Without Scruples

When the windows shattered into countless pieces, they were accompanied by the ferocious shockwave!


Under the terrifying impact of the explosion's shockwave, these glass fragments, as small as sand and gravel, also became deadly weapons! Whether embedding directly into the body or grazing the skin, they inflicted significant harm!


But these Special Police officers were not like the sluggish drug traffickers they had encountered before. In the instant the shockwave struck from the explosion, they raised the blast shields they always carried with them!




Countless glass shards struck the blast shields, creating a constant "crackling" sound in their ears.


However, while the blast shields could block the shards, they couldn't protect against the terrifying force of the explosion's shockwave!


The next moment, without exception, these Special Police officers were all thrown violently to the right and slammed into the wall. Their ears rang with a persistent buzzing.


Fortunately, these Special Police officers had good physical fitness. After lying on the ground for about half a minute, they were able to stand up again.


However, the civilians in the building were not as fortunate, they were showered by the glass fragments, followed by the shockwave, instantly severing their lifeforce.


Only those at the top floors were better off.


At this moment,


The most intense blast from the combined explosion of the SOHG grenade and the off-road vehicle's fuel tank had passed. The Special Police officers moved towards the windows, inspecting the scene of the explosion below.


When they saw the scene below resembling a hell on earth, the faces of the Special Police officers turned extremely grim. Lu Ting's act of setting a trap in the off-road vehicle not only injured them and the officers but also affected the ordinary people at the market!


This was precisely what made mercenaries around the world so despicable!


In pursuit of their own goals and interests, they stop at nothing!


Mercenaries have no nationality, no faith, and most importantly, no moral boundaries. They only consider what benefits themselves and never think about how their actions might harm others!


Perhaps some mercenaries set their own rules and boundaries, but the vast majority have none. As long as the money is right, they can be persuaded to do anything at any time!


At this moment, in the eyes of these Special Police officers, Lu Ting was such a mercenary without scruples. They had completely lost any goodwill towards him.


The captain of Team Alpha withdrew his gaze from the window and immediately pressed the walkie-talkie on his body, asking, "Youja, how is it over there? Any injuries among your team members?"


As soon as he finished speaking,


The walkie-talkie crackled with a response from Youja, the captain of Team Bravo. "Sando got hit in the face by glass shards, but he's okay, it won't affect his operation. Over."


Upon hearing this, the captain of Team Alpha was about to respond and continue their operation. However, unexpectedly, the walkie-talkies on all of them suddenly blared with the Colonel's furious command.


"Now! Immediately! Get everyone out of the building!"


Just hearing the Colonel's voice at this moment, the Special Police officers could imagine how furious he must be!


It was evident that at this moment, the Colonel's anger towards Lu Ting was nearly overflowing.


And why wouldn't it be?!


A clandestine grenade killed three of their brothers, leaving them utterly destroyed. The current sentiment among the Special Police officers was to root out Lu Ting and give him a harsh lesson!


In any case, before the operation, the Colonel only said he wanted Lu Ting alive; he didn't specify in what condition.


Violent behavior during apprehension was normal, and breaking one of Lu Ting's hands or legs wouldn't likely elicit any objection from the Colonel.


Immediately, the captain of Team Alpha and the leader of Team Bravo responded in unison over the walkie-talkie.




Following this, the captain of Team Alpha turned to his team members and those from Team Bravo, reminding them together, "Be extra cautious in the upcoming operations. As you've all seen, he might still have some powerful weapons on him."


"If you spot his trace, immediately call for the other team's support via the walkie-talkie. Is that clear?"


Lu Ting wasn't like the enemies they had dealt with before; his military prowess was countless times stronger than those mindless thugs charging ahead.


Moreover, even before their operation, the Special Police officers had learned from the Colonel that before they came to arrest Lu Ting, Arthur had sent dozens of these thugs to besiege him. Yet, Lu Ting single-handedly killed them all!


Most importantly, his marksmanship was extremely precise!


So, in their upcoming operations, they had to maintain utmost vigilance!


In response to the captain of Team Alpha's kind reminder, the Special Police officers all responded through the walkie-talkie, "Understood!"


"Move out!"


With the captain of Team Alpha's command, Team Alpha, stationed in the left half of this residential building, and Team Bravo, in the right half, once again began their interrupted systematic search.


Their division of labor was clear-cut. One Special Police officer stood behind the wall beside the door. After pushing open the room's door, the Special Police officer with the blast shield took the lead to enter, followed closely by the others.


"Ah ah ah!"


The residents in the rooms were still in the throes of fear from the previous explosion and were suddenly startled by a fully armed group of Special Police officers with guns. They immediately began to cry out in fear.


Seeing this, the captain of Team Alpha immediately extended a finger to his lips, gesturing for them to be quiet and not make a commotion. Otherwise, their position could easily be exposed to Lu Ting.


Soon after, this group of Special Police officers began a thorough search of each room, leaving no corner unchecked.


Unfortunately, on the ground floor of the residential building, there was no sign of Lu Ting.


"No target found in the left half of the ground floor!"


"Nor in the right half!"


After a brief mutual report between the two team leaders, they continued their search upward to the upper floors.


Upon reaching the second floor of this residential building, the structure of the building changed noticeably. While the ground floor had a single corridor with rooms on either side, the second floor featured a layout with rooms arranged around a central corridor.


(End of the Chapter)