Creating Chaos with a Big Explosion!

At the same time,


Sitting in the driver's seat of the green large truck, Lu Ting continued to drive forward while his eyes constantly glanced at the rearview mirror, checking for any police cars tailing him.


As for the armed helicopters hovering persistently above him, Lu Ting didn't want to consider them for now. After all, if they dared to attack him on this major road, they would have already done so long ago. Why wait?


Not seeing any police cars following him in the rearview mirror, Lu Ting focused his attention on the road ahead, searching for an opportunity to "disappear" and completely shake off these special police officers.


Soon, a viaduct caught Lu Ting's eye.


From his rough observation, beneath this viaduct, there was a dense crowd of people, indicating heavy foot traffic. On the right side of this viaduct, nearby, lay rows of very low, dilapidated residential areas, seemingly even poorer than the slums he visited yesterday.


Such places, with their chaotic mix of people, were the best for Lu Ting to evade the pursuit of the special police at this moment.


With a hiding spot found, the biggest problem now was how to "disappear" in the eyes of these special police.


For a moment, Lu Ting's mind raced.


But before he could come up with a suitable plan, his eyes inadvertently caught sight of a row of police cars flashing red and blue lights at the end of the road behind the viaduct!


Obviously, they were coming for him!


Seeing the road ahead blocked by a row of police cars, Lu Ting instinctively eased off the accelerator, his expression becoming more serious.


The various sizes of police cars in the row did not rush towards Lu Ting on the main road's end. Instead, they chose to stop on the road behind the viaduct, and immediately after that, many roadblocks were taken out from the pickup trucks with rear boxes.


After they blocked off that stretch of the main road, the number of private cars driving on the road visibly decreased!


After noticing this, Lu Ting almost immediately reacted to the special police's intentions and plans!


The reason he drove the large truck onto this main road was that he took advantage of the huge traffic flow on the main road to provide cover for himself. If these special police wanted to attack him, they would also have to consider whether it would affect the surrounding civilians.


But now, these special police had directly blocked the main road. Wasn't their intention obvious? Clearing the scene was the first step to taking action against him!


Thinking of this, the worry on Lu Ting's face intensified instantly. Now it seemed that he could only create a chaotic explosion to "disappear" from the eyes of these special police!


Beep, beep, beep ——


When Lu Ting slowed down, many police cars came up from behind, leaving him little time to make a decision!


At this critical moment, Lu Ting suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, recalling scenes often used in movies: creating an illusion of chaos with a major explosion, where both people and vehicles would be destroyed!


Almost as soon as he thought of this idea, Lu Ting immediately decided to do it because, for him right now, this was indeed a good idea.


Moreover, he still had several grenades on him. Combined with this large truck, he could create a sufficiently large and chaotic explosion!


Without further hesitation, Lu Ting first used his knees to stabilize the steering wheel, keeping the large truck moving forward. Then, with his now free hands, he quickly took out the grenades from his body.


At this moment,


The distance between him and the viaduct was only a short few dozen meters. Given the current speed of the large truck, there was no need to create a time-delayed bomb.


As soon as he entered the underground area of the viaduct, Lu Ting swiftly pulled out the safety pins from three grenades, tossing them into the cabin, ensuring that the grenades inside would explode after the truck had driven out of the viaduct's range.


Immediately, after glancing at the distance to the viaduct ahead, Lu Ting decisively pulled out the safety pins of three grenades in one breath!


Though these three grenades were the most common explosives confiscated from those special police officers, their quantity alone was enough to ignite and explode the entire large truck after detonation! When those three grenades, combined with the large truck, exploded, their blast radius could cover up to twenty meters!


Puff, puff, puff!


In the moment he pulled out the grenade safety pins, the gunpowder ignited and smoke billowed out immediately! As the large truck drove into the dimly lit area beneath the viaduct, Lu Ting tossed the three grenades under the driver's seat with a quick flick of his hand. At the same time, he gripped the steering wheel with his left hand and began shifting towards the passenger side.


Next, he pushed open the passenger door and, as the large truck drove into the middle of the dimly lit area beneath the viaduct, he abruptly rolled out downwards, away from the truck!


Boom, boom, boom, boom —


Even without Lu Ting pressing down on the accelerator, the large truck continued forward due to inertia, but with no one controlling the steering wheel, its trajectory started to distort.


Halfway through its journey, the green large truck collided with a roadside curb and veered straight towards a construction site!


Seeing the large truck suddenly charging towards them, the workers on the site were instantly terrified, scrambling to flee in panic.


The unmanned green large truck crashed into the construction site, slamming into a pile of rubble three to four meters high before finally coming to a halt.




Not far away, witnessing all this unfold, the colonel furrowed his brow immediately. Although the large truck's path of travel seemed peculiar, because the vehicle had just collided with the roadside curb, the colonel didn't think much of it, chalking it up to a driving error by Lu Ting.


Soon after, he waved his hand, signaling the nearby special police officers to drive over and assess the situation.




At this moment,


What these special police officers did not know was that the three grenades whose safety pins had been removed by Lu Ting had reached the moment of detonation!




(End of the Chapter)