Back to Base, Logging into the Mercenary Dark Web!

Watching the sedan disappear around the corner, the Colonel's expression was complex and unwilling to relinquish his powerful position.


After hesitating for half a second, he walked towards his car while instructing his subordinate beside him, "Call back all deployed personnel. Have them guard the transportation hubs. The moment that damned kid shows up, press the button immediately!"


At the same time,


On the outskirts of Dakar,


East of Sultan Naka Karl Bridge, the open space was already crowded.


People who were eager to get their goods on board and then trade them out of Dakar after the inexplicable traffic lockdown yesterday had already lost a lot of money.


Therefore, as traffic was about to resume today, they were here early in the morning.


At the outermost periphery of the crowd, a covered tricycle motorcycle slowly arrived and stopped by the side of the road. Soon after, Lu Ting, still dressed as a ragged drunkard, got off the vehicle.


After paying the driver, he glanced roughly at the crowded bridge-side pier, then began to walk into the bustling crowd.


Having safely evaded any incidents last night, Lu Ting had planned his departure method early in the morning, taking a tricycle motorcycle to this small dock on the outskirts of Dakar.


Although the traffic in various parts of Dakar would return to normal this morning, Lu Ting still would not choose to take a train, plane, or even a ship.


Although he hadn't been found by Arthur's men or the police last night, that didn't mean they wouldn't send people to guard those transportation hubs today and wait for him to come knocking.


Therefore, for Lu Ting, this was currently the most suitable way for him to leave.


Private small docks like this one, operating in the gray area, treated people as 'goods'. As long as you paid enough money, they would transport anything!


And Lu Ting unconsciously mingled in among them. The probability of being discovered or found compared to other means of transportation was much lower!


Walking among the crowd, perhaps because of the strong smell of alcohol mixed with the sour odor emanating from him, people covered their noses and automatically made way wherever he went. Thus, Lu Ting quickly and smoothly reached the center of the crowd.


Next, as expected, he also saw among the crowd waiting for the docked ships, many were interspersed with people whose eyes were constantly scanning the surroundings.


At the first glance, Lu Ting instantly recognized these people who had chased him down yesterday, the thugs under Arthur's command.


Seeing this, Lu Ting's face remained calm and composed, unchanged by surprise, as he quietly blended into the crowd.


Within a few tens of minutes, all the cargo ships at this small dock had docked. Soon, the dock manager emerged and removed the barriers blocking the entrance, allowing the long-awaiting crowd to enter.


Lu Ting followed the crowd, moving forward with them.


As it turned out, his choice to disguise himself as a ragged drunkard was a very correct decision. Even among Arthur's thugs mingling in the crowd, none of them recognized Lu Ting!


After all the people and cargo on this small dock had been loaded onto several cargo ships, Lu Ting calmly boarded one of them to leave Dakar!




With several long and spirited blasts of the ship's horn, the cargo ship Lu Ting boarded slowly departed from the dock, gradually gaining speed towards the Grand Harbor.


The Grand Harbor was located on the northeast coast of Mont Jalada Bay, about 260 kilometers from Dakar. Lu Ting would spend five to six hours on this cargo ship before transferring to another ship to reach the main base of his Immortal Arms Group on the Ivya Border.


Although it would take quite some time, the good news was that he was finally leaving Dakar. Arthur and the local special police had no way to deal with him.


Thinking of this, Lu Ting finally relaxed his furrowed brows that had been tense for days. He leaned back against the cargo, closed his eyes, and rested.


After a day and night of fighting without rest, despite his body being strengthened by the super serum and not feeling physically tired, there was still a mental burden. Now on this cargo ship, besides resting, it seemed there was nothing else for him to do.


However, even with his eyes closed, Lu Ting's ears remained alert, carefully listening to the sounds around him. If there was any disturbance, he would react immediately!


Two days later,


After traveling for several hours to fulfill his mercenary mission in Dakar, Lu Ting finally safely returned to the main base of his Immortal Arms Group on the Ivya Border.


Looking at the mansion base in front of him, Lu Ting's mind was suddenly filled with mixed emotions. In these few short days, he had experienced too many things he had never experienced before.


On the way back, Lu Ting's spirit had never fully relaxed until now, standing in front of his mansion base.


"Back home."


After murmuring these words in an unusually relaxed tone, Lu Ting skillfully used his fingerprint to unlock the security lock on the fence and stepped into the interior of the mansion base.


This mansion base was the only thing left to him after his old man passed away, while other bases storing various weapons and vehicles had been gradually sold off for money when the group was struggling to stay in business a year ago.


Lu Ting had never chosen to sell this mansion base where he had lived for one or two years.


Upon returning to his room, the first thing Lu Ting did was to remove his disguise as a ragged drunkard, then he went into the bathroom and took a long, hot bath.


God knows how much his nose had suffered in these past few days.


Sometimes, having too keen senses wasn't a good thing!


After comfortably soaking in the bath and relieving the fatigue from the journey, Lu Ting went downstairs, quickly prepared himself a simple meal, and then opened his computer while eating to log into the mercenary dark web.


Previously, to avoid satellite GPS tracking, Lu Ting had discarded his cellphone three days ago and hadn't replaced it until now. Therefore, he hadn't logged into his account on the mercenary dark web.


The reason he was logging in now was because, as he expected, during the two days he escaped from Dakar, the International Criminal Police Organization of China had probably been trying to contact him!


(End of the Chapter)