Boarding the Ship!

"Stand up, all of you! What are you drinking for?!"


"If I tell you to take off your hat, just do it. Why so much nonsense?!"


"Everyone, take a close look. Has the person in the photo been here? Have any of you seen him?!"




As soon as these special police officers entered the small, unnamed tavern, they immediately began a meticulous search of everyone present, scrutinizing each person's appearance. At the same time, they brought out Lu Ting's photo and questioned each individual.


Seeing the demeanor of these special police, Lu Ting, who was sitting or lying in the corner of the tavern, maintained the same drunken expression on his face, seemingly oblivious to the intruding officers. He simply kept his head down, drinking from the bottle in his hand.


For a qualified mercenary, mastering the art of disguise and altering one's appearance was almost a prerequisite skill because there were many situations where this skill was needed.


Although Lu Ting was somewhat confident in his ability, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness when the special police walked past him, occasionally glancing in his direction.


However, after a fruitless search, Lu Ting, sitting in the corner of the tavern, dressed in ragged clothes and emanating a sour and alcoholic odor, didn't arouse any suspicion or attention from any of the special police.


They had only considered that Lu Ting might be hiding in the Wan Zha civilian area, never imagining that he would disguise himself as a homeless drunkard, blending into the least noticeable group.


After the search yielded no results, the head of the special police slapped Lu Ting's photo onto the bar counter and warned, "If anyone sees this person, report to us immediately!"


Then, he turned to the other patrons in the tavern and shouted, "You all understand, right?!"


However, as soon as he finished speaking, the entire unnamed tavern fell silent, with no one volunteering to respond to him.


Soon, realizing they weren't welcome, the special police turned and left, continuing their search for Lu Ting elsewhere.


Once the special police had departed, the tavern quickly returned to its previous lively atmosphere, with everyone resuming their conversations and drinks as if nothing had happened.


Clearly, the people in this civilian area didn't take the special police's words seriously, and they didn't want to invite any trouble upon themselves.


As for Lu Ting, sitting in the corner of the tavern, he felt the tension in his heart ease as he watched the special police leave.


However, he didn't completely relax his guard. The reason he chose to hide in the tavern was twofold: first, because the constant flow of people made it easy for him to blend in as a homeless drunkard, and second, because he hoped to overhear some information about the outside world.


Although everyone in the tavern conversed with their companions at a normal volume, with Lu Ting's keen hearing, it wasn't difficult for him to eavesdrop on their conversations.


Therefore, since entering this unnamed tavern, Lu Ting appeared to be constantly drinking on the surface, but in reality, he had already listened carefully to the conversations of others for quite some time.


Soon enough, Lu Ting heard the information he wanted from a group of men at the second table to his left.


Quietly listening to their conversation, Lu Ting grasped a few key points.


Firstly, as he had anticipated, the entire city of Dakar was currently under lockdown, with all transportation channels closed.


Secondly, this situation wouldn't last long. Everything was expected to return to normal after five o'clock tomorrow morning.


Upon learning this information, Lu Ting looked down at the bottle in front of him with a slightly moved expression. This meant that as long as he could evade tonight, there would be ample opportunities to leave Dakar tomorrow!


Immediately, with a plan in mind, Lu Ting finished the remaining contents of the bottle in front of him and then lay down on the ground to feign sleep.


Upon entering, he had already learned that this tavern wouldn't close until dawn, so he decided to stay inside for the night, waiting to act until morning!


As time passed second by second, the entire night flew by in an instant!


The next morning.


Most residents of Dakar were still asleep, deep in their dreams. However, the special police under Colonel's command had not rested all night!


During the long night, they had thoroughly searched the Wan Zha civilian area and nearly every household in the nearby residential districts, but there was no trace of Lu Ting!


Not only them, even the numerous thugs sent by Arthur couldn't find Lu Ting either.


This outcome left Arthur and the Colonel extremely displeased!


While their hearts burned with anger, they also felt somewhat helpless.


Because now, there was less than half an hour left until Dakar's transportation would fully resume!


Given the current situation, it seemed hopeless to find Lu Ting in this final time frame!


To be honest, Arthur couldn't believe that after so many people under his command searched all night, they still couldn't find Lu Ting?!


But now the reality was right in front of him, and Arthur had to admit that he was powerless against Lu Ting at the moment!


Moreover, rather than wasting time here, he might as well go back and think about how to deal with the situation if the storage card had indeed fallen into the hands of the Dragon International Police!


Thinking of this, Arthur turned to his subordinate beside him and ordered, "Tell the others to continue searching. Send people to guard the docks, train stations, and airports all day today!"




Naturally, his subordinates dared not delay in responding to Arthur's command and immediately went to carry it out.


Shortly after, Arthur turned back, his face icy cold, and in a tone devoid of emotion, he said to the Colonel standing beside him, "It's time for someone else to take your position."


With that said, without another glance at the Colonel, he turned and walked a few steps before getting into his car.


Soon, Arthur's luxurious car drove away from the scene, leaving behind the Colonel with an extremely unpleasant expression.


(End of the Chapter)