Is this all the Special Police have?


Leaning against the load-bearing pillar, Lu Ting waited until the footsteps leading the way came so close that they were practically face to face with him, then without hesitation, he swiftly turned and dashed out.


At this moment, although Team Alpha's squad leader who was in the front position had mentally prepared himself for Lu Ting appearing from various directions, he couldn't help but be startled for a moment.


"Enemy spotted!!"


But the next moment,


This squad leader of Team Alpha's Special Police reacted fairly quickly, shouting loudly to alert his companions of the target's appearance. Simultaneously, he tightly gripped the AK47 assault rifle and immediately moved to pull the trigger, preparing to attack Lu Ting who had appeared before him.


Moreover, while intending to attack Lu Ting, Team Alpha's squad leader also began to retreat in the opposite direction.


Because Lu Ting was standing beside the load-bearing pillar, and right next to this pillar was a wall. If he retreated immediately in that direction, Lu Ting would lose his line of sight, creating a brief blind spot.


However, Lu Ting's reaction was much faster than that of the Special Police squad leader!


At the very moment he shouted to alert his companions, Lu Ting had already pulled the trigger without hesitation on his Glock 17 pistol!




The bullet Lu Ting aimed for hit directly at the squad leader's forehead!


But as he had thought before, these Special Police officers, who had undergone rigorous training and constantly dealt with terrorists and criminals, were not easy targets.


At the exact moment Lu Ting fired, the squad leader, who had already planned to retreat behind cover, swiftly reacted.




Along with the suppressed gunshot, he quickly dodged to the left!


This caused Lu Ting's shot, originally aimed at the squad leader's forehead, to graze the brim of his helmet!




The metallic bullet, brushing against the similarly metallic helmet, produced a sharp collision sound, accompanied by sparks.




Could he dodge a second shot after evading the first?


Since Lu Ting had already exposed his position and initiated the attack, he clearly wouldn't stop at just one shot!


The next moment,


Lu Ting shifted his footsteps slightly outward while maintaining his gun's position, swiftly adjusting the aiming point of his muzzle, and immediately began firing in rapid succession!


A close-quarters combat, face-to-face, had just begun!




Another shot was fired boldly!


This time, Lu Ting aimed for the area between the opponent's helmet and bulletproof vest, the neck!


There was no chance whatsoever to dodge this swift shot!




With the sound of bullets tearing through flesh instantly, a streak of blood spurted from the neck of the squad leader of Special Police's Team Alpha, and a large amount of blood gushed out instantly!


At the same time, the intense pain in his neck and the continuous flow of blood made him instinctively reach out a hand to cover the wound on his neck.




Lu Ting raised his hand and fired another shot, hitting the right hand of the opponent who was still holding the gun.




The intense pain instantly struck from the elbow, causing the AK47 assault rifle in the Special Police squad leader's hand to fall to the ground.


And all of this happened within one or two seconds!


After dealing with this first jumping-out Special Police member, Lu Ting felt no relaxation in his heart. Based on the footsteps he heard, he immediately adjusted the aim of his gun, aiming at the left side of the fallen Special Police member's body.


Just as he adjusted the position of his gun, as if he had an x-ray vision cheat enabled, another Special Police member suddenly appeared from the left side obstructed by the wall!


This scene looked as if he had walked into Lu Ting's line of fire.


In the instant this Special Police member appeared, Lu Ting had already pulled the trigger of his Glock 17 pistol!




This shot directly hit the center of the Special Police member's neck, killing him on the spot!


However, at the same time Lu Ting fired, this Special Police member also prepared to shoot. Even though he had been hit in the neck by Lu Ting, muscle memory prompted his fingers to pull the trigger!






The loud gunshot of the AK47 assault rifle followed immediately.


However, the shot fired by this dying Special Police member directly hit the wall next to the load-bearing pillar, causing no harm to Lu Ting.


The next moment,


Two more Special Police members sprang out from behind the wall next to Lu Ting. Having already tracked their movements by their footsteps, Lu Ting swiftly pressed down the gun barrel as one of the Special Police members raised his rifle.


At the same time, the barrel of his Glock 17 pistol was firmly pressed against the chest of the other Special Police member. Then, Lu Ting ruthlessly pulled the trigger multiple times in quick succession.


Swish! Swish! Swish!


Even though the opponent was wearing a bulletproof vest, the bullets fired at close range were unstoppable!


Soon after, this Special Police member also died instantly at the hands of Lu Ting.


By this point in the battle, all the bullets in Lu Ting's Glock 17 pistol magazine had been emptied, not a single one left.


Facing the last Special Police member who was suppressed by him single-handedly, Lu Ting quickly inserted his hand back into his waist and, reaching behind him, drew out his own tactical combat knife from the tactical bulletproof vest worn by this Special Police member.


Seeing Lu Ting draw out the knife from his waist, the expression of fear on this Special Police member's face intensified. Was he going to be killed by his own knife?


Sure enough,


The next moment, Lu Ting raised his hand and struck with the knife, ruthlessly slashing the throat of this Special Police member!


From then on,


This squad of eight Special Police officers was completely dealt with by Lu Ting alone, divided into two batches, and all of this happened in just a few minutes!


After this battle, Lu Ting only had one thought in his mind: Is this all the Special Police have?!


It seemed that the entire battle process was not as difficult as he had imagined.


But Lu Ting also knew very well that the reason he was able to handle these Special Police members so effortlessly was entirely due to the enhancement of his body with the super serum.


With his current strength, he was probably unmatched even by the King of Special Forces, let alone these Special Police officers!


(End of the Chapter)