God-level Knife Skill’s Horrifying Might!

Immediately after, he pressed the radio on his chest and reminded the Charlie Team Special Police officers stationed at each entrance and exit of the residential building, "Pay attention, the enemy may be trying to escape. You must tightly guard all entrances!"


The next moment, the radio received a response from the Charlie Team Special Police officers.




"Don't worry, Colonel. New reinforcements have been dispatched, even helicopters are in action. He won't escape!"


Upon hearing this, Captain Youja of Team Bravo raised an eyebrow slightly, but he did not respond further.


Then, Captain Youja turned to his team members and said, "Let's withdraw and search elsewhere."


Upon hearing the captain's orders, the Special Police officers in the room turned to leave.


At this moment, standing beside Captain Youja, Sando suddenly gritted his teeth maliciously, "He dares to play me? He better not let me find him. Otherwise, I'll shove the muzzle right up his ass, bastard!"


Upon hearing Sando's indignant words, Captain Youja's previously serious face softened slightly with a faint smile. Just as he was about to respond, a sudden change occurred in the room!




Suddenly, a swift and powerful sound of breaking wind rang out in the previously quiet room!


Since everyone was retreating from the room, no one noticed where this breaking sound came from!




The next moment, Captain Youja heard a faint sound next to him, as if some sharp object had pierced into flesh.


Immediately after, there was a wail from Sando next to him, crying out like a wolf!


"Ah! Ahh!!"




As Sando continued to scream in agony, the surrounding Special Police officers immediately entered a state of alertness. They raised the muzzles of their AK47 assault rifles, searching for the enemy's location.


At this moment, Sando had already collapsed to the ground.


It could be seen that a coin-sized blood hole had sunken into the originally cut neck of his neck, and a large amount of blood was continuously pouring out from it!


In just a short second or two, the blood gushing out like water dyed his entire neck and upper body red!


"Hang in there, Sando!"


"I'm calling for rescue right away!"


Watching Sando's consciousness fade away, all the Special Police officers on the scene had no idea what had happened!


Even Captain Youja, who was closest to him, had no idea what had happened in that split second, causing Sando to suddenly become so critically injured!


They quickly surveyed the surrounding environment but found no trace of any enemy.


This is fucking unreal!!!


And the 'prime instigator' behind all this was none other than Lu Ting, squatting in the hidden corner above the broken ceiling of this room!


At this moment, while Lu Ting admired the chaos among the Special Police officers below caused by his ghostly attacks, he couldn't help but marvel at the power granted by the system!


Just now, the conical small stone in his hand was originally aimed at another Special Police officer who was even closer to him.


Although Lu Ting had no doubt about the power of the godly flying knife skill granted by the system, after all, this was his first time using this skill. Therefore, he thought he would start by killing someone less difficult, just to test the waters.



This guy's mouth, it's really foul!


He seems to be in a hurry to attract Lu Ting's attention, as if he's choosing his next move!


So, at the moment when he was about to strike, Lu Ting chose to change his target!


With the right hand holding a conical small stone, he just adjusted the direction slightly, without even aiming carefully, and went straight for it!


But unexpectedly, even with such a casual strike, it still achieved a precise hit, almost as if pointing and shooting, coupled with the force applied by Lu Ting on the conical small stone.


This nearly silent strike made an ordinary small stone unleash power comparable to a firearm bullet!


Truly a top-notch skill!


With such a god-tier throwing knife skill at his disposal, what does Lu Ting have to worry about running out of bullets?!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting squatting in this concealed corner suddenly revealed a faint smile on his face, his eyes shining with excitement.


However, the distance between him and the special police officers in the room below was not too far.


Even with the special police officers at the door, it's only a short distance of tens of meters.


After leaving here, when he had the chance, Lu Ting felt he should test how far this god-level throwing knife skill can reach. That way, he'll have an idea when he uses it again in the future!


Thinking of this, Lu Ting calmed his thoughts, glanced downward, and began to search for other handy objects around him.


Obviously, He still intended to use these stones to catch the special police officers and test his skills again!


At this moment, the special police officer who had already been hit in the neck by Lu Ting with a conical small stone had already lost his life!


The other special police officers stood back to back, forming a circle, alert to their surroundings.


Immediately, Captain You Jia reached out to open the bloody wound on Sando's neck, wanting to see what caused his death.


After opening his wound, You Jia suddenly saw a small stone dyed red with blood deeply embedded in Sando's neck flesh, even breaking a major artery!


The rupture of the major artery was the true cause of Sando's death!


Seeing this scene, Captain You Jia and the other special police officers beside him were completely dumbfounded!


What... what is this situation?!


How could Sando be killed by a stone?!


How is this even possible?!


Moreover, where the hell did this small stone come from?!


For a moment, countless questions arose in the minds of the special police officers, but the only thing they could be sure of was that Sando's death was definitely not accidental!


And they could even be certain that the small stone that took Sando's life likely came from the enemy's hand!




(End of the Chapter)