The Enemy's Belated Awareness


Upon hearing Captain Yujia's words, the Special Police officers surrounding him all wore thoughtful expressions. After all, what he said was not without possibility.


However, there were also Special Police officers who held different thoughts from Captain Yujia. Sando, who had been eager to enter the room moments ago to launch a fierce attack on the enemy, countered, "I don't necessarily think so. If we follow the captain's earlier conclusion that Team Alpha was ambushed and killed by this Lu Ting, then the entire battle process definitely didn't last long."


"During this chaotic battle, it's normal for blood to be splattered on oneself. Perhaps the enemy didn't even notice that he had bloodstains under his feet?"


Before they arrived in this dimly lit corridor, it was almost pitch dark inside. After solving the Alpha Team members, the enemy immediately heard the sound of their Bravo Team coming to support, so in the chaotic retreat, they didn't pay attention to such trivial matters.


Hearing Sando's analysis, the other Special Police officers fell silent, seemingly contemplating the possibility of what he said.


But at this moment, Sando's tone suddenly turned forceful again as he continued, "Moreover."


"Even if the enemy is really inside, even if there's a trap set by the enemy inside, do we have any other choice?!"


With these words, all the Special Police officers fell silent.


Yes, no matter what the situation inside that room is, they must eventually enter it and capture the enemy.


Apart from going in, Team Bravo has no other choice!


However, the only thing they can choose is how to enter that room.


And this is also one of the reasons why Lu Ting deliberately left footprints to attract these Special Police officers over here.


If he exposes his specific location, then even if there is a scene of swords and flames in the room, these Special Police officers will have to enter to capture him!


Therefore, Lu Ting is one hundred percent confident in his hunting plan and is sure it will succeed without any possibility of failure!


Outside the room,


Several seconds after Sando finished speaking, Captain Yujia made up his mind. Immediately, he looked at two Special Police officers in the team holding explosion-proof shields and said, "Later, you two will enter the room from the front and back, while we will enter the room in between you."


"Remember, be extremely careful. Don't disturb anything in the room. If there's no one inside after searching, immediately withdraw. Don't waste time!"


Not long ago, the mysterious mine in the off-road pickup truck downstairs in this residential building had alarmed all the Special Police officers.


At present, the situation outside this room was so mysterious that Captain Yujia's biggest concern was that the enemy, Lu Ting, might have set up one or several consecutive traps in the room.


Therefore, their next actions must be carried out with utmost caution.




After hearing Captain Yujia's words, the Special Police officers murmured in agreement. They proceeded cautiously towards the room according to his arranged formation.


Soon after,

the entire Team Bravo of Special Police officers stood once again near the doorway of the room.


The Special Police officer at the forefront, holding an explosion-proof shield, exchanged a glance with Captain Yujia behind him. With determination, he gritted his teeth and slowly pushed open the door in front of him.


At this moment, they were all prepared for the possibility of a blast and its psychological impact. However, as the room door was slowly pushed open, the expected explosion did not occur.


Nevertheless, the Special Police officers of Team Bravo did not relax in the slightest.


Immediately after, Captain Yujia used his flashlight to illuminate the dim room, scanning roughly through its corners without seeing any trace of the enemy.


Following Captain Yujia's gesture to proceed, Team Bravo split into two groups. Four members entered the room for a more detailed search, while the other four stood on both sides inside and outside the room, maintaining control of the entire scene.


With more people inside the room, it became much more difficult to differentiate where the enemy might be from the footprints on the ground.


"Be careful."


Watching the members already searching inside the room, Captain Yujia couldn't help but remind them once again.


The room was in a dilapidated state, covered with thick layers of dust on its furniture and decorations.


Soon, these Special Police officers carefully searched inside and outside the room, but after one thorough sweep, they found no trace whatsoever of the enemy.


At this moment, crouching above the broken ceiling, concealed in the hidden space of the fourth-floor room, Lu Ting looked down with an extremely playful expression, akin to watching a clown, at the Special Police officers below searching for his trace.


After finding it boring to watch for a while, Lu Ting slowly raised his right hand. Between his index and middle fingers, there was a conical small stone!


Immediately after, with the small conical stone held between his right index and middle fingers, Lu Ting aimed towards a Special Police officer who was closer to him in the room below.


At the same time, inside the room, Team Bravo's Special Police officers had no awareness of the danger gradually approaching them. They were frustrated and irritated by their inability to find any trace of the enemy.




Sando glanced around the not-so-large room, unable to hold back his curse. "Where the hell did this bastard hide?!"


After searching around, they couldn't even find a shadow of the enemy, let alone a footprint. Moreover, there were no traps set by the enemy, as they had imagined inside this room!


It seemed like the footprints at the room's entrance and in the corridor were deliberately left by the enemy to tease them.


For a moment, all the Special Police officers had the same thought: were they being treated as fools, played by the enemy?!


"I was wrong."


Captain Yujia suddenly realized, looking at the Special Police officers beside him. He continued, "Perhaps the enemy's intention was not to lure us in but to buy time!"


With that said, Captain Yujia's expression also turned grim. But at this moment, he didn't want to waste any more time. Since there was no enemy in this room, they needed to retreat promptly!


(End of the Chapter)