Armed Helicopters Joining the Battle!


Da da da da da da—


Hoo hoo hoo—


Just as Lu Ting pushed open the door leading to the rooftop stairs, two black small-sized armed helicopters hovered overhead the rooftop of this residential building.


Upon seeing this, Lu Ting instinctively crouched down, concealing himself behind the various clothes and bed sheets hung by the residents.


When he was dealing with the special police officers in the room earlier, Lu Ting had heard what seemed like the sound of propellers outside, but it wasn't clear.


Never did he expect that those damn bastards actually dispatched armed helicopters!


And two of them!


Although from his visual perspective, these two armed helicopters were relatively small in size and their weapon firepower wasn't that great, for Lu Ting fighting alone, the power of these things couldn't be underestimated!


Furthermore, at this moment, Lu Ting had no weapons or equipment capable of supporting him in anti-aircraft combat!


Therefore, if these two armed helicopters were to spot him, let alone a more complicated attack, even the simplest strafing run might turn him into pieces!


After all, the machine guns mounted on the armed helicopters were not the kind one typically had during single-man operations!


The machine guns mounted on the armed helicopters not only had larger calibers, but also fired much faster.


Once they launched an attack on someone on the ground from the air, even if the person had cover, they might directly pierce through both the person and the cover, let alone Lu Ting, who was currently completely exposed.


Thinking of this, the expression on Lu Ting's face immediately became more serious, and at the same time, he cautiously concealed his figure even more, so as not to be discovered by the armed helicopters circling in the sky.


Carefully and cautiously moving to the edge of the rooftop terrace, he immediately surveyed the surroundings to find the best escape route.


By now, the area below this residential building must have been completely swarmed with special police officers. Lu Ting had to leave this residential building before they noticed him.


Soon, Lu Ting's gaze locked onto another shorter building behind this residential building.


The distance between these two buildings was not far, only about two to three meters, and the height difference between the rooftops of the two buildings was only about one meter.


Such a distance and height difference were not a problem for Lu Ting.


Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer beneath the building and the noisy voices of the special police officers searching, he didn't waste any more time. After retreating several meters back, he suddenly sprinted forward with all his might.


When he reached the edge of the rooftop, Lu Ting directly lifted his foot onto the low edge fence, then his whole body leapt towards the rooftop of the opposite building.


The moment he landed on the rooftop terrace ground of the opposite building, Lu Ting rolled forward to absorb most of the impact.


At the same time, the door to the rooftop of the original residential building was suddenly slammed open by the belated special police officers, and one after another, similarly fully armed special police officers streamed out from the building entrance.


"Someone's over there!"


At this moment, several sharp-eyed special police officers immediately spotted Lu Ting, who had already jumped onto the rooftop of the building behind them. They loudly notified their companions and without hesitation, raised their guns and opened fire towards Lu Ting, who was rushing towards the stairwell.


Bam bam bam bam bam!


Da da da da da da!


Countless bullets shot towards Lu Ting in that moment!


Meanwhile, Lu Ting on the rooftop of the other building, upon hearing the commotion from behind, had already crouched down, using the clothes and bedsheets hung by residents on the rooftop as cover, swiftly advancing towards the stairwell.


Swish swish swish swish swish—


Bam bam bam!


During this time, many bullets whizzed past him, hitting the walls around him, but fortunately, only a few grazed his arms and thighs, causing minor scratches.


However, these minor injuries were far from enough to stop Lu Ting in his tracks.


In just a few seconds, he darted into the stairwell and disappeared from sight.


Seeing this, on the rooftop of the higher residential building, one of the special police captains raised his hand to signal his team to stop and said, "Hold on, he's gone inside the building. Don't waste your bullets."


"Captain, what do we do now?!"


Facing his team's urgent question, the special police Captain couldn't help but slap the officer's head disdainfully and sternly rebuked, "What do we do? What do you think we should do?!"


"Of course, we chase after him! Move!"


With that, these special police officers standing on the rooftop terrace immediately turned and sprinted towards the stairwell, some choosing to jump directly to the rooftop of the opposite building, just like Lu Ting did.


"Be careful, that guy is not someone to mess with!"


At this moment, the special police captain reminded loudly.


Just earlier, in the second and third floors of this residential building, they witnessed the grim fate of Teams A and B of the Special Police. If Team Alpha was entirely eliminated by the enemy using a small knife and a handgun, which was an unbelievable scenario, then Team Bravo, nearly all of whom were killed by the enemy with simple small stones, was even more surreal. Although they didn't know how the enemy achieved this, the subsequent supporting Special Police officers unanimously reached a conclusion.


That conclusion was that this enemy, Lu Ting, was extremely dangerous and difficult to deal with!


After instructing his team, the Special Police captain pressed the button on his radio and reported to the colonel, "Teams A and B have been completely wiped out. The target enemy has escaped into the adjacent building."


The Special Police captain dared not disclose the true extent of the battle to the colonel, as this engagement could only be described as a unilateral massacre by the enemy!


On the other side,


Inside the black military transport vehicle parked on the ground below the residential building, the colonel sitting inside listened to the reports coming over the radio. Even though it wasn't a complete picture of the battle, the news that both Alpha and Bravo teams, a total of 16 special police officers, had all been killed, caused his face to darken instantly.


In fact, in the colonel's mind, a wildly absurd thought even popped up.


Was he really going to fall at the hands of this obscure little mercenary this time?!


(End of the Chapter)