Bullseye From A Hundred Steps! Hundred Percent Accuracy!


Because initially these special police officers found the enemy's footprints in the corridor, but after reaching the door of this room, they disappeared. Upon entering the room, they searched around but couldn't find any trace of the enemy. However, now, Sando inexplicably died from a small stone!


Connecting all these details together, these special police officers weren't fools. In just a few seconds, they realized that this was indeed a trap set by the enemy!


After entering the room and finding nothing here, no hidden traps or enemy traces, they naturally relaxed their vigilance.


But little did they know, the real ambush in this room was the enemy hiding somewhere at this moment!




Captain You Jia, who had already realized this, immediately shouted to all the team members, "Quick, retreat! Get out of the room!"


At this point, he didn't have time to think about how the enemy Lu Ting managed to turn an ordinary small stone into a terrifying bullet-like weapon. Captain You Jia only knew that if they continued to stay in this room, their fate might end up like Sando's!


Upon hearing the captain's words, the other special police officers all rushed to run outside without daring to stop for a moment, but it was too late!








At this moment, countless sounds of breaking wind, similar to before, echoed continuously in this room!


The moment they heard these sounds, the special officers in the room felt their scalps chilling, and then their actions to run out of the room accelerated even more!


But no matter how fast they were, they couldn't match the small stones shot out by Lu Ting's explosive force!


In the dimly lit room, these small stones thrown by Lu Ting with tremendous force seemed to have eyes, accurately hitting every target he intended to strike!


The major arteries in the necks of the special police officers, as well as their most vulnerable eyes, were hit by several small stones propelled by tremendous force!


Although these special police officers were fully armed, to efficiently and quickly kill them, these two spots were the best attack points!


And this time, when Lu Ting aimed these small stone blocks at the enemies and shot them out, he used much more force than the first time!


Suddenly, the room was filled with the agonizing screams of the special police officers!


"Ahh! My eyes!"


"What the hell!!"


"It hurts! I can't see!"


Indeed, those special police officers closer to the door were all pierced through the neck by Lu Ting with small stone fragments, and without exception, they all died on the spot!


As for the other few special police officers who fell into panic because their companions were killed again by mysterious small stone fragments, Lu Ting instantly burst their eyes with smaller stone fragments, and along with the bright red blood, some yellow-white turbid liquid flowed out together!


They writhed in pain on the ground, their bodies twisted in extreme agony like insects!


The entire scene was bloody and extremely eerie!


Originally stationed at the door, only two special police officers remained outside who hadn't been injured, but at this moment, they were completely stunned in place.


In their many years as special police, had they ever seen such a scene?!


From start to finish, the enemy never even showed themselves. They only used some invisible, traceless stone fragments to kill and maim this group of fully armed special police officers?!




Watching their companions in the room suffering unbearably, the two special police officers standing at the door were at a loss, holding their guns.


At this moment, one of the special police officers bumped into his companion's hand and stuttered, "Hey, did you see where those stones came from?!"


Upon hearing this, the companion immediately shook his head and said, "No."


"What do we do now?!"


"Call for backup to rescue them!!!"


With that said, one of the special police officers pressed the communicator on his chest and called out, "Team Bravo encountered enemy ambush, requesting backup! We are on the third floor of the right wing, in the third room of the corridor type corridor, we have injured team members! Hurry!"


"Copy that!"


As soon as the words fell, they heard the response from their other teammates through the communicator.


After quickly completing these actions, the two remaining special police officers looked again at the extremely gruesome scene in the room, where their surviving comrades were all blinded and suffering on the ground.


They actually wanted to enter and rescue their surviving comrades, but they were afraid that once they entered the room, they would also be attacked by the enemy!


"Look quickly at the ceiling!"


At this moment, one of the special police officers suddenly looked towards the broken ceiling in the room. From the moment they entered this room, they had already noticed that the ceiling here was damaged.


However, because their attention was focused on searching for traces of the enemy, they didn't pay much attention to this area.


But now, upon closer inspection, the two of them noticed that from that angle on the ceiling, it seemed to be perfectly positioned to attack all their comrades below!


Could it be... the enemy is really hiding above the ceiling?!


Realizing this, the faces of these two special police officers instantly showed expressions of unimaginable horror.


But now, even though they knew where the enemy was, they couldn't do anything about it!


Because the situation inside this room was clearly no longer suitable for combat, unless they moved out the surviving comrades inside and the bodies of the deceased.


"Captain, don't move around anymore! Conserve your energy!"


"We're right at the door, Kyle and I will throw smoke grenades for you, and we'll come in to rescue you right away!"


Clearly, these two remaining special police officers couldn't bear watching their comrades struggling in agony and dying, so they quickly came up with a plan for rescue.


However, in the hidden space above the ceiling of this room, Lu Ting would never allow them to succeed!


Just as the two special police officers finished speaking, Lu Ting directly began to clean up the enemies below who were only blinded by small stone fragments!


(End of the Chapter)