In the Pitch-Black Room, a Ghostly Figure!

Before them lay a corridor near the edge railing and another leading into the inner corridor. The rooms on this floor were distributed on the left and right sides.


Seeing this, the captain of Team Alpha was already accustomed to such structures in Dakar residential buildings. He turned back to the Special Police officers beside him and said, "The three of you with me, start searching the rooms on this side of the edge corridor. The other four, go search the rooms on the inner side of the corridor."


"Move out!"


With the command from the captain of Team Alpha, the original eight-member Team Alpha was now divided into two teams of four, each conducting their search.


There were fewer rooms along the inner corridor, so this team of Special Police officers quickly searched through them. Just as they were about to leave to regroup with other team members, the Special Police officer at the rear suddenly turned to look at the window at the far end of the inner corridor.


Typically, windows were for natural light, but the position of this window was odd—it was located centrally along the corridor, on the side next to the wall.


While they had glanced inside when searching the rooms earlier, it was pitch black inside, making it impossible to see anything. Therefore, this team of four only briefly checked it.


But now,


The Special Police officer couldn't help but feel that the glass of that window looked oddly shattered!


Even though most of the windows in this residential building had shattered due to the intense explosion earlier, the glass of this particular window didn't seem shattered by the shockwave, but rather as if it had been intentionally broken!


Because if it had shattered due to the shockwave, the glass shards should have followed the shockwave and ended up inside the window space, not all scattered outside as they were now.


Immediately, the Special Police officer said, "You guys go find the captain first. I'm going to take a look inside that window. Something feels off."


Upon hearing this,


The other three Special Police officers glanced at him and then at the broken window, but they didn't sense anything unusual.


In a densely populated place like this residential building, wasn't it common for window glass to accidentally break?


"We already checked it earlier, didn't we? Let's not waste any more time!"


Another Special Police officer advised briefly, emphasizing the urgency of finding Lu Ting. They shouldn't waste time and energy on something that seemed meaningless.


However, the Special Police officer who still felt uneasy had already pulled out a flashlight from his combat vest pocket and said, "What harm in taking a quick look? You guys go ahead!"


With that said,


He no longer waited for his companions to respond, turning towards the broken window and walking over.


Seeing this, the other Special Police officers sighed helplessly, shaking their heads, before turning around and heading towards the staircase, preparing to wait and regroup with the Captain and the others.


On the other side,


The Special Police officer acting alone now, holding an AK47 assault rifle in both hands, also gripped a small flashlight between two fingers. He moved cautiously towards the window.


Soon, he stood near the window. With the muzzle of his AK assault rifle and the beam of the flashlight aimed inside, suddenly—


From the darkness beyond the window, a large hand jutted out abruptly!


The hand moved with astonishing speed. It instantly pressed down hard on the AK assault rifle in the Special Police officer's hands, forcing the muzzle firmly against the window sill.


In an instant,


Fear spread across the Special Police officer's face. He realized he had stumbled upon something far more dangerous than expected—this was indeed the hiding place of the hired mercenary!


After all, besides this mercenary, who else in this residential building would have the audacity and speed to react like this to their presence?


As if to confirm the Special Police officer's suspicions, Lu Ting, who had been missing in this residential building for nearly ten minutes, suddenly emerged like a ghost from the darkness behind the window!


After setting a deceptive trap with the ghostly explosion in his off-road pickup truck, Lu Ting had seized the opportunity to hide within this residential building.


In truth, Lu Ting had no intention of getting into prolonged combat with these Special Police officers. Knowing their numbers were vast, he couldn't possibly eliminate them all at once. Moreover, as the battle escalated, more Special Police officers would join in.


Given the limited space in this residential building, if the rest of it were swarming with Special Police officers, even with Lu Ting's enhanced physique from the super serum, he couldn't single-handedly face hundreds or thousands.


Therefore, upon entering this building, Lu Ting's first thought was to hide and wait for an opportunity to find an escape route while the officers searched floor by floor.


Upon discovering the space behind this window, Lu Ting didn't hesitate. He smashed the window glass, slipped inside, and concealed himself.


Shortly after hiding here, he heard the movements of the Special Police officers coming to search the building. Despite their attempts to move quietly, Lu Ting in the second floor corridor could hear every detail, closely monitoring their movements.


As this four-person team approached the corridor where he was hiding, Lu Ting heightened his vigilance to the fullest. He could hear their footsteps echoing in every room along the corridor.


After a fruitless search, the team moved towards the outer corridor.


Hearing their footsteps gradually recede, Lu Ting thought he had successfully evaded them. However, someone's sense for unusual circumstances was unexpectedly acute!


Not only did he return, but he also had a flashlight turned on!


The moment Lu Ting noticed the beam of light appearing, he knew a Special Police officer must have sensed something was wrong!


Immediately, crouched behind the wall under the window, Lu Ting prepared to strike at any moment.


Sure enough,


As the Special Police officer raised his AK assault rifle and flashlight to observe inside the window, Lu Ting, who was prepared, acted first. He swiftly seized control of the officer's weapon!


(End of the Chapter)