
Lu Ting stared at the Special Police officer he had grabbed, a trace of displeasure flashing in his eyes.


"You were leaving just fine, so why come back?"


"No one else finds it strange, its only you who find it suspicious, couldn't you let it go?"




Lu Ting had heard everything the Special Police officers had said earlier.


At this moment, seeing Lu Ting suddenly leap out from the window, the Special Police officer was instantly frightened. The pupils in his eyes began to contract violently.


But the next moment, the Special Police officer reacted swiftly, struggling to regain control of the AK47 assault rifle held by Lu Ting. At the same time, he prepared to shout out loud to call his comrades!


But how could Lu Ting give him that chance?!


Even if he had been discovered, what could he do?


Now that he had the initiative, he couldn't let anyone live!


Without hesitation, Lu Ting pressed down on the muzzle of the AK47 with his left hand. With his right hand free, a small military knife gleaming with a cold light, he swiftly thrust it into the Special Police officer's neck!




The sound of the blade slicing through flesh made one's scalp tingle!


The next moment, dark red and warm blood gushed out from the Special Police officer's neck. He felt like his throat had been cut open, unable to make any sound despite the excruciating pain, like a fish out of water gasping for air!


Although Lu Ting was killing, he wasn't into torturing.


Seeing the Special Police officer in such agony, he quickly pulled out the knife from the officer's neck. Immediately after, he made several more cuts at the carotid artery in the officer's neck. In just two short seconds, he had ended the Special Police officer's life completely.


As Lu Ting released his grip on the AK47 assault rifle, the Special Police officer's body collapsed like a pile of mud, falling limp to the ground.




The body fell heavily to the ground, inevitably making a dull thud. Meanwhile, dark red blood flowed out profusely from the neck wound.


After dealing with this Special Police officer, Lu Ting had no intention of lingering in this space behind the window. There were more Special Police officers nearby; this wasn't the only one.


His companions would surely rush over upon hearing the commotion here.


Immediately, Lu Ting jumped out of the window. The corridor he was in was a dead end, with only these rooms to stay in; there was no other way to go.


To leave this floor, he could only use the staircase around the corner.


And if he had heard correctly earlier, the direction the Special Police officer's companion had gone was also around that corner!


After half a second of consideration, Lu Ting slung the AK47 over his shoulder and drew a Glock 17 pistol from his waist, freshly loaded with bullets.


In fact, in close-quarters combat like this with the enemy, a pistol was much more effective than an assault rifle!


As long as the draw speed was fast enough, it could seize the initiative in combat ahead of the enemy, especially in such prepared situations, where a pistol could be particularly effective.




The three Special Police officers who had been stationed near the staircase, just around the corner from the window where Lu Ting was, had originally been waiting for the lone operative to return before heading back to regroup with their captain.


However, after a while, not only did they not see their teammate return, but they also heard an incongruous sound coming from the corridor beyond the corner, a sound of something heavy falling!


Upon hearing this commotion, the three Special Police officers waiting at the staircase became immediately alert, sensing trouble.


They exchanged glances and, in perfect synchrony, raised their firearms, then turned back to go check out the situation.


Little did they know, at that moment, Lu Ting had already concealed himself on the other side of the corner!


The footsteps approaching were getting closer and closer. Lu Ting stared intently at where the enemies would appear, his eyes fierce like a tiger awaiting its prey, exuding both calmness and cold determination, symbolizing great courage.


When the footsteps almost reached a point where they would come face to face with him, a barrel of an AK47 assault rifle suddenly appeared around the corner in front of Lu Ting!


Immediately, with lightning speed, Lu Ting reached out and grabbed the barrel of the rifle. With a tremendous force, he yanked it towards himself!


The Special Police officer behind the rifle barrel had never expected Lu Ting to attack from this position. He was caught off guard by the sudden pull and stumbled forward.


Having controlled the first Special Police officer, Lu Ting then raised his Glock 17 pistol without hesitation and took aim at the head of the next Special Police officer following closely behind, pulling the trigger!




As the silenced gunshot rang out, the bullet from the Glock 17 pierced through the helmet of the Special Police officer, hitting him in the forehead and instantly ending his life!


The last Special Police officer at the back of the group, upon seeing his comrades killed by Lu Ting in just a few moments, immediately raised his AK47 assault rifle, aiming it at Lu Ting.


But unexpectedly, just as this Special Police officer was about to pull the trigger, Lu Ting, who had caught hold of the rifle barrel, swiftly pulled the officer in front of him as a shield!


This move completely caught the Special Police officer off guard. How could he shoot when Lu Ting had used his own teammate as a shield?!


In that moment, the only thought in his mind was, "How despicable!"


But Lu Ting paid no mind to the officer's thoughts. To deal with the enemy, he had to use every means necessary!


The next second,


Taking advantage of the moment when the Special Police officer hesitated to shoot, Lu Ting quickly raised his hand, aimed the gun at the officer's forehead, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger!




After smoothly dealing with the other two Special Police officers, only the Special Police officer in his grip remained alive.


You ask why he didn't struggle?


Don't joke around!


At this moment, Lu Ting's right hand was like a pair of iron tongs, tightly gripping the Special Police officer's throat. The officer couldn't even make a sound let alone struggle!


(End of the Chapter)