Setting a Trap and Waiting!

After the battle with these Special Police officers, Lu Ting became even clearer about his own strength and where he stood.


In dealing with these Special Police officers next, his confidence was obviously greater than at the beginning.


Immediately after, Lu Ting showed no intention of lingering here.


During the battle with this Special Police team just now, although Lu Ting had been using a Glock 17 pistol with a silencer, the sound of their AK47 assault rifles could still be heard clearly throughout the entire building.


Not to mention, these Special Police officers had definitely communicated with other teams inside the building before reaching this third floor!


Since Arthur had already involved the police in this battle, Lu Ting wouldn't foolishly think they would only send this one Special Police team!


Considering this, Lu Ting crouched down and quickly searched the tactical bulletproof vests of the Special Police officers' bodies for any weapons he could take.


After a brief search, Lu Ting only took a few smoke grenades and grenades. As for their firearms, he didn't really need them.


In solo operations, carrying too many weapons and equipment isn't necessarily better, as both firearms and ammunition, as well as smoke grenades and grenades, all have their own weight.


Although with Lu Ting's current physical strength, he could carry as much weaponry as he wanted without burden, the presence of these things would definitely affect the swift pace of his combat actions, making him clumsy!


Therefore, Lu Ting needed to streamline his equipment as much as possible. He didn't need too much equipment, just enough to get by!


He had no intention of engaging in a prolonged battle with these Special Police officers inside this residential building. Continuing to fight would not benefit him at all.


To hide himself, he first needed to shake off the pursuit of these Special Police officers, find a way to leave this residential building, escape from the encirclement of these Special Police officers, and then figure out a way to create chaos, which would help him hide and evade all of Arthur's informants.


But these were all Lu Ting's plans for later. For now, the most important thing was to deal with these Special Police officers!


Just as he was thinking this, he heard footsteps again in his ears, seeming like quite a few people were approaching.


If he guessed correctly, another team, similar to this Special Police team, was constantly approaching him inside the residential building, searching for their team members.


After pondering for two or three seconds, Lu Ting glanced around the corridor on this third floor and fixed his gaze on a room behind him where the ceiling had collapsed, leaving a large hole.




A plan to lure the 'prey' in and kill them gradually took shape in Lu Ting's mind.


Without wasting any more time, he withdrew his gaze from that room, then looked at the bodies of these Special Police officers beside him. Immediately after, he 'carelessly' stepped on the edge of the blood flowing on the ground with his right shoe.


After his right shoe edge was stained with blood, he directly lifted his foot and stepped towards the room behind him. As soon as he stepped in, he saw that because the ceiling of the room had collapsed, it had created a passage with the rooms on the fourth floor directly above it.


Lu Ting looked up at the space above, then pushed the door of the room slightly closed, and immediately took advantage of the cabinets in the room to climb up directly.


Upon reaching the fourth floor room, Lu Ting quickly found an angle where he wouldn't be seen from below when crouching down. He ceased all movements and patiently waited in place for the prey to fall into his trap.


At the same time, Team Bravo, which entered the residential building with Team Alpha and proceeded to search the right half of the building, arrived near the location shared by Team Alpha's leader just two minutes earlier.


In sight,


Team Bravo, consisting of eight Special Police officers, maintained a tactical advance formation, each being extremely cautious and vigilant. On their way here, they had heard several unmistakably clear gunshots.


The Special Police officers could distinguish these gunshots as coming from their comrades' AK47 assault rifles.


However, it had already been a minute since the last gunshot, during which they hadn't heard any sounds of fighting. Furthermore, there had been no reports from any of Team Alpha's Special Police officers on the radio for a long time.


Combining these factors, the Special Police officers of Team Bravo understood that Team Alpha had likely concluded their direct confrontation with the enemy, and the outcome was not optimistic!


Just as the Special Police officers of Team Bravo were thinking this, they had just ascended the stairs from the first floor to the space leading to the second floor when their noses suddenly caught a very strong smell of blood.


The moment they smelled this intense bloody odor, the Special Police officers of Team Bravo involuntarily 'thumped' in their hearts, their faces under the masks becoming even more solemn.


Having spent years fighting rioters and terrorists, they were well aware of what such a strong smell of blood meant. Usually, it indicated a situation where a large number of people had been seriously injured or killed, creating an overwhelming smell of blood that left one at a loss!


The incredibly strong smell of blood caused the Special Police officers of Team Bravo to pause for half a second at the connection between the first and second floors. However, after exchanging glances, they continued to move forward.


But before they had climbed two more steps, the group of Special Police officers caught sight of four bodies lying haphazardly at the stairwell entrance on the second floor—startlingly, they were members of Team Alpha!


Seeing this, the Special Police officers of Team Bravo immediately took three or four steps up the remaining stairs. As they reached the bodies, three of Team Bravo's Special Police officers immediately spread out to maintain vigilance, while Team Bravo's leader, Youja, and another Special Police officer quickly checked the vital signs of the four individuals on the ground.


Unfortunately, none of them were alive.


"They're dead."


Looking at the bodies of their comrades on the ground, Youja, the leader of Team Bravo, had an expression of deep sorrow in his eyes. However, there was no time left to mourn the fallen team members.


Soon, Youja stood up from the ground and gestured for the other team members to continue moving upward. According to the final intelligence provided by Team Alpha's leader, they had located the enemy on the third floor.


(End of the Chapter)