Trapped Prey

At this moment, the Colonel was somewhat unsure whether his subordinates were unbelievably weak or if Lu Ting's combat prowess was excessively strong?!


But soon,


The Colonel, who was getting a bit agitated by the situation, gradually calmed down as he recalled the threatening words Arthur had said to him earlier.


Immediately after, the Colonel pressed the button on his radio and issued orders to Team Bravo still inside the residential building, "Continue searching! I will send additional reinforcements in. Today, at any cost, we must capture him!"


"Copy that!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Captain Youja of Team Bravo responded through the radio in the Colonel's hand.


After issuing orders to Team Bravo inside the residential building, the Colonel picked up his personal cell phone and swiftly dialed a number after pressing a few keys.


The call was quickly answered, and the Colonel spoke in a commanding tone to the person on the other end, "Send all available squad members to support. Capturing Lu Ting is our top priority!"


With that said, the Colonel hung up the phone.


Just then, a new text message arrived. He reached out to check it and saw another notification from Arthur.


"My patience is limited, Colonel. If I don't receive news of him being captured by nightfall..."


Upon seeing this message, the Colonel sitting in the car immediately looked up and glanced towards Arthur's subordinate standing just outside his car door, monitoring the battle progress in real-time.


Clearly, Arthur had already learned from this subordinate that a Special Police team had been taken out by Lu Ting.


The next moment, the Colonel withdrew his gaze and turned off the phone screen.


Immediately, his eyes shifted towards the residential building in front of him.


Lu Ting,

You can't escape!


On the other side,


Third floor, left side of the residential building, corridor-style hallway entrance.


Upon hearing the Colonel's command through the radio, Captain Youja of Team Bravo wasted no time and didn't linger. The other Special Police officers also heard the Colonel's words clearly, understanding what they needed to do next.


"Let's go."


Captain Youja's gaze scanned the dimly lit corridor ahead and spoke to his team, "Start searching from the first room on this side."


As soon as he finished speaking,


Youja lifted his foot and stepped forward, heading into the dim corridor ahead. The other Special Police officers followed suit, maintaining vigilance as they moved forward.


But after only a few steps, Youja suddenly halted.


Seeing the captain stop, the Special Police officers behind him reacted swiftly, immediately realizing that the captain might have sensed something amiss. They promptly assumed a defensive stance where they stood.


Simultaneously, one of the Special Police officers asked Youja, "What's wrong, Captain? Did you notice something?"


Upon hearing this, Youja didn't immediately respond. Instead, he reached into his tactical bulletproof vest and pulled out a flashlight. He switched it on, illuminating the dimly lit corridor ahead.


Turning around, he gestured for the Special Police officers behind him to step back. He crouched down, pinched some dust from the floor, brought it close to his nose, and said, "It's the smell of blood."


Initially, due to the dim lighting in this corridor, Youja hadn't noticed these faint bloodstains on the floor. It was only after glancing back at the ground around the four deceased members of Team Alpha that he confirmed these faint, blood-smeared footprints were left by the same person who had also left fainter footprints leading away from there.


Even though the bloodstains at the edges of these footprints were now very faint, almost invisible to the naked eye, the flashlight revealed a slight hint of their color. By carefully pinching the dust and smelling it, one could still detect the scent of blood.


At this moment,


Discovering these faint bloodstains in this location undoubtedly indicated that Lu Ting had left them behind when he killed the four members of Team Alpha and retreated.


Upon hearing Captain Youja's words, the other Special Police officers lowered their heads and carefully observed the numerous footprints left in the corridor by the accumulation of dust.


These footprints were extremely faint. Even these Special Police officers wouldn't have noticed them without close observation, let alone the almost invisible bloodstains at the edges of these footprints!


Crouching down, Youja shone the flashlight beam onto the floor of the corridor, using the refraction of light and shadows to highlight these faint footprints even more clearly.


One after another, these uniformly sized footprints extended deeper into the corridor.


Captain Youja and his Special Police officers followed these faint footprints step by step until they reached the doorway of a room with its door slightly ajar, where the footprints disappeared!


At the same time,


Behind the door of this room where Team Bravo's Special Police officers stood, Lu Ting was crouched above the ceiling opening, clearly having heard their approach to the doorway.


The prey had arrived!


Lu Ting's spirits were immediately shaken. He continuously rubbed the pointed stone block in his right hand, eager to act!


Next, once the Special Police officers outside entered the room, he would silently use his God-level flying knife skill to take care of them!


On the other side,


Outside the room, one of the Special Police officers silently gestured, asking Captain Youja, "Is there someone inside this room?"


However, Captain Youja didn't answer directly. Instead, he gestured for the officers to temporarily withdraw.


The current situation didn't favor prolonged communication at the doorway.


Seeing this, the other Special Police officers immediately, and quietly, retreated with the captain to a position several meters away from the room.


"Captain, what's the plan now?"


Sando's gaze never left the room's entrance, his face now filled with an eager anticipation!


After all, judging from these footprints left on the ground, their enemy, Lu Ting, must be hiding inside that room.


But Captain Youja, with his extensive combat experience, felt that something was amiss!


You see, mercenaries like Lu Ting are always very cunning and cautious, especially their opponent, Lu Ting.


Yet, despite being such a formidable opponent, he had left footprints indicating his direction of retreat at the scene of the battle.


Something just didn't add up no matter how you thought about it!


After half a second of contemplation, Captain Youja spoke up, "I think these footprints are deliberately left traces, aimed at luring us over!"


(End of the Chapter)