armed with MK5 submachine guns and AK47 assault rifles, were clearly more cautious than the drug traffickers they often dealt with when moving through the building.


They had certainly heard the massive explosion outside and had even felt the shockwave!


In an instant, the powerful shockwave had shattered all the windows on the first, second, and third floors!


The Special Police officers on the floors were all knocked down by the shockwave without exception!


(End of the Chapter)