Tactical Arrangement! Annihilation Plan!

With Lu Ting's current physical strength, he could easily choke this Special Police officer to death with just his hands. There was no room left for the officer to struggle!


Watching Lu Ting swiftly eliminate his comrades in a matter of seconds, the Special Police officer was dumbfounded.


Although there was an element of surprise in the attack, it was undeniable that the opponent's ability to operate solo was indeed formidable!


No wonder he had the courage to oppose Arthur!


Realizing his struggle was futile, the Special Police officer quickly gave up resistance. Given the current situation, he knew he would die sooner or later, so he might as well find a way to alert his comrades!


Lu Ting's pistol was equipped with a silencer. The sound of gunfire would not be clear over tens of meters, and currently, Captain Alpha's team was searching elsewhere, making it difficult for them to hear any commotion from this side!


With this in mind, just as Lu Ting was about to fire, the Special Police officer struggled to press the button on his chest radio.


In the next instant,


Lu Ting's gunshot suddenly rang out!




Simultaneously with the suppressed gunshot, the last Special Police officer on this side also fell to Lu Ting's gun!


Because the Special Police officer had pressed the radio talk button before dying, Lu Ting's suppressed gunshot also transmitted through the radio!




"Why do we hear gunfire from your end? Nedi?"


"Respond immediately!"




Soon, On the radios of these Special Police officers swiftly dispatched by Lu Ting, several voices of other Special Police officers asking questions followed one after another.


Hearing the voices coming through the radio, Lu Ting's brow furrowed slightly, his expression turning serious. He realized that his position had been compromised!


Based on the previous sounds he had heard hiding behind the window in this residential building, there should still be four other Special Police officers in the left half of this floor.


However, Lu Ting didn't know their exact positions at the moment.


Anyway, staying on this floor was no longer an option; he had to leave immediately!


Immediately, Lu Ting stepped over the bodies of the Special Police officers and headed towards the third floor of the residential building.


Compared to the second floor, the third floor had noticeably fewer residents, and the rooms inside gave a very rundown impression, with various construction debris piled up in the corridors.


After surveying the surroundings, Lu Ting decided not to move to the upper floors because he wanted to use the environment here to eliminate this group of Special Police officers first!


If he didn't eliminate this batch of Special Police officers first, his position would likely remain exposed, especially since his general location had already been pinpointed due to the Special Police officer's last actions before dying.


He didn't need to think twice about what would happen next; all the Special Police officers in this building would inevitably converge towards the left half of the residential building.


In such a scenario, Lu Ting knew that attempting to hide and evade search was simply impossible!


Although Lu Ting had made the elimination of those Special Police officers appear exceptionally easy from start to finish just now, he was aware that the rapid success was due to two factors: first, the small number of Special Police officers, and second, his preparedness for the attack.


If facing a large number of prepared opponents, the entire battle process might not have been so straightforward!


Therefore, Lu Ting needed to take advantage of the small number of opponents who knew his location to eliminate them all. Whether he continued to hide or launched an attack later, it would be more advantageous!


The reason he chose this location as a base was because there were enough cover and plenty of construction debris in the surrounding environment. Even if Lu Ting exhausted all his ammunition, he could still utilize the debris!


Remember, the reward Lu Ting obtained earlier from the system, the God-level Flying Knife skill, could make a leaf, a playing card, or even a small stone as deadly as bullets!


Although he hadn't used it yet, Lu Ting had no doubt about its effectiveness. After all, hadn't he already tasted the sweetness of the system's first reward, the Super Serum?


Just as Lu Ting was contemplating this, he suddenly heard footsteps from the staircase space below him.


Upon hearing the noise, Lu Ting immediately focused his thoughts. After scanning his surroundings, he chose to hide behind a sufficiently thick square pillar. The direction he faced was the staircase connecting the second and third floors of the residential building.


At this moment, Lu Ting was in the dark, while the Special Police officers were in the light. As long as he seized this advantage, dealing with these Special Police officers should pose no major problem!


On the other side,


Captain Alpha and the other three Special Police officers, upon hearing the gunshot over the radio, quickly confirmed the source of the gunfire with the other Special Police officers.


Team Bravo, stationed in the right half of this residential building, had not encountered any enemies. Therefore, the gunshot they heard must have come from the team of four that had split off from them not long ago!


Sure enough, As Captain of Team Alpha hurriedly arrived with the other three Special Police officers at the connecting corridor between the second and third floors, the first thing they saw was their comrades lying dead on the ground, their blood flowing.


Seeing their fallen comrades, the remaining Special Police officers' eyes immediately filled with sorrow, but they had no time to mourn. The enemy could still be nearby and hadn't gone far!


Now, with the enemy in the dark and themselves exposed in the light, the situation was undoubtedly very unfavorable for them!


"Be careful!"


Captain Alpha's gaze scanned the surroundings vigilantly, signaling the officer holding the shield to take the forefront.


The remaining two Special Police officers positioned themselves behind their shield-bearing companion, standing in front of the captain, forming a triangular advance formation!


Although such a formation was conservative, it allowed them to quickly concentrate their firepower in the event of encountering the enemy. Moreover, they could support and cover each other.


For the current situation, it was the best tactical formation combining offense and defense!


(End of the Chapter)