The Relentless Pursuit of Special Police



He absolutely wouldn't allow such a situation to happen!


If he didn't capture that kid, Lu Ting, today, then it would be his own misfortune, and his family's too!


The colonel hadn't forgotten that Arthur was still sitting in his own home at this very moment!


In an instant, the colonel's eyes became even more venomous, like a poisonous snake. He pressed the button on his radio and commanded all the special police officers on the scene, "Everyone move out! Spare no effort to capture him, even if it costs everything!"


"If we don't capture him, then there's no need for you to return to headquarters!"


With only a few hours left before the deadline set by Arthur for capturing someone, the colonel had to put pressure on his subordinates!


And as for all the special police officers deployed in and around this residential building and the surrounding area, upon hearing the colonel's command on the radio, they all swiftly began to move under the leadership of their respective captains, surrounding the target's current location.


On the other side, at the same time the colonel issued the life-or-death order to all the special police officers.


Lu Ting, who had already left the original residential building and arrived at another building, did not choose to leave directly from the rooftop terrace.


At this moment, it was a given that the surrounding area was cordoned off by those special police officers, and all the buildings in the vicinity were under their surveillance!

If he chose to go downstairs directly, he would undoubtedly be completely surrounded and captured by the swarm of them!


So, within just a few minutes, Lu Ting, who hadn't been caught up by those special police officers, had been continuously traversing various rooms in the building, kicking open closed doors along the way.


It was fortunate that the local building structure was unique, with winding and twisting passages throughout, allowing Lu Ting to move within them without leaving a trace in a short amount of time.


But this couldn't last long. The enemy special police outnumbered him by far, and it was only a matter of time before they found Lu Ting.


He still had to find a way to escape and break free from the encirclement of these special police officers.


"Over here! Hurry!"


"Find him!"


"Shoot on sight when you see him! Disable him!"


"Alpha Team, go over there and search!"




Due to the short distance between the two residential buildings, special police officers soon entered this building and began a widespread search for Lu Ting's whereabouts.


Upstairs, Lu Ting listened to the continuous voices of the special police coming from various directions, his handsome brows furrowing tightly. He glanced out the window of the room to the balcony below.


And it was this glance that once again gave him a plan.


He saw that the balcony of this room faced outward, with a long market street formed below by temporarily occupying both sides of the street.


But because of the intense explosion in this area and the continuous gunfire, the long market street was now deserted, with everyone having fled.


And as people fled in panic, leaving behind everything they couldn't carry in such a short time, among them were also some large trucks specifically used for transporting goods.


Not long ago, in order to deliver a heavy blow to the enemy, Lu Ting had already sacrificed his off-road pickup truck. Now, if he wanted to escape, he had to use a vehicle, and these large trucks parked by the roadside were just what he needed.


Without wasting any time, Lu Ting hurried along this side balcony. When he reached the rear of the building, he leaped directly from the outer side of the balcony on the third floor to the extended canopy of the balcony on the second floor.


The noise made by Lu Ting jumping down from the third-floor balcony was not small. The special police officers who had already caught up immediately caught onto this sound and rushed over at the fastest speed.


"Where is he?!"


"He's jumped down to the first floor, in the market!"


"No worries! We have our people in the market too. He won't escape!!!"


As these special police officers rushed over, Lu Ting had just jumped down from the canopy extending from the second-floor balcony and returned to the ground-level market.


These special police officers only glanced down below and immediately turned back to prepare to rush down the stairs. Together with their comrades guarding the two ends of this long market street, they coordinated to capture him like fish in a barrel!


Previously, when this long market street was filled with crowds and traffic, after the enemy entered, perhaps they could still use these people and objects to conceal their own figures and slip away amidst the crowd.


But now, in the entire long market street, apart from their special police officers, there wasn't a single ordinary civilian. Where else could he hide?!


Two special police teams couldn't handle you. Could it be that four teams, five teams, or even more, still couldn't take you down?!


For a moment, these special police officers were once again filled with confidence in their upcoming capture of Lu Ting!


And how could Lu Ting not be aware that special police were everywhere nearby?!


So, as soon as Lu Ting landed from the canopy extending from the second-floor balcony onto the ground market, the first thing he did was to hide his figure as much as possible, not exposing himself in the observable range.


At the same time, Lu Ting quickly searched along the roadside for a large truck he could drive.


His luck today seemed good, as if the heavens were helping. Lu Ting soon spotted a green large truck used for transporting bedding at the corner, with the key still in the ignition under the steering wheel!


"Found you!"


Lu Ting's eyes lit up, immediately opened the passenger door, and flipped from the passenger seat to the driver's seat. For a situation like this where the owner forgot to remove the car key in the chaos, it saved him the trouble of starting the engine by removing the key, and of course, it also saved him a lot of time.


For Lu Ting now, every minute and second was precious!


After all, wasting even a minute could potentially lead to significant changes in the surrounding situation, and this change was likely to be highly unfavorable to him!




Lu Ting immediately started the large truck beneath him.


And at this moment, quite a few special police officers at the end of the long market street facing him had already noticed this green large truck suddenly starting up!


(End of the Chapter)