The Ultimate Escape

As soon as they recognized Lu Ting sitting in the driver's seat, without hesitation, they raised their AK assault rifles and sprinted towards Lu Ting.


Seeing this, Lu Ting hesitated for half a second, recalled the area map in his mind, and then slammed on the accelerator. He drove the large truck straight ahead with full force.


Although the large truck's cargo bed was fully loaded, it had powerful acceleration, kicking up dust and gravel as it raced forward.


The special police officers who were originally running towards Lu Ting were suddenly frightened when they saw him driving the large truck straight towards them. They immediately aimed their AK assault rifles and opened fire, trying to stop Lu Ting.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


Instantly, intense gunfire echoed through the area.


At the same time, countless bullets rained down on the large truck driven by Lu Ting.


However, this barrage did not stop Lu Ting. He tightly gripped the steering wheel and twisted and turned on the street, trying to evade the attacks of the special police officers.


While this tactic had some effect, many bullets still struck the vehicle, forcing Lu Ting to duck down in the driver's seat to avoid getting hit.


Soon, the distance between Lu Ting, driving the large truck, and the special police officers was closing rapidly, getting closer and closer!


Seeing a large truck approaching him without any intention of slowing down, even the special police officers holding guns in their hands were intimidated!


They were flesh and blood, but this large truck was solid steel. No one would be foolish enough to confront it head-on.


The next moment,


The special police officers who had been blocking the road were in disarray, scrambling to flee to both sides. However, a few officers were unable to dodge in time and were directly knocked aside.


After breaking through the initial interception of these special police officers, Lu Ting did not let up on the accelerator. He continued to press it down, driving at full speed towards the exit of the long market.




High above him, the armed helicopters that had been circling in the airspace, searching for Lu Ting's whereabouts, also chased after him at this moment.


However, because there were many awnings set up by vendors above the long market street, the view from above was not clear. Therefore, these two armed helicopters temporarily followed Lu Ting from above, without immediately launching an attack.


But for Lu Ting, these two armed helicopters were undoubtedly the biggest threat!


Moreover, looking in the rearview mirror, he could see police cars already catching up behind his truck!


Trying to shake them off in this narrow alley of the long market street was obviously impossible. Lu Ting could only choose to turn onto the main road of the street.


The main road was bustling with traffic, making it impossible for them to closely follow him!


With this in mind, after recalling the map route for two seconds, when the large truck reached the end of the long market street, Lu Ting suddenly jerked the steering wheel to the left.


After turning left into this alley, the busy main road was right in front of him.


Upon seeing this, Lu Ting quickly continued to press the accelerator, seizing the opportunity to accelerate and merge into the flow of traffic. Meanwhile, the police cars pursuing him from behind were blocked by the traffic, intercepted at the intersection, with several even colliding with civilian vehicles on the road.


The only ones keeping pace with Lu Ting on this main road were the two armed helicopters hovering overhead.


At this moment, the driver and police officers aboard one of the armed helicopters pressed the radio on their chest to seek advice from the Colonel: "Colonel, he's now within our attack range. Should we engage?"


Although the Colonel had previously declared over the radio that they must capture the enemy at all costs, now with Lu Ting driving the large truck on the main road heavily congested with traffic, initiating an attack from the armed helicopters would inevitably endanger innocent civilians! Therefore, in this critical situation, they needed to consult the Colonel again for confirmation.




Inside the car, the Colonel was rushing towards Lu Ting's escape route and, upon hearing the request from his subordinates over the radio, fell into a brief silence.


Clearly, he was considering his options!


Despite having received the maximum authority from Arthur, this situation was truly critical!


Not long ago, a major explosion in that market had affected hundreds of nearby residents, prompting him to receive a call from higher-ups afterward!


If he still proceeded recklessly and allowed the two armed helicopters to attack Lu Ting on a city's main road, it would undoubtedly result in casualties among the surrounding civilians.


After contemplating for several seconds, the Colonel rubbed his forehead where his temples throbbed and then said, "Hold off on the attack for now. Just keep following."


"After we pass the overpass ahead, I'll set up a blockade on the road ahead to stop other vehicles. Then, we can move in on him!"


After careful consideration, the Colonel chose to abandon the decision to attack Lu Ting directly on the main road. Although it was a perfect opportunity to severely disable him, the responsibility for civilian casualties after the operation would be difficult for him to bear.


Moreover, there were likely better solutions available now. Blocking the road first before taking action would minimize the risk of civilian casualties.




Soon, a response came through the radio in the Colonel's hand.


Having received the Colonel's command, the special police officer on the armed helicopter immediately pulled the radio on board and succinctly informed their companion on the other helicopter, "Stand by. Just keep following."


Immediately, the gaze of the special police officers on both armed helicopters focused squarely on the green large truck still speeding along the main road below.


(End of the Chapter)